2020 Presidential Race

I wonder if that playbook had a section labeled "how to deal with a media that blew this way out of proportion"?

Or "How to deal with deaths being attributed to Coronavirus that really were caused by an underlying medical condition"?

Or "How to deal with opposing party Governors playing politics by now claiming they won't give a vaccine they screamed about for months because of who's President"?

And finally "How to make sure the media doesn't ask why the hypocrisy of community and state leaders allowing mass formations of riots and protests to go on, but ban Thanksgiving gatherings."

Obviously didn't have section labeled "What to do when the leader is a complete dumbass who wishes things away, ignores evidence, and constantly lies about what he knew, what he did, and keeps help away out of pure spite".

Or a section about "What to do when said dumbass is a gigantic baby sore loser who will just hide in his room tweeting after he got his ass kicked all while he sends his senile lawyers out to claim he actually won, while the courts also kick his ass."

And finally the section about the large section of the population that is so damn stupid that they actually believe the sh** said dumbass keeps spewing.

Hopefully they find the bonus section " What to do when said section of the population acts like they did none of this in 3 months".
Given how cyclical politics are and how each side just copies each other in the grand scheme of things, I wonder what happens if the Republicans take the House in the midterms? Will we see an impeachment of Biden?

I wouldn’t , I would leave him as a figure head and let him try to hold off the more progressive agenda in his party . He we probably do less harm than Harris .
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So according to that article, a few weeks before his inauguration, not right after the election, Trump was briefed on the dossier. Was he briefed on the investigation, the FISA warrants, and every thing else? Doubtful, IMO. I'm perfectly fine with Biden being President as much as I am politician holding any office. I'm not a fan of politicians in general. But the Russian collusion thing was always sour grapes, just as much as all this hoopla over fraud is sour grapes. Both sides will deny, because that's what politicians do, but it is what it is.

Except the GOP Senate confirmed Russian interference that specifically favored Trump.
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I wouldn’t , I would leave him as a figure head and let him try to hold off the more progressive agenda in his party . He we probably do less harm than Harris .
I'm not saying it should happen. The question is, will Pubs feel vindictive, just as the Dems felt vindictive? Hell, if Pubs controlled both chambers, they could impeach in the House and acquit in the Senate just to pull the same "impeached forever" BS that the Dems pulled. I don't put anything past either side in their attempts to one-up each other.
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I'm not saying it should happen. The question is, will Pubs feel vindictive, just as the Dems felt vindictive? Hell, if Pubs controlled both chambers, they could impeach in the House and acquit in the Senate just to pull the same "impeached forever" BS that the Dems pulled. I don't put anything past either side in their attempts to one-up each other.

I hope not , it was be nice just to see them tell the left that we could because we hold the majority , but we aren’t .
Has anyone considered that snorting things is just in Biden genetics? Joe snorts little girls, Hunter snorted cocaine...Maybe it's an addiction?
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Obviously didn't have section labeled "What to do when the leader is a complete dumbass who wishes things away, ignores evidence, and constantly lies about what he knew, what he did, and keeps help away out of pure spite".

Or a section about "What to do when said dumbass is a gigantic baby sore loser who will just hide in his room tweeting after he got his ass kicked all while he sends his senile lawyers out to claim he actually won, while the courts also kick his ass."

And finally the section about the large section of the population that is so damn stupid that they actually believe the sh** said dumbass keeps spewing.

Hopefully they find the bonus section " What to do when said section of the population acts like they did none of this in 3 months".

Uh huh...

Thanks for the input.
Obviously didn't have section labeled "What to do when the leader is a complete dumbass who wishes things away, ignores evidence, and constantly lies about what he knew, what he did, and keeps help away out of pure spite".

Or a section about "What to do when said dumbass is a gigantic baby sore loser who will just hide in his room tweeting after he got his ass kicked all while he sends his senile lawyers out to claim he actually won, while the courts also kick his ass."

And finally the section about the large section of the population that is so damn stupid that they actually believe the sh** said dumbass keeps spewing.

Hopefully they find the bonus section " What to do when said section of the population acts like they did none of this in 3 months".
How about sections on what to do when the opposing party labels you racist for restricting air travel, or what to do when the Speaker of the House actively encourages people to "come on out to Chinatown"?

Everyone made mistakes. Selective memory does you no favors.
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So you think Russian interference decided that election?

I don't.

No I think the Comey letter less than two weeks before the election was the tipping point. Combined with HRC just being a controversial candidate already there were plenty of people that didn’t like either that decided to give the so-called business man a chance.

That doesn’t mean I think Russians or any foreign power should be allowed to meddle in our elections. Much less to do it with the intent of helping one candidate.

Instead of consistently calling it a hoax and denying there was any interference at all, Trump could have done himself a lot of favors by acknowledging what the Intelligence community was telling him and the GOP Senate confirmed and then denounce it, as he likes to say, “very strongly”.
No I think the Comey letter less than two weeks before the election was the tipping point. Combined with HRC just being a controversial candidate already there were plenty of people that didn’t like either that decided to give the so-called business man a chance.

That doesn’t mean I think Russians or any foreign power should be allowed to meddle in our elections. Much less to do it with the intent of helping one candidate.

Instead of consistently calling it a hoax and denying there was any interference at all, Trump could have done himself a lot of favors by acknowledging what the Intelligence community was telling him and the GOP Senate confirmed and then denounce it, as he likes to say, “very strongly”.
It was a hoax in that it didn't influence the election as the left claimed it did. Neither did the Comey letter. Hell, I think Hillary skipping campaigning in flyover states and Bernie Bros who felt spurned by the Clinton ticket influenced the election far more than anything the Dems claimed, but they don't want to admit their own screw ups when they can blame others.
I’m not so sure. I think that’s partially why he picked Kamala. You impeach Biden and she’s President. Even if you have legitimate reasons to impeach would you want to knowing the end result?
Similar comment were made about Pence at one point.
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