2020 Presidential Race

I enjoy watching them march yelling "f*** antifa" and since antifa only beats people they outnumber bigly, they don't f with the proud boys

So if the Proud Boys aren’t a a very big group. And Antifa only attacks those they put number then Antifa must be a pretty insignificant group.

So according to that video linked, they found some ballots that needed to be cured were changed from Trump to Biden, one just from Trump. So they filed a motion to be able to see all of the ballots to see if there were more of these. The judge agreed. The dems then filed a motion to keep them from seeing the ballots and requested that only their attorneys be able to see them, and that in secret. Now I ask you, why in the world would they want that if they aren’t hiding anything? Please make sense of that for me?

When my son tells me he has cleaned his room but tries to keep me from going in there to check, I know he’s lying and hasn’t cleaned his room.

Thankfully a judge didn’t listen to the dems and thus we will find out if there are more of these ballots that have been changed. And if so, there is your fraud in AZ.
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The more I research past history of our politicians actions on safe voting I become more confident that both parties are corrupt and can't be trusted. I have never trusted McConnell, one article is about how he has blocked three election security bills and in particular voting machines even as late as 2019. Republicans and Trump are both guilty of what has happened in this election.

The other article is how Trump would use it as an excuse. Remember that these articles were written prior to the election. I'm beginning to get a suspicion that we are all being played by both parties, while they fight only for themselves. For me I do not trust either party and not one damn politician.

As He Blocks Election Security Bills, McConnell Takes Checks from Voting Machine Lobbyists

Donald Trump’s Favorite Voting Machines | Washington Monthly

All that is probably true, but it points up other issues. Did McConnell block legislation because he took bribes to do so, or did he block legislation because of what was put in the package? Both parties have bad habits of including stuff they want passed in bills that force the other side to ditch what they tried to pass or accept legislation they didn't want. The other part is I'd bet if you looked through the campaign contributions to every member of congress, almost all would have accepted campaign contributions from every voting machine company. Industries, lobbyists, unions, groups, affiliations all hedge their bets - they contribute pretty much to everybody.

The only way to clear up this crap is one piece of legislation has one item - no attachments, addenda, etc. Elections are either publicly funded with no other input, or there are no contributions from any group, business, charity, etc ... only from individuals with a very low cap - and with no organizations to aggregate contributions.
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Lol. Whoops. Back to baseless assumptions. Super convincing.

You know, there used to be a blind lawyer in town, before my time, whose legal assistant/wife would read documents to him.

You should look into something like that.
Assuming his head got run over while he was chasing ambulances, and it blinded him?
Not yet. Trump is still your president and has been for the greatest 4 years of accomplishments by a president in a long time. Glad you enjoyed it


Ohhhh man... thanks for the good belly laugh.

Yeah, we all enjoyed his "greatest" accomplishments so much that we voted him out of office.


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Assuming his head got run over while he was chasing ambulances, and it blinded him?
Ha. Actually, he was holding a news conference alleging his client was a victim of some fraud, got nervous and started sweating, and then was blinded when the hair dye got in his eyes.

Maybe ND40 can help explain this, or anyone else who is a tech expert...wish my Dad was still here, as he had 2 masters degrees relevant to computer science and programming. ..

Seems to me that this problem, found on equipment used in at least half the voting machines ? Is that when the data is supposed to be verified against the "true hash" in order to show it hasn't been tampered with...even when the thumb drive containing the "true hash" is completely MISSING this software still affirms that the thumb drive with the data from the election machines MATCHES the true hash???

So every single maxhine can be falsely verified to match the true hash, regardless of what tampering had taken place?

Then, the techs from the software company SSnS? That is used everywhere....were caught repeatedly certifying their own machines instead of the people from the actual precincts doing it??? Which as noted by the TX sec is "at best a conflict of interest"....or in layman's terms is fraud/ self policing by a private 3rd party with many millions of $ on the line????

Why was this not all over the news?

Why did the TX sec have to make new policies to clearly define what the roles of the techs were in order to keep them from fraudulent certification of the accuracy of their OWN machines and software?

Why did he have to make sure all the officials in the precincts put an end to this BS?

Why were these machines and software , along with Dominion, still used anyway???

** on another note, have yall seen the case now where a Swiss bank 75% owned by the CCCP (Chicoms) paid Dominion parent company $400 million less than a month before the election? Hmmmm

My newest computer is running Linux Mint because I've been too lazy to install Windows. I used DOS for a long time before Windows, but I have to say Linux commands frustrate me ... maybe too old to learn new tricks. Anyway when I leave here, I pop out my primary hard drive and take it with me to the other house with the Linux computer because Linux has some interesting features like the ability to access pretty much everything on a Windows hard drive, so I don't bother to transfer files I might want - I just take the drive. Another thing is that Linux doesn't care about multiple user accounts on a Windows disk - it will read all of them. The other thing about Linux is that it is portable enough that you can absolutely boot up and operate a computer from a thumb drive - and access all the drives.

Can all that stuff be done? Don't know, but Linux is pretty awesome in the right hands.
So if the Proud Boys aren’t a a very big group. And Antifa only attacks those they put number then Antifa must be a pretty insignificant group.
I haven't commented on the size of their group. Pretty insignificant is one hell of an understatement especially to the people they have beat and the businesses they have burned down.
lol.........Let them investigate. It will turn out to be complete BS.....if not, arrest and prosecute anyone attempting to do it.

If it does turn out to be complete BS, which it most assuredly will, the people advancing the lies should be arrested and prosecuted.
We can all live with that. That wasn’t so hard
I will sign an affidavit swearing I saw my Mom kissing Santa Claus when I was 5 or 6 years old. Them signed affidavits are gospel. Everybody knows that. Can’t believe nobody’s going to get their a$$ in an uproar after there are are hundreds of signed affidavits

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