2020 Presidential Race

Would this be a bad thing?
I’m in favor of imagination reform.
Overhaul the vetting process and make the documentation process easier. Legal immigration could easily be increased with little downside.

Illegal immigration needs to be locked the **** down.

But a refined legal immigration process is good for almost everyone
What does imagination reform look like? I mean, I like to think I have a very vivid imagination, but if there's a way to make it better, I'm on board.
What does imagination reform look like? I mean, I like to think I have a very vivid imagination, but if there's a way to make it better, I'm on board.

I’ve helped 2 Hispanic people become us citizens. It’s typical government red tape.
The process needs to be streamlined.
Would this be a bad thing?
I’m in favor of imagination reform.
Overhaul the vetting process and make the documentation process easier. Legal immigration could easily be increased with little downside.

Illegal immigration needs to be locked the **** down.

But a refined legal immigration process is good for almost everyone
There's a 100 things to fix before we let more in.
There's a 100 things to fix before we let more in.

Edit: this is an easy fix if you take the politics out of it.

You think there’s anything that is actually going to get fixed?
Legal immigration solves a whole lot of issues.
Reform of legal immigration would also make the enforcement of illegal immigration easier.
It would also reduce the number of people crossing the border.

Again. Streamline the vetting process and lock everything else the **** down.
The Memo: Warren emerges as Biden's Most Dangerous Rival

Elizabeth Warren is now the most serious rival to former Vice President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

Several recent polls, both nationwide and in Iowa, have shown the Massachusetts senator in second place to Biden. Her performances at televised debates have won widespread praise. And her fundraising has been robust. She raised $19 million in the second quarter.

But if Warren is the one major candidate who is unquestionably on an upward trajectory, there are still significant questions about how she gets past Biden, who continues to lead by a sizable margin in most polls.

The former vice president is particularly popular with black voters, who are pivotal to success in a Democratic primary.

Among progressives, there are also worries about a split in the left-wing vote between Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt). Even if Warren emerges as the clear standard-bearer of the left in the months ahead, Sanders is not going anywhere.

“The progressive voters have to coalesce at some point behind either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, because that way we can win,” said left-wing writer and activist Jonathan Tasini. “They can be the nominee if the forces marshal behind one of them. If they don’t, we certainly risk the splitting of that vote.”

Several polls in recent days have suggested that Warren is moving past Sanders, who has so far been unable to recapture the magic that made him a tough challenger to eventual nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.

A Monmouth University poll in Iowa released Thursday showed Warren with 19 percent support to Sanders’s 9 percent. Biden was leading the field with 28 percent. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), was third with 11 percent support.

One national poll from The Economist and YouGov saw Warren trailing Biden by six points (16 percent to 22 percent) with Sanders in third on 13 percent.

The Memo: Warren emerges as Biden's most dangerous rival
Marianne Williamson hires Sanders alum accused of forcibly kissing staffer

CLEAR LAKE, Iowa — Marianne Williamson has hired a former adviser to Bernie Sanders who was accused of committing sexual assault during 2016 to run her campaign in Iowa, she told POLITICO on Friday.

Sanders and his campaign in waiting ousted Robert Becker — who was Sanders’ Iowa caucus director during the 2016 campaign and was poised to have a role in his 2020 campaign — early in 2019 after POLITICO reported that a former female subordinate had come forward late in 2018 to tell senior Sanders staffers that Becker had forcibly kissed her and put his tongue in her mouth on the final night of the 2016 campaign. Several staffers from the 2016 campaign said Becker engaged in other unprofessional behavior.

“I believe in forgiveness. I believe in redemption. I believe in people rising up after they’ve fallen down,” Williamson, a spiritual adviser and author, said. “I had not read anything or heard anything that made me feel this was a man who never deserved to work again.”


Marianne Williamson hires Sanders alum accused of forcibly kissing staffer
How San Francisco’s Wealthiest Families Launched Kamala Harris


At splashy weddings, charity balls and all the right restaurants, she hobnobbed with San Francisco’s moneyed elite—and made lasting allies who backed her at every stage of her political career.

SAN FRANCISCO—In the summer of 1999, in the monied Napa Valley north of here, a bejeweled bride rode sidesaddle on a speckled horse into what the press would label “the Bay Area’s version of an outdoor royal wedding.” The lavish nuptials of Vanessa Jarman and oil heir Billy Getty—replete with red carpet, hundreds of flickering votives, and “a fair amount of wine,” according to one deadpan attendee—featured a 168-person guest list stocked with socialites and scions, philanthropists and other assorted glitterati.

This coterie of the chosen included, as well, a 34-year-old prosecutor who was all of a year and a half into her job in the San Francisco district attorney’s office. And she wasn’t just some celebrity’s all but anonymous plus-one. She was featured in the photo coverage of the hot-ticket affair, smiling wide, decked out in a dark gown with a drink in hand.

“Kamala Harris,” the caption read, “cruised through the reception.”

Well before she was a United States senator, or the attorney general of California, Harris was already in with the in-crowd here. From 1994, when she was introduced splashily in the region’s most popular newspaper column as the PARAMOUR of one of the state’s most powerful politicians, to 2003, when she was elected district attorney, the Oakland- and Berkeley-bred Harris charted the beginnings of her ascent in the more fashionable crucible of San Francisco. In Pacific Heights parlors and bastions of status and wealth, in trendy hot spots, and in the juicy, dishy missives of the variety of gossip columns that chronicled the city’s elite, Kamala Harris was a boldface name.

How San Francisco’s Wealthiest Families Launched Kamala Harris
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Steve Bullock: Trump reelection 'more likely with each passing minute'

'We cannot defeat Trump's politics of personal destruction if we practice self-destruction,' he told a roomful of reporters in D.C.

As Montana Gov. Steve Bullock stood on the debate stage last week and listened to his 2020 rivals bicker and criticize one another, visions of a second term for President Donald Trump kept flashing through his mind.

“I saw his reelection becoming more likely with each passing minute,” Bullock said Wednesday at the National Press Club. “Please permit me to take everyone out of the ‘Twitterverse’ for at least a minute and bring us back to Earth. We cannot defeat Trump's politics of personal destruction if we practice self-destruction.”
Driving his point home, he added, "We are well on our way to losing this election long before it ever really has started.”The Democratic governor of a state Trump won in 2016 by more than 20 percentage points, Bullock said Democrats need to appeal not only to liberals in Burlington, Vt., but also to folks in Billings, Mont. Against that backdrop, Bullock laid out his thinking on gun control, health care and other topics to a roomful of journalists in Washington.
On health care, Bullock said calls by other candidates to eliminate private insurance are political suicide in a general election. Voters are looking for practical solutions, he said, and radical plans for government-run health care aren't helpful.

Gov. Steve Bullock says you don't have to out-Trump Trump to win

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"It’s now the Democrats calling to repeal and replace Obamacare," Bullock said. "If you propose abolishing private insurance, you will lose."

Extending health insurance to undocumented immigrants is also a surefire loser, he said. "We need border security. But we need sanity," Bullock said. "Every action cannot be a reaction to a Trump."

A recent Morning Consult poll had Bullock at 1 percent, but he insisted he isn’t worried. He plans to keep targeting early voting states and predicted his background as a successful red-state governor will turn people in his favor.

“I guarantee you if I’m the nominee … I’m going to carry Vermont, Massachusetts and California,” he added. “But I wonder if the senators from Vermont, Massachusetts and California can make same that guarantee of carrying Montana, or Michigan or Wisconsin or Pennsylvania.”

Steve Bullock: Trump reelection 'more likely with each passing minute'

Shocking ... 2 liberal multimillionaires that think a recession is what America needs instead of just voting Trump out on a good economy . Maher said “we’ve had recessions before and survived them “ . Do tell me Bill what’s the best way to survive a recession ? I wouldn’t know from experience but I’m guessing that having access to a buttload of money helps ease that recession pain just a tad . I use to like Maher even as a liberal because he was smart but his stupid gene is kicking in hard and outweighing the intelligent ones .

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