2020 Presidential Race

Agreed on term limits, but not the rest. Nobody told Republicans/conservatives to abandon their principles. They did that all on their own. I know it is popular to make Democrats and progressives the boogeyman for everything, but those on the right made the deal with the devil. This is the direction they pushed the GOP. Don't blame it on some other party, take responsibility for your own house.

Going by your post, the GOP sold their soul to win. That is on them, not the other guys.


Funny how you (and others) don’t realize you’re just another side of the same coin you ostensibly detest. Democrats, and any who fall under the label, including liberals, progressives, et. al, whistled past the graveyard while Obama foisted racist rhetoric and ungrudgingly berated white southerners. Now, a “cheeto-dusted mannequin” has you losing your **** faster than a geriatric who has overdosed on Metamucil.

Funny how you (and others) don’t realize you’re just another side of the same coin you ostensibly detest. Democrats, and any who fall under the label, including liberals, progressives, et. al, whistled past the graveyard while Obama foisted racist rhetoric and ungrudgingly berated white southerners. Now, a “cheeto-dusted mannequin” has you losing your **** faster than a geriatric who has overdosed on Metamucil.
Lmao, that's a good one.

Funny how you (and others) don’t realize you’re just another side of the same coin you ostensibly detest. Democrats, and any who fall under the label, including liberals, progressives, et. al, whistled past the graveyard while Obama foisted racist rhetoric and ungrudgingly berated white southerners. Now, a “cheeto-dusted mannequin” has you losing your **** faster than a geriatric who has overdosed on Metamucil.
The point I was trying to make is that I don't blame Republicans for what Democrats/progressives propose or do. I just think it is silly to say "those other guys made me do this!"
Agreed on term limits, but not the rest. Nobody told Republicans/conservatives to abandon their principles. They did that all on their own. I know it is popular to make Democrats and progressives the boogeyman for everything, but those on the right made the deal with the devil. This is the direction they pushed the GOP. Don't blame it on some other party, take responsibility for your own house.

Going by your post, the GOP sold their soul to win. That is on them, not the other guys.

Well you can completely capitulate and just hand it all to the Dims; then you absolutely have no chance at change. Children learn at an early age to pit one parent against the other to get what they want, and then they elevate it by throwing in "but Billy's parents ..." and tantrums. Apparently people on the liberal side just never outgrow it.
Agreed on term limits, but not the rest. Nobody told Republicans/conservatives to abandon their principles. They did that all on their own. I know it is popular to make Democrats and progressives the boogeyman for everything, but those on the right made the deal with the devil. This is the direction they pushed the GOP. Don't blame it on some other party, take responsibility for your own house.

Going by your post, the GOP sold their soul to win. That is on them, not the other guys.
The last election our choices were Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If either side had a soul, they both got sold. Truth be told, I think it's been some time since either side had a soul. All they care about is power and control. Sadly, some of you still buy into one side or the other and think your side is somehow better. It's not. Both sides are corrupt, it's just what devil you choose to dance with. The system is broken, and it's not going to get fixed by two parties continuously at each others' throats
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Well you can completely capitulate and just hand it all to the Dims; then you absolutely have no chance at change. Children learn at an early age to pit one parent against the other to get what they want, and then they elevate it by throwing in "but Billy's parents ..." and tantrums. Apparently people on the liberal side just never outgrow it.
Your argument is "but they do it!" So same with Republicans that throw the same tantrums, got it.
The last election our choices were Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If either side had a soul, they both got sold. Truth be told, I think it's been some time since either side had a soul. All they care about is power and control. Sadly, some of you still buy into one side or the other and think your side is somehow better. It's not. Both sides are corrupt, it's just what devil you choose to dance with. The system is broken, and it's not going to get fixed by two parties continuously at each others' throats
As a life long conservative I am getting really tired of GOP people, too include our most current ass hat and chief, tell me they care about the deficit. I see conservatives complain all the time about the deficit. But nope we still back these idiots. No conviction. At least the the Dem tells me he’s going to tax the crap out of me an run deficits. Even more funny is the water carriers who like to argue “who is responsible for writing the budget?” Well who is responsible for signing off on it?
As a life long conservative I am getting really tired of GOP people, too include our most current ass hat and chief, tell me they care about the deficit. I see conservatives complain all the time about the deficit. But nope we still back these idiots. No conviction. At least the the Dem tells me he’s going to tax the crap out of me an run deficits. Even more funny is the water carriers who like to argue “who is responsible for writing the budget?” Well who is responsible for signing off on it?

Entitlements and interest are primarily blowing up the deficits. And military spending with nod for Pelosi demands.

2020 Budget: $4.7 Trillion
Discretionary Spending is only $1.4 Trillion
Almost $500 Billion just for interest. We ever see historical interest rates, this is going to be cataclysmic.

We are screwed.
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As a life long conservative I am getting really tired of GOP people, too include our most current ass hat and chief, tell me they care about the deficit. I see conservatives complain all the time about the deficit. But nope we still back these idiots. No conviction. At least the the Dem tells me he’s going to tax the crap out of me an run deficits. Even more funny is the water carriers who like to argue “who is responsible for writing the budget?” Well who is responsible for signing off on it?
All of these politicians serve their party. Very few, if any, actually serve country. That's my biggest problem with politics. I'm completely disillusioned that any current politician will take an earnest look at the problems our country faces and look for bipartisan solutions that actually help our country. Instead they'll play politics, and try to enact purely partisan ideas, while demonizing the opposition and accomplishing nothing of substance. It will be more of the same, and things will continue to devolve, and the back and forth will just get uglier.
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Quite frankly, and they won’t, Trump supporters should be outraged about the debt. He said he would do something about it and has not. Well
Besides from making it worse. Especially during a time the economy is humming. He himself said it was a “big problem.” But nothing. He’s a giant liar and ass hat. And before anyone piles on me with do I think the Dems will make it better? No I don’t. They are at least semi honest about their agenda. They want to tax and spend us to oblivion. Trump wants to just spend into oblivion.
The last election our choices were Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If either side had a soul, they both got sold. Truth be told, I think it's been some time since either side had a soul. All they care about is power and control. Sadly, some of you still buy into one side or the other and think your side is somehow better. It's not. Both sides are corrupt, it's just what devil you choose to dance with. The system is broken, and it's not going to get fixed by two parties continuously at each others' throats
I'm not on a side, I'm not registered with any party. I have a set of beliefs, and I vote for who aligns with those beliefs. You find me a Republican that aligns with what I believe in, and I will vote for him/her.
Quite frankly, and they won’t, Trump supporters should be outraged about the debt. He said he would do something about it and has not. Well
Besides from making it worse. Especially during a time the economy is humming. He himself said it was a “big problem.” But nothing. He’s a giant liar and ass hat. And before anyone piles on me with do I think the Dems will make it better? No I don’t. They are at least semi honest about their agenda. They want to tax and spend us to oblivion. Trump wants to just spend into oblivion.
I'm not defending Trump because I agree with you that he a lying, pompous ass hat. At the same time though, the left has a history of lies as well. I disagree with you that they are "semi honest". I just don't see it. I think both sides are lying POS.
Quite frankly, and they won’t, Trump supporters should be outraged about the debt. He said he would do something about it and has not. Well
Besides from making it worse. Especially during a time the economy is humming. He himself said it was a “big problem.” But nothing. He’s a giant liar and ass hat. And before anyone piles on me with do I think the Dems will make it better? No I don’t. They are at least semi honest about their agenda. They want to tax and spend us to oblivion. Trump wants to just spend into oblivion.

Not true. Discretionary spending only went up about $200B in past 3 years. Everything else is already obligated.
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I'm not defending Trump because I agree with you that he a lying, pompous ass hat. At the same time though, the left has a history of lies as well. I disagree with you that they are "semi honest". I just don't see it. I think both sides are lying POS.

Oh they are. But where does this waist go to under GOP leadership bs Dem?
The last election our choices were Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If either side had a soul, they both got sold. Truth be told, I think it's been some time since either side had a soul. All they care about is power and control. Sadly, some of you still buy into one side or the other and think your side is somehow better. It's not. Both sides are corrupt, it's just what devil you choose to dance with. The system is broken, and it's not going to get fixed by two parties continuously at each others' throats
Honest question, how do we fix said system? The only way I see it being repaired is to have multiple, viable parties, or better yet, multiple candidates that don't adhere to a party's platform. With the two party system, there is not much incentive for folks that have specific things that they care about the most to consider the other side. Like 2A and abortion rights; someone might agree with the majority of the Democratic party platform, but they will never vote for them specifically because of 2A and abortion rights. Same might be said for a person that is more conservative on their economic beliefs, but won't vote for a Republican because of their stance on social issues.

There will never be a candidate that matches what someone believes perfectly, unless said person is a blind sycophant. But at least with more viable candidates not tied to a party we could have some degree of variety in our choice.
Honest question, how do we fix said system? The only way I see it being repaired is to have multiple, viable parties, or better yet, multiple candidates that don't adhere to a party's platform. With the two party system, there is not much incentive for folks that have specific things that they care about the most to consider the other side. Like 2A and abortion rights; someone might agree with the majority of the Democratic party platform, but they will never vote for them specifically because of 2A and abortion rights. Same might be said for a person that is more conservative on their economic beliefs, but won't vote for a Republican because of their stance on social issues.

There will never be a candidate that matches what someone believes perfectly, unless said person is a blind sycophant. But at least with more viable candidates not tied to a party we could have some degree of variety in our choice.
It can't be fixed until enough people are ready to call BS and demand change. Right now, both parties are propped up by their sheep blindly accepting whatever they're told. I would love to see the death of the two party system, but I don't expect it to ever happen. The only way to change either party is from within the party, but that means the sheep demanding better from their leadership. I'm not holding my breath on that either.

Neither party wants to work with the other on anything of significance. Both sides have a my way or the highway mentality and refuse to look for a middle road. People have to be willing to compromise and stop expecting to get their way. It's like a bunch of children arguing over a favorite toy. At times, I think both sides have completely forgotten what being President is supposed to mean. It's certainly supposed to mean more than any recent President has made it mean.
Sideways, in parallel, with no KY, and just add plenty of salt and lemon juice. Force the other idiot left coast states to watch, so they can decide whether to continue following the CA lead. Might as well invite Colorado to the party to save time.
Last count 27 typhus outbreaks with 158 cases. San Francisco is bringing back something that was eradicated over a hundred years ago. Really really sad.
The last election our choices were Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. If either side had a soul, they both got sold. Truth be told, I think it's been some time since either side had a soul. All they care about is power and control. Sadly, some of you still buy into one side or the other and think your side is somehow better. It's not. Both sides are corrupt, it's just what devil you choose to dance with. The system is broken, and it's not going to get fixed by two parties continuously at each others' throats
So how do we put the tantrum throwing babies back in the pen in DC is my question. The level of rhetoric on both sides is unbelievable and its only going to get worse.
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