2020 Presidential Race

Metals awarded 129 years ago. I would not be against it either but why didn't she champion this years ago? This kind of pandering is uncomfortable.

Honestly, I have little to zero respect for EW. All of those years falsely claiming to be a Native American, very possibly getting ahead because of it, and she expects to be taken seriously? And her excuse was her parents told her, lol. Every child in TN has been told of some distant Cherokee relation but they don't go around checking the box on official forms. It was fraud, and it should be called what it is. If she weren't a Democrat herself, her party would have feasted on anyone else caught up in that lie. It's ridiculous. And now she's just playing it off, and sadly, some people are buying it.
Honestly, I have little to zero respect for EW. All of those years falsely claiming to be a Native American, very possibly getting ahead because of it, and she expects to be taken seriously? And her excuse was her parents told her, lol. Every child in TN has been told of some distant Cherokee relation but they don't go around checking the box on official forms. It was fraud, and it should be called what it is. If she weren't a Democrat herself, her party would have feasted on anyone else caught up in that lie. It's ridiculous. And now she's just playing it off, and sadly, some people are buying it.
Can confirm, I was one of those children of Tennessee that was told I was part Cherokee. My parents were told the same thing. After I started researching my genealogy and even did some DNA testing, I figured out I'm about as lily white as the background of this page. English on my Mom's side, French on my Dad's.

Dad got pissed when I told him it was his fault I was a liberal.
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Can confirm, I was one of those children of Tennessee that was told I was part Cherokee. My parents were told the same thing. After I started researching my genealogy and even did some DNA testing, I figured out I'm about as lily white as the background of this page. English on my Mom's side, French on my Dad's.

Dad got pissed when I told him it was his fault I was a liberal. lol
Ok that's funny.
Can confirm, I was one of those children of Tennessee that was told I was part Cherokee. My parents were told the same thing. After I started researching my genealogy and even did some DNA testing, I figured out I'm about as lily white as the background of this page. English on my Mom's side, French on my Dad's.

Dad got pissed when I told him it was his fault I was a liberal.
So giving up is in your blood?

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Honest question, how do we fix said system? The only way I see it being repaired is to have multiple, viable parties, or better yet, multiple candidates that don't adhere to a party's platform. With the two party system, there is not much incentive for folks that have specific things that they care about the most to consider the other side. Like 2A and abortion rights; someone might agree with the majority of the Democratic party platform, but they will never vote for them specifically because of 2A and abortion rights. Same might be said for a person that is more conservative on their economic beliefs, but won't vote for a Republican because of their stance on social issues.

I've noticed this as well.

If that's a real hold-up then have a 20 year moratorium on new legislation on abortion or 2A. Just say we'll leave the sacred cows alone for a while so we can address the serious problems facing the country.
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Last count 27 typhus outbreaks with 158 cases. San Francisco is bringing back something that was eradicated over a hundred years ago. Really really sad.

Really, really makes one want to break some plates.....of the tectonic variety.😖

I have absolutely no problems with there being an independent island nation of Commifornia somewhere off our western coast.

Swap them out for Puerto Rico and we don't even have to change our flags.
Honestly, I have little to zero respect for EW. All of those years falsely claiming to be a Native American, very possibly getting ahead because of it, and she expects to be taken seriously? And her excuse was her parents told her, lol. Every child in TN has been told of some distant Cherokee relation but they don't go around checking the box on official forms. It was fraud, and it should be called what it is. If she weren't a Democrat herself, her party would have feasted on anyone else caught up in that lie. It's ridiculous. And now she's just playing it off, and sadly, some people are buying it.

Congrats to the best and most honest post of the day.....so far. I wish I could like this more than just once.
Honest question, how do we fix said system? The only way I see it being repaired is to have multiple, viable parties, or better yet, multiple candidates that don't adhere to a party's platform. With the two party system, there is not much incentive for folks that have specific things that they care about the most to consider the other side. Like 2A and abortion rights; someone might agree with the majority of the Democratic party platform, but they will never vote for them specifically because of 2A and abortion rights. Same might be said for a person that is more conservative on their economic beliefs, but won't vote for a Republican because of their stance on social issues.

There will never be a candidate that matches what someone believes perfectly, unless said person is a blind sycophant. But at least with more viable candidates not tied to a party we could have some degree of variety in our choice.

Never happen. I don't care how many parties you start out with; it will always devolve to the two strongest. That's what our civilization is ... a little something called evolution - but not necessarily progress. We can't have anything without declaring someone the winner in a contest decided by the last two standing - look no further than football and a mindless national championship that supersedes the game itself for proof.
It can't be fixed until enough people are ready to call BS and demand change. Right now, both parties are propped up by their sheep blindly accepting whatever they're told. I would love to see the death of the two party system, but I don't expect it to ever happen. The only way to change either party is from within the party, but that means the sheep demanding better from their leadership. I'm not holding my breath on that either.

Neither party wants to work with the other on anything of significance. Both sides have a my way or the highway mentality and refuse to look for a middle road. People have to be willing to compromise and stop expecting to get their way. It's like a bunch of children arguing over a favorite toy. At times, I think both sides have completely forgotten what being President is supposed to mean. It's certainly supposed to mean more than any recent President has made it mean.

I'm good with the lack of compromise between the parties. All that got us was "I'll vote for your worthless bridge to nowhere, if you'll vote for my project pandering to a group of the undeserving" and the $1T debt that goes with it. Compromise in congress is something like a husband and wife deciding one can have a new car and the other a new boat when they can't afford either; real compromise is realizing they have to think differently because the option is ruin.
I'm good with the lack of compromise between the parties. All that got us was "I'll vote for your worthless bridge to nowhere, if you'll vote for my project pandering to a group of the undeserving" and the $1T debt that goes with it. Compromise in congress is something like a husband and wife deciding one can have a new car and the other a new boat when they can't afford either; real compromise is realizing they have to think differently because the option is ruin.
Yea but you know......ruin might only happen later on when they won't have to deal with it.....so get the leather seats on the car!!!
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It is my biggest disappointment with Trump, but the $200B is not "spending into oblivion". It certainly does not help the situation as well.

You do have to recognize that congress alone holds the purse strings. Presidents can influence that, but in the end spending is the domain of congress. Now if a president wanted to line congress up and shoot them to manage fiscal control, I could get behind that. One of the best examples is ObamaCare; Obama lobbied for it, but congress had to write the legislation and pass it. It like so many other pet projects is unworkable, unmanageable, fraudulent, and virtually impossible to dispose of because of the wreck and ruin that will follow in its vacuum. People can blame the GOP all they want for failure to remove the program, but there were enough Republicans who understood that the party would be decimated by making an intolerable situation worse. Congressional critters aren't suicidal ... life in congress means everything to them ... honor means virtually nothing compared to the title.
Well, at least her pandering is comparatively original.o_O

I don't remember ever seeing a presidential candidate pandering specifically for the Native American vote prior to this.

I think it's more pandering to the white guilt "for all those evil things we did to the Indians". You get some really wacky conclusions when you judge the past by today's standards. Warren is just the type of hypocrite to know and understand the benefits ... too bad they liberally infest our universities and influence new generations of weak minded lunatics.
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You do have to recognize that congress alone holds the purse strings. Presidents can influence that, but in the end spending is the domain of congress. Now if a president wanted to line congress up and shoot them to manage fiscal control, I could get behind that. One of the best examples is ObamaCare; Obama lobbied for it, but congress had to write the legislation and pass it. It like so many other pet projects is unworkable, unmanageable, fraudulent, and virtually impossible to dispose of because of the wreck and ruin that will follow in its vacuum. People can blame the GOP all they want for failure to remove the program, but there were enough Republicans who understood that the party would be decimated by making an intolerable situation worse. Congressional critters aren't suicidal ... life in congress means everything to them ... honor means virtually nothing compared to the title.

My feeling is if the 10th Amendment was actually implemented and not abused, we would not all be in this mess.
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Yea but you know......ruin might only happen later on when they won't have to deal with it.....so get the leather seats on the car!!!

I'd love to be able to haul those past congresses back and hold them accountable for the ruin ... and the accompanying Congressional Budget Office that predicted everything so incorrectly.

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