2020 Presidential Race

Since the conspiracy theorists are out this morning, yes the IDP completely screwed this up and likely cost Iowa their first in the nation status. But there are no shenanigans happening. They switched to counting the paper ballots last night, hence the delay. There was a precinct captain posting here last night that said the same.

Pete also is not an investor or backer of Shadow. Our campaign pays Shadow to host our online texting app to reach voters in every state. I use it every day. There is nothing nefarious there, all candidates use similar apps for text banking. But I doubt that will stop the tin foil crowd from peddling a shaky, weak conspiracy. Carry on.

I’m not sure who the Dems are most afraid of, Bernie or Pete. Anti-socialists won’t ever vote for Bernie and reportedly there's a tremendous amount of homophobia in the black community. I think a lot of the establishment Dems think Warren is really not actually one of them. Biden was supposed to be the guy who could bring party unity but Trump apparently destroyed him even before the first votes of Iowa.

Now the Dems are desperate and in damage control mode trying to figure out how to safely get Biden to Super Tuesday in the south so Blacks can bail him out. Tara McGowan, the CEO and owner of Acronym/Shadow, was the in-house digital director of the Obama-Biden 2012 reelection campaign.

Reportedly in 2016 around 10% (9.4%) of Bernie’s 13m+ primary supporters voted for Trump. If the Dems lose an additional 10% of the 16m+ black vote to Trump, those black voters, given their strategic locales, will likely be more than enough to reinforce Trump’s Midwest wall. The Dems may have to opt for "Stop and Frisk" mini-mike who will have to run an apology tour himself.

Nikki Hailey will likely be the first female president in America and when that happens (2024) the Democrats will fire on Fort Sumter and Civil War II will at long last be underway. The probability for the implosion of the modern “diverse” Democratic party is not nil. jmo.

How’s that for a conspiracy theory?
Its stuff like this that makes me wonder how people get so caught up in the party nonsense. Both sides are utterly incompetent and I dont see how people fight so hard for them.
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Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%

Impeachment is working wonderfully.

Can't wait to hear Trump's SOTU address tonight......he'll blow the doors off the place with strong economy Facts and also he'll be highlighting those two Trade Deals that have been made recently w/Mexico & Canada. Plus the first stage of trade deals with China happening.
I’m not sure who the Dems are most afraid of, Bernie or Pete. Anti-socialists won’t ever vote for Bernie and reportedly there's a tremendous amount of homophobia in the black community. I think a lot of the establishment Dems think Warren is really not actually one of them. Biden was supposed to be the guy who could bring party unity but Trump apparently destroyed him even before the first votes of Iowa.

Now the Dems are desperate and in damage control mode trying to figure out how to safely get Biden to Super Tuesday in the south so Blacks can bail him out. Tara McGowan, the CEO and owner of Acronym/Shadow, was the in-house digital director of the Obama-Biden 2012 reelection campaign.

Reportedly in 2016 around 10% (9.4%) of Bernie’s 13m+ primary supporters voted for Trump. If the Dems lose an additional 10% of the 16m+ black vote to Trump, those black voters, given their strategic locales, will likely be more than enough to reinforce Trump’s Midwest wall. The Dems may have to opt for "Stop and Frisk" mini-mike who will have to run an apology tour himself.

Nikki Hailey will likely be the first female president in America and when that happens (2024) the Democrats will fire on Fort Sumter and Civil War II will at long last be underway. The probability for the implosion of the modern “diverse” Democratic party is not nil. jmo.

How’s that for a conspiracy theory?

If Berne wins they lose. If someone else wins and Bernie voters stay away or vote Trump, they lose. Quite the pickle.
Can't wait to hear Trump's SOTU address tonight......blow the doors off with strong economy Facts.

I wonder how nasty it will be. Pelosi might try and knife him in the back and the SS shoots her.
Seriously, wonder what antics the Dems will use like dress code color or such.
The Drudge Report has a link to a story and video of a woman wanting her ballot back from a Mayor Pete precinct captain because she just found out he is gay. Good back and forth in the video between her and the precinct captain. Top of the left column on Drudge. I guess she is what the libs refer to as a "low information voter." Not now. LOL!
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The Drudge Report has a link to a story and video of a woman wanting her ballot back from a Mayor Pete precinct captain because she just found out he is gay. Good back and forth in the video between her and the precinct captain. Top of the left column on Drudge. I guess she is what the libs refer to as a "low information voter." Not now. LOL!
Just saw that. How in the world do you miss that detail 6 months into a campaign???
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Joe may be going the way of Jeb Bush. Then there is Bernie who worries me. He has told young people their student loans will be thrown away.. He wants to do away with Fossil Fuel, big insurance companies (all those people out of jobs) Take all this money from the Rich (the people who give us jobs) and minimum wage will be 15 an hour. (Yay for small business) All I see is a major depression coming to our towns.. Warren is a gentler version, but not much better.

I believe you nailed it !
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'Trainwreck': Dems Blasted For Failing to Manage a Caucus But Wanting to Run Government, Healthcare

If Dems couldn't get this little caucus event right how could/can the Dems be expected to run the government?
LOL......the Dems want to run government control healthcare.....can't imagine the disaster there can you?
The Dems couldn't get a three car funeral right.........they're a joke & a huge embarrassment to the USA.
The Dems are a major Clown Show that can't wipe themselves clean from a big shitt show as last night.
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Since the conspiracy theorists are out this morning, yes the IDP completely screwed this up and likely cost Iowa their first in the nation status. But there are no shenanigans happening. They switched to counting the paper ballots last night, hence the delay. There was a precinct captain posting here last night that said the same.

Pete also is not an investor or backer of Shadow. Our campaign pays Shadow to host our online texting app to reach voters in every state. I use it every day. There is nothing nefarious there, all candidates use similar apps for text banking. But I doubt that will stop the tin foil crowd from peddling a shaky, weak conspiracy. Carry on.

Internet sleuthing requires no real evidence, of course, so the Bernie folks are going to go full tinfoil hat on whoever seems to be the biggest threat to Bernie at the moment.

Today it is Pete, and Warren will get another turn if she gets any traction in New Hampshire.
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Just saw that. How in the world do you miss that detail 6 months into a campaign???
There are literally hundreds of pictures/videos of Pete and Chasten, I'm not sure how she missed that.
The precinct captain handled it very well and was respectful. Good for her for keeping her cool.
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Since the conspiracy theorists are out this morning, yes the IDP completely screwed this up and likely cost Iowa their first in the nation status. But there are no shenanigans happening. They switched to counting the paper ballots last night, hence the delay. There was a precinct captain posting here last night that said the same.

Pete also is not an investor or backer of Shadow. Our campaign pays Shadow to host our online texting app to reach voters in every state. I use it every day. There is nothing nefarious there, all candidates use similar apps for text banking. But I doubt that will stop the tin foil crowd from peddling a shaky, weak conspiracy. Carry on.
Then they need to get a clue and turn the transparency up to 11.

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