2020 Primaries

If he picks Hills, we will get hammered with her mug :eek:

I just want to hear the justification of voting for an old white billionaire and his VP , the one that got outworked to allow Trump in the Oval in the first place . The one that they all wanted to just go away . 😂

You can 'prove' anything with statistics.

If I have a company and I have 20 job openings and fill 10 of them, my job openings rate has fallen by 50%. Quite a high number. The part I left out was that I have 1000 employees so the employment rate went from 98% to 99%... a 1% improvement. Of course you leftists will use the bigger number because it makes orange man look bad. Mr Trump has reduced the smaller percentage, which affects far bigger numbers of people. I didn't even take any statistics in school and I know this. You are playing to the low information/ignorant masses with these kinds of 'data'.

Nice try. That tweet was completely meaningless.
You can 'prove' anything with statistics.

If I have a company and I have 20 job openings and fill 10 of them, my job openings rate has fallen by 50%. Quite a high number. The part I left out was that I have 1000 employees so the employment rate went from 98% to 99%... a 1% improvement. Of course you leftists will use the bigger number because it makes orange man look bad. Mr Trump has reduced the smaller percentage, which affects far bigger numbers of people. I didn't even take any statistics in school and I know this. You are playing to the low information/ignorant masses with these kinds of 'data'.

Nice try. That tweet was completely meaningless.
How are job openings decreasing a bad thing. Employment rates are doing quite well
Dems are in quite a pickle. If Sanders gets the nomination then they lose the moderate vote. If someone like Bloomberg gets it then they would lose a lot of the Sanders supporters. If Pete got it they would lose the Black vote. This makes me happy.

I hope beyond hope that Bernie doesn’t get the nomination because, legitimate defeat or otherwise, his supporters will attempt to bite off more than they can chew in the streets of Milwaukee and the aftermath will be hilarious.
I can't even believe liberals haven't been embarrassed enough to still be posting here. There is a pattern. After national embarrassment from Iowa and the impeachment they disappear for a short time like a mouse that just saw his buddy hit a trap then after a few days they want to believe the coast is clear to come back out. They all do that.

They are waiting for the talking points to make the rounds
I don’t see how saying they had good public transport, youth programs, and cultural arts programs equates to “preferring communist Russia over America”.

Because this video took place in 1988. Right before the fall of the Wall and at a time where people in the Soviet Union were depressed, repressed people with little food on store shelves, no freedom of travel and no free expression.
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The only thing I can tell you is what I see and hear with my own eyes. I have gone to Hardees today and for the 2nd time in a month they told me at the drive thru they are temporarily closed "due to the lack of staff". There are jobs available if people want them. You can believe that or you can stick your head in the sand to try to prove a misleading point.
The only thing I can tell you is what I see and hear with my own eyes. I have gone to Hardees today and for the 2nd time in a month they told me at the drive thru they are temporarily closed "due to the lack of staff". There are jobs available if people want them. You can believe that or you can stick your head in the sand to try to prove a misleading point.

What’s the reason for this? People who actually want to work are finding better paying jobs. When middle class jobs come back the minimum wage jobs will start suffering. It is a complete 180 from the Obama job market. They flooded the market with college graduates and only filled it with minimum wage jobs. What was the result? Kids with college degrees and loads of student debt working minimum wage jobs. Therefore you get the push to raise the minimum wage and college debt forgiveness.

That’s Obamanomics folks.

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