2020 Primaries

I don't get this line of attack on Pete. He has spoke and wrote over and over, for years, about his service in Afghanistan.

I also find it weird that you all would trash him for serving his country. Do you all normally trash folks that serve their country? He signed up and went where he was told.
Can't wait for the hard hitting questions coming from MSDNC moderators during the next debate.
It's amazing what some here support...even if by proxy.

That is evidence that it's a damned lie whenever Democrats refer to abortion with terms like "women's reproductive health". Here's a case where the woman gets the abortion that she desired, the baby is now out of her body yet the Dems refuse to protect the life of that baby. Disgusting and Dems should be called on that. Our MSM will do no such thing
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The stock market is nothing more than a shell game based on best guesses , inside information and luck . It’s never that stable to begin with . It is what it is , mostly an indicator for consumer confidence. Anyone buying hot tech stock should already know the dangers in that , if they don’t well experience is the best teacher .
I can't even believe liberals haven't been embarrassed enough to still be posting here. There is a pattern. After national embarrassment from Iowa and the impeachment they disappear for a short time like a mouse that just saw his buddy hit a trap then after a few days they want to believe the coast is clear to come back out. They all do that.
The coveted Donaldson endorsement.

Serious question that always intrigues because of what we are told constantly. How could the endorsement of an old , white , privileged , wealthy , white man , be coveted in a party of such diversity , when all he’s doing is endorsing another old , privileged, extremely wealthy , white , Man ?
... lets not forget he is endorsing him to run against and beat , yup you guessed it , another old , privileged, wealthy , white , man . It seems like the left is going back in time , the only thing stopping it from looking like the 50s- 60s now is two token white , privileged , wealthy , women . ( IMO only of course )
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