2020 Primaries

That SOB is a communist. That SOB is running to be the head cheese of the cheese factory. Can you imagine America voting in this old white guy to be the first communist POTUS. May God have mercy on us all if that happens.

Incredible how sober the democrats are when staring at the prospect of the socialist monster and commie sympathizer leading their party. I think Bernie falls back into the pack of also rans when he hits the South but it's still threatening to them and America. Much of his base are naive college students with promises of not having to work hard in life and be responsible and accountable. They made the moronic decision to have Bernie shape how delegates are handed out after the 2016 primary.
Isn’t that the goofiest thing you’ve ever heard of ? I mean really , these are the people we rely on to set our nations laws and rights in stone .

I don’t care if you’re a purple Martian but 4 questions should be answered before anyone is even considered for SCOTUS.
1. Do you have above average reading comprehension? Yes) next question No) see ya
2. Do you have common sense? Yes) next question No) see ya
3. Have you ever actually read the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Yes) next question No) see ya
4. Do you actually fully understand those documents and the manner in which they were written? Yes) we’ll consider you No) see ya
What the Bernie Bro.s don't realize is that the only thing less accountable than corporations is the government; the purest monopoly of all.

Bernie Bros are useful idiots that are expendable if the communist were to get elected. Just like every other communist in history.
If the Dems want to beat Trump they have zero shot with Bernie. No one on the fence will break his way. Can you imagine Trumps commercials about about Democratic Socialism? He will go toe to toe with Trump in a debate. Bernies a fighter. But Trumps campaign will torch him. Way better off going with a Amy or Bloomberg.

Lol. Go right ahead
I’ve been trying to think of who Bernie would select as VP , if he gets the nod . I can’t come up with anyone , especially if it comes down to bad blood between him and the DNC . He’s always been somewhat of a loner . Does he settle for a moderate that doesn’t believe in his policies just to pull votes or does he continue to look far left ? It’s kind of a big deal considering his recent health problems and age .
AOC. Fits with his brand. Young, dumb, living off the government, no understanding of economics.

The Boys wont accept a true outsider or moderate.
Can't wait for the hard hitting questions coming from MSDNC moderators during the next debate.
It's amazing what some here support...even if by proxy.

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Can't wait for the hard hitting questions coming from MSDNC moderators during the next debate.
It's amazing what some here support...even if by proxy.

There will be no questions regarding abortion, period.

Such great strides for humanity. SMH.
Can't wait for the hard hitting questions coming from MSDNC moderators during the next debate.
It's amazing what some here support...even if by proxy.

And yet the liberals say things like this “aren’t real” or “don’t happen”. This is disgusting, pure evil.

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