2020 Primaries

In post debate analysis Klobuchar made a significant observation - Independents and moderates watching the debate probably are shaking their heads. While the base loves the attacks, normal people just saw a lot of personal attacks lobbed at each other and if they're looking for a rational, reasonable alternative to Trump's attacking style they sure didn't see it on that stage last night.
In post debate analysis Klobuchar made a significant observation - Independents and moderates watching the debate probably are shaking their heads. While the base loves the attacks, normal people just saw a lot of personal attacks lobbed at each other and if they're looking for a rational, reasonable alternative to Trump's attacking style they sure didn't see it on that stage last night.
She was shaking her head.
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In post debate analysis Klobuchar made a significant observation - Independents and moderates watching the debate probably are shaking their heads. While the base loves the attacks, normal people just saw a lot of personal attacks lobbed at each other and if they're looking for a rational, reasonable alternative to Trump's attacking style they sure didn't see it on that stage last night.

I was trying last night to judge them on a scale of likability, relatability, and as close to believable as possible in my eyes , if I was going to have to vote for one ..( IMO ) Klobuchar , Pete, Biden , Bernie , Warren , Bloomberg . This is not based on policies .
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Don't think I've ever seen this before..4 primaries with 4 different leaders....I'm beginning to think that there might actually be a contested convention... especially if Warren and her new Super PAC friends can regain some traction
I love this bs.

We spend 11k per person in private healthcare. Historical | CMS

NHE Fact Sheet | CMS

Medicare budget is 750 billion. For 44 million users. Which breaks down 17k a person.

How is this supposed to save us money if it costs 6k more per person.

Just taking that math to the country it will cost us more than 1.7 trillion a year.

And that doesnt include the costs of Medicaid.

I love phony math.

I'm against Medicare for All but I also am a straight shooter. You can't extrapolate healthcare costs for our old fogies to the sub 65 crowd. My parents need waaaay more healthcare than I do and I'm a generation removed from folks in their 20s. Healthcare costs for an 80 yr old are going to be exponentially higher than for a 20 yr old
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I was trying last night to judge them on a scale of likability, relatability, and as close to believable as possible in my eyes , if I was going to have to vote for one ..( IMO ) Klobuchar , Pete, Biden , Bernie , Warren , Bloomberg . This is not based on policies .
Because your hero Trump is certainly likeable and relatable.
Because your hero Trump is certainly likeable and relatable.
He looks downright adored and adorable.
Hey, did anyone catch Socialist Bernie asking Bloomberg to put employees on his Board? How insane is that? But it sure is Socialism. I'm glad Bernie exposed himself and put that comment on tape and I'm glad Bloomberg shot him down.
I'm against Medicare for All but I also am a straight shooter. You can't extrapolate healthcare costs for our old fogies to the sub 65 crowd. My parents need waaaay more healthcare than I do and I'm a generation removed from folks in their 20s. Healthcare costs for an 80 yr old are going to be exponentially higher than for a 20 yr old
But it's got the "government savings" built in.

There is also about an equal number of uninsured as those already on medicare. Very likely they have relatively high costs. And we have already seen what a little bit of government does to costs with ACA. No reason to believe it doesnt do the same when they take complete control.

And a further thing not covered in the cost comparison is that people are allowed to have crappy insurance, by some standards. From the way people push the governments version being better surely that means options beyond the "crappy" which is more expensive.

And then if you factor in how badly other universal health care countries are doing, the British one is broke, the Germans and at least one Scandivian already have "death panels" in order to not spend money. It's clear to see it's not some money making or saving device.

There are plenty of reasons to suggest costs will go up, precedence, history, additional insured, all preexisting conditions being covered, presidential candidates already discussing death panels. I am sure there is more I am missing.

Even if costs somehow did not go up, why is being forced to pay the government a better option than choosing to pay a company?
I got sent this: Does this add ? 52 percent tax? Did he say that? (Edit: PROBABLY FAKE NEWS)

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