2020 Primaries

It's my understanding that his 52% tax would only be on people making several million a year. If you have a link to $29K, I'd like to see it
My daughter sent me that, and I was alarmed. I watched the debate and although I wasn't paying attention all the time, I don't remember hearing this.
My daughter sent me that, and I was alarmed. I watched the debate and although I wasn't paying attention all the time, I don't remember hearing this.
I don’t think he said that either although I do think he will raise taxes on the middle class.
So, what else about Bernie doesn't add up?
I think that is an example of the fake stuff going around. I usually check before posting stuff, but it was sent by my daughter and she said she got it from a reliable person. (And now says it's deleted)

I know most on here on Trumpers, but I just feel he is very unstable, especially without another election hanging over his head. I am looking at this less than spectacular group of Democrats running for President, and trying to figure out which one is the best. Fake news which makes them worse than they already are (even if it's on Trump) is not needed.
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Bernie did say he would raise taxes on anyone making over $29K/year
I did hear that too--but I hope it wasn't 52 percent. That is alarming (even if you are a Billionaire)

I assume he is saying we won't be paying the weekly health care money that comes out of our check from our jobs. They just add taxes and apparently suppose to be cheaper, but I am skeptical.
I did hear that too--but I hope it wasn't 52 percent. That is alarming (even if you are a Billionaire)

I assume he is saying we won't be paying the weekly health care money that comes out of our check from our jobs. They just add taxes and apparently suppose to be cheaper, but I am skeptical.
Jeebus. Google it. It is pretty much an across the board hike with the 52% being taxed on the most wealthy.
I'm not a lover of Trump's style either but in this country come election day we only have two choices. You're not going to get everything you want in a candidate. I think it's clear, this year the choice is going to be capitalism vs socialism. Given that, I'll deal with Trump's quirks. That's an easy choice
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I did hear that too--but I hope it wasn't 52 percent. That is alarming (even if you are a Billionaire)

I assume he is saying we won't be paying the weekly health care money that comes out of our check from our jobs. They just add taxes and apparently suppose to be cheaper, but I am skeptical.
I don't recall hearing a percentage.
You are right on the second part, but we all know private health insurance isn't going away
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I did hear that too--but I hope it wasn't 52 percent. That is alarming (even if you are a Billionaire)

I assume he is saying we won't be paying the weekly health care money that comes out of our check from our jobs. They just add taxes and apparently suppose to be cheaper, but I am skeptical.
52% doesn't even count his wealth tax. He wants a wealth tax on everyone with over $32million of wealth. So if Bloomberg is worth $50B, that means Bernie thinks he can take $40 million from him every year just for living here. Bernie also wants 5% from all Americans with an income and 10% from all employers. What do you think that'll do to the economy?

Our Constitution states clearly that the gov't can't just take your private property. How is a wealth tax not doing exactly that?
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52% doesn't even count his wealth tax. He wants a wealth tax on everyone with over $32million of wealth. So if Bloomberg is worth $50B, that means Bernie thinks he can take $40 million from him every year just for living here. Bernie also wants 5% from all Americans with an income and 10% from all employers. What do you think that'll do to the economy?

Our Constitution states clearly that the gov't can't just take your private property. How is a wealth tax not doing exactly that?
Taxing the hades out of people who give you employment doesn't seem to be the brightest of plans. Bloomberg may be an ass, but I was with him when he said he worked hard for his money.
I don't know what this means. Is it a lot of democratic enthusiasm or just rubbernecking at a horrific accident?

After the way the debates went I don't believe I would be touting higher viewership as a good thing.

The real indicator will be to see who actually shows up to vote in the primaries after watching the debate. If it stays like it has been in the last two states it will be average to underwhelming. The only state that may have an increase is California only due to the fact that it is a Democratic stronghold. But who knows a lot may be looking at the homeless situation, taxes and regulations that have been inhibited by their Democratic leadership and be meh on where the party is going.

More than likely though a vast amount of the population there would probably vote for Hitler if he was the democratic nominee. If you don't believe me look at James Clyburn's comments from earlier this week. That dude would literally back Jim Crow if he were the democratic nominee and I'd say he is one of many with that mindset.
I'm not sure who to vote for in the Fl primary. I hope crazy Bernie keeps the momentum, but i think bloomy would be fun to watch against Trump
I think that is an example of the fake stuff going around. I usually check before posting stuff, but it was sent by my daughter and she said she got it from a reliable person. (And now says it's deleted)

I know most on here on Trumpers, but I just feel he is very unstable, especially without another election hanging over his head. I am looking at this less than spectacular group of Democrats running for President, and trying to figure out which one is the best. Fake news which makes them worse than they already are (even if it's on Trump) is not needed.
After that debacle of a debate the other night, my wife tried to get me to pick the one that I would vote for if I had only that group on the stage to choose from. I could not in good conscience pick one. I do not think of myself as a “Trumper”. But I voted for him last time knowing he’s no saint and will likely do so again.
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It's my understanding that his 52% tax would only be on people making several million a year. If you have a link to $29K, I'd like to see it

Bill Clinton said that he didn't intend on raising taxes on the middle class to pay for his programs. Key phrase "didn't intend" He promptly passed the largest tax increase in history retroactive to the first of the year. My parents who were middle class went from $1000 tax refund the year before Clinton to paying $1500 in the next year without an increase in salary.
To be fair, that tax increase wasn't really to pay for his programs. It was part of a plan to balance the budget which he did with the help of a Republican House under the leadership of Newt Gingrich.

I'd support a tax increase now if it were accompanied by spending reductions rather than new programs. Unfortunately neither party is of a mood to do something like this
To be fair, that tax increase wasn't really to pay for his programs. It was part of a plan to balance the budget which he did with the help of a Republican House under the leadership of Newt Gingrich.

I'd support a tax increase now if it were accompanied by spending reductions rather than new programs. Unfortunately neither party is of a mood to do something like this

We need an entire tax overhaul where everyone pays. There should be no such thing as tax refund, credit, deduction, # of dependents, filing status, etc.
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To be fair, that tax increase wasn't really to pay for his programs. It was part of a plan to balance the budget which he did with the help of a Republican House under the leadership of Newt Gingrich.

I'd support a tax increase now if it were accompanied by spending reductions rather than new programs. Unfortunately neither party is of a mood to do something like this

I'm talking about the tax increase of 93 this was done to help pay for Hillarycare. Billy C was drug kicking and screaming to that balanced budget.
As a candidate Bill C said " I will present a plan to balance the budget in 5 years.
As president I lost count on the number of different ways he said he would balance the budget.

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