2020 U.S. Senate Races

Serious question. Is the runoff the same as the regular election in Georgia where mail in ballots are counted last?
And yet here you are replying
That’s the standard answer for people who don’t want to address a fact. Just trying to help you out. How can I help you if I don’t reply? You’ll just keep posting the same old Trump lies.
Serious question. Is the runoff the same as the regular election in Georgia where mail in ballots are counted last?
Small change. They can't count anything until polls close. But they were allowed to start verifying signatures on the outer envelope of the mail in ballot. That will speed things up some.
Why would you waste an entire day when you could vote early by mail? Just to say you did? I guess I value my time a little more.

If you're a small business owner or hourly wage employee who can make more money by voting by mail and working all day on election day, I would consider voting by mail and working instead of not working and standing in line the good conservative capitalist thing to do. I guess some people who'd rather stand in line all day are just communists leaches.
If you're a small business owner or hourly wage employee who can make more money by voting by mail and working all day on election day, I would consider voting by mail and working instead of not working and standing in line the good conservative capitalist thing to do. I guess some people who'd rather stand in line all day are just communists leaches.
Never heard of early voting? You all are just lazy and know it’s much easier to cheat
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If you're a small business owner or hourly wage employee who can make more money by voting by mail and working all day on election day, I would consider voting by mail and working instead of not working and standing in line the good conservative capitalist thing to do. I guess some people who'd rather stand in line all day are just communists leaches.

I guess dims can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.
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