2020 U.S. Senate Races

Of course that can be claimed about every bill. You've yet to provide an example of widespread suffering from these and instead give me min wage and fixing pensions. Always about someone else's money
Minimum wage is an issue for you?
Someone's pension is an issue for you? A pension is not a gift. People have worked for that pension. I had to work 10 years before I was vested with my pension.
I don't understand the someone else's money quip?
No one is getting rich from minimum wage increasing. I would rather for a person who works 40 hours per week to be able to afford housing, food, and healthcare as opposed to it being subsidized with tax money. Isn't that a better option.
As you know everyone is not afforded the same opportunity to go to college or get a good paying job, or other things that some of us have been blessed enough to have.
I have worked two jobs from 16 until a few years ago when my youngest was born. I have been homeless, unemployed, and underemployed. Having compassion for someone else is not a bad thing.
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I'm all about reality and know what I see with my own two eyes.

And if you believe there wasn't anything shady going on in plenty of States, Nick Saban is about to go to Texas to be the Defensive Coordinator.

There's plenty of shady stuff as there is in every election. But there wasn't enough shady stuff in this election to change the result. If there was, Team Trump would have found at least a fraction of it.
Well apparently winning control of the Senate isn't a cure for TDS...Trump still living rent free in the heads of the Libs on here...note not one has said anything about their candidates...they probably don't even know their positions
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That's because you don't believe in the constitution or personal liberty.

The current makeup and planned actions will not produce a better, more free country.
There was no greater danger to personal liberty and the constitution than Trumpism.
How he is reacting to his defeat is all the proof anyone should ever need.
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I think the total repudiation of Trumpism will serve this country well in the long run.
Nah the Dem infighting for the next two years will be a wonderful thing to behold...the Dems made alot of promises and now voters are ready to cash in
Well apparently winning control of the Senate isn't a cure for TDS...Trump still living rent free in the heads of the Libs on here...note not one has said anything about their candidates...they probably don't even know their positions
Abortions for all....forced abortions. No more babies will be born as soon as Rev. Warnock and Ossoff are sworn in. Even men are getting abortions.
Minimum wage is an issue for you?
Someone's pension is an issue for you? A pension is not a gift. People have worked for that pension. I had to work 10 years before I was vested with my pension.
I don't understand the someone else's money quip?
No one is getting rich from minimum wage increasing. I would rather for a person who works 40 hours per week to be able to afford housing, food, and healthcare as opposed to it being subsidized with tax money. Isn't that a better option.
As you know everyone is not afforded the same opportunity to go to college or get a good paying job, or other things that some of us have been blessed enough to have.
I have worked two jobs from 16 until a few years ago when my youngest was born. I have been homeless, unemployed, and underemployed. Having compassion for someone else is not a bad thing.
I have plenty of compassion and do lots around my community to help. I don't believe it needs to be done by an overbearing govt

Min wage affects the cost of goods so it does concern me. Other people's money was because some of the acts were to be funded with tax dollars. That's mine and perhaps yours.

If someone is working at min wage right now and they're no longer a teenager then they aren't trying or are disabled in some fashion. Showing up on time and competing tasks had now become too much to handle for some. They should not be rewarded
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I'm about as centrist as a centrist could be. Sure I look left to you, but you're a fascist, so everyone is WAY to your left.

Anyway, there's really no helping you.

Good luck with the next 4+ years. And don't forget, Joe Biden is YOUR President.
You aren't close to a centrist. You are a communist

That worthless dementia corrupt POS will never be my president.
Well apparently winning control of the Senate isn't a cure for TDS...Trump still living rent free in the heads of the Libs on here...note not one has said anything about their candidates...they probably don't even know their positions
Look at Trump's idiotic tweet 3 posts above yours.
Look at the idiots gathering in DC today.
Watch the sh!t show the repubs put on today for the sake of Trumpers.
Get Trump out and we can start recovering from the catastrophe.
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There was no greater danger to personal liberty and the constitution than Trumpism.
How he is reacting to his defeat is all the proof anyone should ever need.
Then you haven't read Joe's website and listened to the plans. I'm no fan of Trump's but to pretend he was a greater threat to our rights than the current Dem party is pure ignorance
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Nah the Dem infighting for the next two years will be a wonderful thing to behold...the Dems made alot of promises and now voters are ready to cash in
There will not be infighting, the radical AOC types now own the party. Just look at GA from last night, they didn't elect fraud "moderates" like Manchin they went full radical
Nah the Dem infighting for the next two years will be a wonderful thing to behold...the Dems made alot of promises and now voters are ready to cash in
No doubt. Things can start moving back to normal.
The death of Trumpism was the only critical accomplishment.
Look at Trump's idiotic tweet 3 posts above yours.
Look at the idiots gathering in DC today.
Watch the sh!t show the repubs put on today for the sake of Trumpers.
Get Trump out and we can start recovering from the catastrophe.
The catastrophe just started but you are good with it because it will collapse this once great country
Then you haven't read Joe's website and listened to the plans. I'm no fan of Trump's but to pretend he was a greater threat to our rights than the current Dem party is pure ignorance
Trump is currently trying to overturn a presidential election. I can think of no greater threat.
Trump is currently trying to overturn a presidential election. I can think of no greater threat.
mail in ballots were a greater threat since they actually did overturn the election

He's putting up a fake fight to pay off debt. He's a performer and if stealing money is such a threat then the Dems still win

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