2020 U.S. Senate Races

Yeah, except nothing was stolen. You've just been brainwashed by a moron.

Oh really?

Biden got 81 million votes? A man who couldn't even draw a couple of hundred supporters to his rallies? Stopped campaigning by noon each day? Said so many questionable things the media covered up it's insane? Has been proven with documentation to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Couldn't even get his own former President out to campaign for him until the last week of the election?

Are you ****ing serious this was the person people picked?

He won less counties than Obama ever thought of doing and somehow increased his popular vote by nearly 20% over what was undoubtedly one of the most popular Presidents in our lifetime. And you expect me to believe there isn't anything shady going on?
lol....It was 100% a referendum on Trump and it was a complete repudiation of Trumpism.
You have the wrong side being brainwashed. This should have been evident in the summer of 2016.


Why did so many House seats flip many with the support of Trump?

Why so many voting irregularities in swing states?

You're going to get what you didn't vote for very soon.
I need virtual on MWT otherwise it won’t take. During the blended part I’m gonna need at least 3 white people for every minority in order to feel I have a safe learning environment. I’m also gonna request someone from the Tlaib camp to lead my group. I really thrive when I have an instructor who has the right mix of assertiveness, bitchiness, can do attitude and radical ideology.
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Oh really?

Biden got 81 million votes? A man who couldn't even draw a couple of hundred supporters to his rallies? Stopped campaigning by noon each day? Said so many questionable things the media covered up it's insane? Has been proven with documentation to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Couldn't even get his own former President out to campaign for him until the last week of the election?

Are you ****ing serious this was the person people picked?

He won less counties than Obama ever thought of doing and somehow increased his popular vote by nearly 20% over what was undoubtedly one of the most popular Presidents in our lifetime. And you expect me to believe there isn't anything shady going on?
Yes. Basically every 'issue' you have here is answered by the pretty clear fact that the hatred of Trump was a bigger motivating factor than love of Trump. They could have just gone ahead and nominated an actual donkey and gotten 80 million votes. Trump has always been a president with an intense following from a minority of the population.
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Oh really?

Biden got 81 million votes? A man who couldn't even draw a couple of hundred supporters to his rallies? Stopped campaigning by noon each day? Said so many questionable things the media covered up it's insane? Has been proven with documentation to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Couldn't even get his own former President out to campaign for him until the last week of the election?

Are you ****ing serious this was the person people picked?

He won less counties than Obama ever thought of doing and somehow increased his popular vote by nearly 20% over what was undoubtedly one of the most popular Presidents in our lifetime. And you expect me to believe there isn't anything shady going on?
It was the NOT TRUMP vote.
Why do some find it so difficult to process that critical point?
Blaming this on Trump is lazy and it lets (we will call them dems for this argument) dems off the hook for what they have just voted for
Trump spent 2 months calling the Governor and idiot, taking on the Secretary of State and 3 days ago made statements delegitimizing the election. He did the GA GOP no favors.
You all voted for radicals, I will never forget and you all need to be held accountable. Your party is owned by the lunatic fringe
Your party is currently being held accountable for the Trump catastrophe.
Oh really?

Biden got 81 million votes? A man who couldn't even draw a couple of hundred supporters to his rallies? Stopped campaigning by noon each day? Said so many questionable things the media covered up it's insane? Has been proven with documentation to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Couldn't even get his own former President out to campaign for him until the last week of the election?

Are you ****ing serious this was the person people picked?

He won less counties than Obama ever thought of doing and somehow increased his popular vote by nearly 20% over what was undoubtedly one of the most popular Presidents in our lifetime. And you expect me to believe there isn't anything shady going on?
Qanon really did a number on you bro. Hopefully you get some help.
Trump spent 2 months calling the Governor and idiot, taking on the Secretary of State and 3 days ago made statements delegitimizing the election. He did the GA GOP no favors.
Nothing encourages people to vote quite like telling them the other side is just going to steal it.
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It was the NOT TRUMP vote.
Why do some find it so difficult to process that critical point?

Because the Covid effect played a huge role. The mass turnout from mass mail in voting completely changed the model in Georgia. You're applying a political narrative after the fact that is only partially true.
Yes. Basically every 'issue' you have here is answered by the pretty clear fact that the hatred of Trump was a bigger motivating factor than love of Trump. They could have just gone ahead and nominated an actual donkey and gotten 80 million votes. Trump has always been a president with an intense following from a minority of the population.

Bull ****.

When places like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada actually perform a true audit of voting records, let me know.
Nothing encourages people to vote quite like telling them the other side is just going to steal it.
It was stupid as hell. Trump literally said that and then got on a plane to campaign in GA for the election he just said was illegitimate.
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Trump spent 2 months calling the Governor and idiot, taking on the Secretary of State and 3 days ago made statements delegitimizing the election. He did the GA GOP no favors.
They are idiots. But blaming this on Trump let's the Luthers of your state off the hook.
Yes it will be a nightmare even under your team. The assault on rights will cause more suffering than anyone you blame Mitch for. How did he make you suffer?
There is about 300 bills that he refused to even bring for a vote that had Bipartisan House support.

H.R.582, Raise the Wage Act
H.R.986, Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act
S.916, MOMMA’s Act
S.2598, Pension Stability Act
S.2254, Butch Lewis Act
S.27, American Miners Act

Those are just a few. Just because something does not directly affect me, it affects someone. I don't want anyone to suffer.
Trump spent 2 months calling the Governor and idiot, taking on the Secretary of State and 3 days ago made statements delegitimizing the election. He did the GA GOP no favors.
And the fact that both Purdue and Loeffler bowed to Trump was their critical flaw.
Had either one stood against the nonsense, they would have won.
No they aren't. Adults don't steal other people's money and waste it on nonsense. Adults don't limit the freedoms of others simply because they disagree. Adults take care of themselves and don't blame everyone else for their shortcomings

One party control is a nightmare. Especially true when they are led by idiots

You are correct, and Donald Trump and the last 4-year sh*tshow is living proof.

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