2020 U.S. Senate Races

There is about 300 bills that he refused to even bring for a vote that had Bipartisan House support.

H.R.582, Raise the Wage Act
H.R.986, Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act
S.916, MOMMA’s Act
S.2598, Pension Stability Act
S.2254, Butch Lewis Act
S.27, American Miners Act

Those are just a few. Just because something does not directly affect me, it affects someone. I don't want anyone to suffer.
About to be a lot of suffering if Ossof wins
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Oh really?

Biden got 81 million votes? A man who couldn't even draw a couple of hundred supporters to his rallies? Stopped campaigning by noon each day? Said so many questionable things the media covered up it's insane? Has been proven with documentation to have ties to the Chinese Communist Party? Couldn't even get his own former President out to campaign for him until the last week of the election?

Are you ****ing serious this was the person people picked?

He won less counties than Obama ever thought of doing and somehow increased his popular vote by nearly 20% over what was undoubtedly one of the most popular Presidents in our lifetime. And you expect me to believe there isn't anything shady going on?
I think the left doesn’t understand, and it’s because they just listen to the media and don’t do research for themselves, is that this was the most impossible electoral win in the history of America. Trump won all the Bellwether metrics, won all 3 Bellwether states, and won 18/19 Bellwether counties. Trump is now the only president to gain votes and lose his re-election and Joe Biden somehow got 12 million more votes than Obama even though he didn’t even campaign. This is by far the weirdest election we’ve ever had. It seems pretty impossible that their was no cheating going on. Was it enough to change the election? That’s the question we’ll never get answered, because nobody wants a civil war.
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There is about 300 bills that he refused to even bring for a vote that had Bipartisan House support.

H.R.582, Raise the Wage Act
H.R.986, Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act
S.916, MOMMA’s Act
S.2598, Pension Stability Act
S.2254, Butch Lewis Act
S.27, American Miners Act

Those are just a few. Just because something does not directly affect me, it affects someone. I don't want anyone to suffer.
Of course that can be claimed about every bill. You've yet to provide an example of widespread suffering from these and instead give me min wage and fixing pensions. Always about someone else's money
If it was a "Not Trump" vote as you say, the House seats would never have flipped.

How ****ing stupid do you have to be not to understand this?
That's absurd.
The greatest "not Trump" vote of all would be to vote repub in every election but still vote against Trump.
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There is about 300 bills that he refused to even bring for a vote that had Bipartisan House support.

H.R.582, Raise the Wage Act
H.R.986, Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act
S.916, MOMMA’s Act
S.2598, Pension Stability Act
S.2254, Butch Lewis Act
S.27, American Miners Act

Those are just a few. Just because something does not directly affect me, it affects someone. I don't want anyone to suffer.

Your "bipartisan" support is really a stretch.

H.R. 582 - Roll Call 496 Roll Call 496, Bill Number: H. R. 582, 116th Congress, 1st Session

More Democrats voted against it than Republicans did for it

H.R. 986 - Roll Call 196 Roll Call 196, Bill Number: H. R. 986, 116th Congress, 1st Session

Four GOP votes, at least you're going up.

S. 916, S. 2598, S. 2254 and S. 27 never made it out of committee in the Senate.

Please don't act like someone won't track down your bull ****.
You are the one who voted for anti American communists.

So, I support free and fair elections. They serve as the keystone of our Democratic Republic.

You support overturning free and fair elections. You support dictatorial power.

In short, you support extreme right-wing authoritarianism.

In one simple word, you sir are a fascist.
Refusing to accept reality will keep resulting in outcomes you don't want.

I'm all about reality and know what I see with my own two eyes.

And if you believe there wasn't anything shady going on in plenty of States, Nick Saban is about to go to Texas to be the Defensive Coordinator.
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So, I support free and fair elections. They serve as the keystone of our Democratic Republic.

You support overturning free and fair elections. You support dictatorial power.

In short, you support a dictatorship. You are a right-wing extremist.

In one simple word, you sir are a fascist.
No you support cheating and cheaters

You support radical communists. You are a left wing lunatic
No you support cheating and cheaters

You support radical communists. You are a left wing lunatic

I'm about as centrist as a centrist could be. Sure I look left to you, but you're a fascist, so everyone is WAY to your left.

Anyway, there's really no helping you.

Good luck with the next 4+ years. And don't forget, Joe Biden is YOUR President.

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