2024 Elections Will Be Rigged

So first go around Team Trump claimed fraud and touted evidence that turned out to be non-existent and bogus. And so now, instead, Team Trump is citing fraud that hasn't even occurred.

Fair point.

And if he does win, I’m sure we can count on democrat voters, democrat leadership, and the mainstream media (an extension of the democrat party) to immediately declare:

“This election was open, fair, and legitimate. President Trump won and now it’s time to move forward for the sake of our constitutional republic.”

That’s what I’ve always admired about leftist. They refuse to make excuses and they graciously accept defeat.

Edit: Also. If Haley wins, we will all celebrate our 1st female President. That’s another thing leftist do. Not selective with their narratives whatsoever. That glass ceiling will finally be shattered and women everywhere will rally behind our first female President, praising the progress that has been achieved.
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Another load of this bull crap? Great.
If there is no foul play...then full transparency and audits should have been done...for every election regardless of the winning candidate....there needs to be paper ballots and ballot tracking that you can look up and verify your copy matches the copy that is submitted.... signature verification needs to be at least at a 85% match. On all signature points...voting should take place on a Friday and Saturday with result produced and finalized on Sunday.
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Fair point.

And if he does win, I’m sure we can count on democrat voters, democrat leadership, and the mainstream media (an extension of the democrat party) to immediately declare:

“This election was open, fair, and legitimate. President Trump won and now it’s time to move forward for the sake of our constitutional republic.”

That’s what I’ve always admired about leftist. They refuse to make excuses and they graciously accept defeat.

They did when he won in '16.

They did when Bush beat Gore.

Any griping was short-lived and did not involve storming the Capitol and threatening to hang the VP because he would not go along with a fake electors scheme. So I don't think whataboutism is strong on this issue.
They did when he won in '16.

They did when Bush beat Gore.

Any griping was short-lived and did not involve storming the Capitol and threatening to hang the VP because he would not go along with a fake electors scheme. So I don't think whataboutism is strong on this issue.


They protested and tried to reverse it for 4 years. The idiotic response to the pandemic was mostly an effort to hurt Trump.
They did when he won in '16.

They did when Bush beat Gore.

Any griping was short-lived and did not involve storming the Capitol and threatening to hang the VP because he would not go along with a fake electors scheme. So I don't think whataboutism is strong on this issue.
You are so right. “Illegitimate President” was never a phrase echoed by anyone on the left.

Just 4 years of comfort knowing Trump was elected fair and square. 😉
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It’s easier on the mind to believe that fraud exists instead of believing that the American people would be so ignorant as to elect Joe Biden as POTUS. I understand how depressing it is to believe the latter, but here we are in reality and the fact is that there are people that are actually that moronic among us and in greater numbers than seems possible.
Interesting that you consider Biden viable. I really doubt the man could get a drivers license.
He's the incumbent isn't he? He's viable.

.... and I realize that it was a long time ago, and that he concealed his failing health really well .... but FDR was literally 5 months away from death when he was re-elected (for the 3rd time) in 1944.
It’s easier on the mind to believe that fraud exists instead of believing that the American people would be so ignorant as to elect Joe Biden as POTUS. I understand how depressing it is to believe the latter, but here we are in reality and the fact is that there are people that are actually that moronic among us and in greater numbers than seems possible.
It really shouldn't be that hard to believe ... considering who is opponent was.

Whenever posts such as this are made, Trump and his considerable faults are never mentioned.

WashingtonCNN —
The day before the 2020 election, Roger Stone, the long-time Republican operative and ally of former President Donald Trump, said in front of a documentary film crew that he had no interest in waiting to tally actual votes before contesting the election results.

“f*** the voting, let’s get right to the violence,” Stone can be heard saying, according to footage provided by a Danish documentary film crew and obtained by CNN.
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It’s easier on the mind to believe that fraud exists instead of believing that the American people would be so ignorant as to elect Joe Biden as POTUS. I understand how depressing it is to believe the latter, but here we are in reality and the fact is that there are people that are actually that moronic among us and in greater numbers than seems possible.
You do realize that is what a far greater number of people were saying in 2016 about the election of Trump.
He's the incumbent isn't he? He's viable.

.... and I realize that it was a long time ago, and that he concealed his failing health really well .... but FDR was literally 5 months away from death when he was re-elected (for the 3rd time) in 1944.

Point? Being a viable candidate doesn't equal being a viable president.

Now if you're entire goal is for your team to win, ok. I get why you would consider Biden viable.
Trump has longstanding history of calling elections 'rigged' if he doesn’t like the results

This is not the first time Trump has made claims about election fraud when the results do not please him. It has been a part of his playbook for years -- long before he entered politics.

2012 general election

On election night in 2012, when President Barack Obama was reelected, Trump said that the election was a "total sham" and a "travesty," while also making the claim that the United States is "not a democracy" after Obama secured his victory.

Trump even wrote on Twitter, "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!"


"Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!" Trump wrote on Twitter at the time.

He also wrote, "Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified."

In October 2016, just weeks before the general election, Trump wanted to cast doubt on the results by tweeting, "The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD," without providing any evidence for the claim.

Trump is simply a horrendously despicable human.
Point? Being a viable candidate doesn't equal being a viable president.

Now if you're entire goal is for your team to win, ok. I get why you would consider Biden viable.
My entire goal will continue to be to do whatever is legally possible to avoid anything Trumpish.

My entire goal will continue to be to do whatever is legally possible to avoid anything Trumpish.

My entire goal will continue to be to do whatever is legally possible to avoid anything Trumpish.

(I wanted to provide the broken record effect)
Yeah, it's quite obvious they did.

Just trying to provide context as many here are trying to make this about Trump. They have their heads in sand, or really don't care about what occurred. Really sad to watch.
My entire goal will continue to be to do whatever is legally possible to avoid anything Trumpish.

My entire goal will continue to be to do whatever is legally possible to avoid anything Trumpish.

My entire goal will continue to be to do whatever is legally possible to avoid anything Trumpish.

(I wanted to provide the broken record effect)

Yes, Luther we know that you are a sheep and will do as you're told.

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