2024 Elections Will Be Rigged

... and remember! We are going to cheat again ... so stay at home. No sense in casting a vote, that will never be counted.

LOL - you clearly misunderstand my clarion call. I am crying HAVOC and let slip the dogs of war! There is no longer honor in the vote and keeping the facade that there is, only assists our opponents in their thievery. Put aside false morality that conforms you to servility and restricts the hand from action. For if cheating is the measure of our polity, then let us be far more proficient at it and willing to employ it than the left.

No, I say where they cheat with a metaphoric machine gun, GOP operatives should respond with a bazooka and follow up with cluster bombs. Be bold, brazen in it. There is no sin but losing, for that is their belief - thus let us give them their fill of it. Let the stench of their political carcasses fill the air and the anguished wails of the media saturate the ether. Let their hypocrisy rail at our perfidy, while bitterly admitting its success.

For THEN, and ONLY THEN will we have peace and the laws be reformed so that cheating is highly difficult and too risky to attempt. Then loopholes will be closed and voters be required to demonstrate their intent in person, with proof of their identity. Then there will be transparency in the count, so that all parties can be assured that the results reflect the truth of the expressed will of those who showed up to vote that day.

But until then, I say BURN... IT.... ALL.... DOWN!

And lest you clutch your pearls at such words, they have been said before (though admittedly more succinctly and with greater eloquence):

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
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Yes, Luther we know that you are a sheep and will do as you're told.
If anyone tells me to do that, I'll let them know they are years behind. I don't follow the lead, but I often find myself ahead of the lead and eventually mirroring the lead.
LOL - you clearly misunderstand my clarion call. I am crying HAVOC and let slip the dogs of war! There is no longer honor in the vote and keeping the facade that there is, only assists our opponents in their thievery. Put aside false morality that conforms you to servility and restricts the hand from action. For if cheating is the measure of a polity, then let us be far more proficient at it and willing to employ it than the left.

No, I say where they cheat with a metaphoric machine gun, GOP operatives should respond with a bazooka and follow up with cluster bombs. Be bold, brazen in it. There is no sin but losing, for that is their belief - thus let us give them their fill of it. Let the stench of their political carcasses fill the air and the anguished wails of the media saturate the ether. Let their hypocrisy rail at our perfidy, while bitterly admitting its success.

For THEN, and ONLY THEN will we have peace and the laws be reformed so that cheating is highly difficult and too risky to attempt. Then loopholes will be closed and voters be required to demonstrate their intent in person, with proof of their identity. Then there will be transparency in the count, so that all parties can be assured that the results reflect the truth of the expressed will of those who showed up to vote that day.

But until then, I say BURN... IT.... ALL.... DOWN!
lol.....Spoken like a true Roger Stone disciple, with a speech impediment.
I’m just glad they’ve moved on from some of their ideas to legally rigging elections that the left was openly discussing in 2020 (Puerto Rico statehood, lowering the voting age to 16, packing the Supreme Court, and restoring voting rights to all felons).
I’m just glad they’ve moved on from some of their ideas to legally rigging elections that the left was openly discussing in 2020 (Puerto Rico statehood, lowering the voting age to 16, packing the Supreme Court, and restoring voting rights to all felons).

But they havent moved on. Not really. They just surmised that they could not succeed with them AT THAT TIME. So, like gay marriage, they shelved it until such time as they could have adequately seeded public opinion to seem to support it.
But they havent moved on. Not really. They just surmised that they could not succeed with them AT THAT TIME. So, like gay marriage, they shelved it until such time as they could have adequately seeded public opinion to seem to support it.
That's sort of the way progress works.
They interfered in the past two elections. Fact. They tried to remove a sitting President with lies. Fact.
These same dipsticks are the people who cried (loother literally in his daughters arms) that the election was rigged for Trump vs HRC. But sure, the Republicans are the only ones who think it’s a problem. The Democrats are just better cheaters. That’s the only difference in the 2 tribes
Oh yeah, the exact same states will have the exact same results. Fulton count ga will pull out some magic ballots around 3am

Big cities/metro areas always come in late because of the number of votes to be counted, and they go heavily Democratic. There's nothing mysterious about it--unless you're MAGA.

Who is this woman--Kari Lake's sister? She's talking the same nonsense we heard from Rudy G., crazy Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis.
The MAGA movement wallows in conspiracy theories.....fact.

Trump Lawyer Admits to Falsehoods in 2020 Fraud Claims
Jenna Ellis acknowledged that she knowingly misrepresented the facts about election fraud in a disciplinary procedure by Colorado state bar officials.
I am not sure that is something to brag about. Fulton county would vote for a democrat if he/she/they were mentally handicapped, clinically insane, and dead at the same time
lol....Yep, the flip side of those crazy solid red areas.

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