It is a tough spot so I can sympathize with someone voting 3rd Party (my vote often votes that way or doesn't vote at all).
I tend to follow your pattern and vote for one of the main parties. 95% of the time it is Republican. I was more open to the Democrats pre-Obama (or even Obama first term as I did vote for him first term) before they went extreme left.
I am probably a red vote down the line now as the left (especially via the media) just doesn't have the right values. I see Trump as a middle finger to MSNBC, Academic, Democratic leadership, mainstream Republicans, etc. for how they have treated (or mistreated) our nation. Trump isn't great and I voted against him in the Primaries but he is that counter against everything that is running our nation into the group.
The problem with arguing with the never Trumpers is that I can agree with a lot of their comments about Trump but when I ask them to look at the problems on the left, it is silence. The left is truly ruining our nation. You can see it with California. The problem is that people won't wake up and see that by voting for someone like Trump, you are also voting for the Democrats and left to change and come back to sane levels. If you vote Harris/Walz, you are going to only amplify their view that our country wants to go left, wants socialism, wants woke, and doesn't care about national debt or how high you tax them.
However, there is no secret that Trump doesn't follow a lot of my values and comes off as selfish or incompetent at times.
EDIT: The issue about politics today is that where you grow up really matters. Someone growing up in Los Angeles vs someone growing up in Manchester, Tennessee are going to have a very different look at politics.