I dont have time or inclination to get too deep but a few pointers of the bigger Trump plan
1. Drill baby drill - lowering energy costs is the #1 thing that can be done to lower inflation - besides home bills, every product has to be delivered and manufacturing is especially contingent - Squashing the whole green scam and oil prices will drop as soon as he gets in as market begins to price his future moves.
2. Gutting regulations - insane number of regs in the fed register that add major layers of cost without real benefit except to lawyer and gov apparachics - you would probably get rid of 1/2 of them and nobody would even notice. Now that SCOTUS ruled on kicking it back to congress, expect a LOT of this. Business will rejoice over this more than tax reduction.
3. Build that wall and deport every illegal you can find - nah, that wont be reality but if they do start being very aggressive with deportations and e-verify penalties for employers, there will be a lot go home voluntarily and newcomers will go way down - this massively reduces burden/spending on fed, state and local govs to take care of them
4. Tarrifs - expect a lot of bluster here too but in the end, Trump will get less than he blusters but still way more than we get now - temp increase in COGS is not good for inflation but very good for American jobs and production.
5. Expect him to cut off spending to all the progressive pet projects and perhaps even eliminate some gov agencies saving some money - tho admittedly, he is likely to give some of that to GOP pet projects
6. No money for wars overseas - other countries need to pony up - enough said.
7. Corp tax reductions - oddly, when he did this before, treasury revenue was HIGHER than before because corps decide to book the taxes here instead of overseas. Bring the capital back to the USA in doing so, that helps us with trade deficits and thus less interest paid to foreigners and thus less inflation here at home.
8. Oh yes, no tax on tips - so great an idea Kamala is trying to copy it (though she would never follow through) Major boost to service workers and eliminates so many useless layers, all of which add cost so that the gov can get the money and hand it to someone else.
MASSIVE improvement over what Comrade Kamala is planning