I have always sort of seen it as the exact opposite. Conservatives value facts and reality over the wishful thinking of the liberal mind.
Not that a healthy society doesn’t need both to function (which is why I don’t ever want to see either side totally win the battle, even my own).
Liberals see the world as being broken and in need of improvement (and that speaks to their credit). But they are prone to try all kinds of wild experiments to try and improve things without considering the unintended consequences. Conservatives provide a needed brake by reminding people of the reality of things that have worked in the past.
We need both.
Liberalism without conservatives ultimately results in a simplistic pie in the sky dystopia like you saw in the former Soviet Union or in Venezuela today.
And Conservatism without liberals results in a stagnant world in which everyone is afraid to try anything new and therefore things never improve.
It’s like a car that needs both a gas pedal and a brake. If you take away the first, you don’t go anywhere and if you take away the second, you go flying off a cliff.
America has succeeded so well because we alternate between the two extremes every 20 to 40 years.
I vote conservative now because I think the liberals are pushing too far too quickly. I respect people who see it differently as long as they have put some thought into it; which I think most of the liberals here on VN have done (at least since we dispensed with dear old Turbo
