2024 Presidential Race

Maybe his club championship with a few foot wedges. That's about it.

Something big is coming ....

Oh don’t worry. We know something big is coming. Dimocrats get desperate when they know they are losing. I just wonder how despicably low they will go this time since every other ploy and lie has failed so far.
Those same busses will probably bring those MassVoters to cast their NH ballot in November.
The Kamala Kampaign also kicked out all of the paying customers from a Parmanti Brothers restaurant in Pennsylvania and bused in paid actors to pretend to be normal diners meeting Kackles the Klown.
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"Job creators understand this perfectly well. That’s why so many of America’s iconic founders and business leaders — from across the political spectrum, including many big donors to the Democrat Party — are lining up to support Donald Trump in this election."

The complete Harris makeover requires 15 radical rules followed to the letter:

  1. Remake Harris as an entirely fresh, happy face. She’s about joy and vibe — which beats position papers and policy statements. Banish all thoughts that she is an incumbent vice president and co-owns the last four years of the Biden administration.
  2. Ignore/deny that Harris as vice president could have long ago enacted her new makeover proposal — or could do so right now in the remaining five months of her administration’s tenure. She was the last person out of the room when Biden made those awful decisions.
  3. For the next 70 days, reinvent Harris as a moderate. Xerox much of Donald Trump’s current, more popular agenda. Have Harris claim it as her own. Reboot her as a border hawk, a China hawk, a defense hawk, a budget hawk, and a law-and-order hawk.
  4. The word-salad Harris must not do a single unscripted media interview, live town hall, extemporaneous chat, ambush hot mic, or lecture without a teleprompter.
  5. Harris must not offer any policy proposals such as her harebrained price controls that deviate from her 70-day new centrist image and teleprompted scripts.
  6. Do not mention Biden at all. Harris is not to be seen with him in photos or at events. Create a vaguely joyful, but completely imaginary, “Harris record.” Separate it from the miserable Biden-Harris administration. Leak that she was unhappy with Biden.
  7. Call Trump a mobster, criminal, insurrectionist and dictator nonstop. Never provide any evidence to support such charges. When challenged, double down and let loose with worse invective.
  8. Talk about abortion nonstop. But never dare mention the word. Relabel abortion “reproductive rights.” Falsely reinvent Trump as a radical anti-abortionist who wants a federal ban.
  9. Follow the 2020 successful Biden “basement” strategy: Keep out of the public eye, silent on the issues, reliant on 70% of the ballots not being cast on Election Day, and outsourcing the campaign to the fusion media and billionaire class.
  10. Harangue about race and gender nonstop. Define the election as a stark binary between a “young” oppressed but dynamic black woman and an old oppressor racist white guy.
  11. Reinvent the “journey” and life “story” of Harris — the child of two PhDs — into a hardscrabble, lifelong struggle against poverty, systemic racism, and greedy “billionaires” like Trump. She is always to be from Oakland — never Berkeley.
  12. Talk about transparency nonstop. Feign a willingness to have three or four debates. But agree to hold only one — and only on a left-wing network. Promise interviews and town halls endlessly. Enter into discussions about them. But always delay, stonewall, and evade for the next 10 weeks.
  13. Meet privately and endlessly with the megarich donor class that helped to remove Biden. Assure Wall Street, Hollywood and Silicon Valley grandees that banter about wealth taxes, taxes on unearned income and higher corporate taxes are mere campaign posturing. Then outraise Trump again 3 to 1.
  14. Privately assure leftist activists and Democratic politicos that any backslidings from supporting lifelong left-wing advocacies are temporary and necessary 70-day pretexts. Instead look at what Harris actually does after Nov. 5, not anything she must say before then.
  15. Control and modulate the street. Anti-Trump protests are a legitimate “movement” that are “not going to let up. And they should not.” Any violent anti-Trump demonstrator should be bailed out immediately.
No .... Trump was just mad that they didn't air his acceptance speech live, and so he pitched a fit, and said some really stupid things. That's what Trump does. He is petty and childish.
Your assuming again based on your opinion of Trump..which is fine..but your feeling are not fact...same thing I tell my 12 year old when he can't rein in is emotions.
You really should vote for the "Grab 'em by the pu$$y guy" .... if you have Christian values.
Relative to a devout Communist and deepstate puppet, seeking the destruction of western culture, values and economy. Who always sides against unborn babies, Christians, and laughs about locking up innocent men? Absolutely. You should use your brain, and think about who will represent you better, and not be dumb enough to worry about guys alleged locker room talk from decades ago. There's not a man out there who has not said something crass at some point in their life.

The choices...
Desktop Screenshot 2024.09.05 -

Now can you stop pretending to give a damn about Christian values as a devout atheist, who mocks the Christian faith? Or do I need to expect more fake handwringing about something alleged Trump said. You better start worrying more about your own words my brother, and your own soul.

Desktop Screenshot 2024.09.05 -

Your "CONCERN" for Christian values is so fake and laughable.
Who the SWAMP IS, their hierchy, and what they plan to do for the 2024 elections.

I hope he is wrong on his predictions for 2024-25, but this guy has been scarily accurate since 2020 election....Navel Academy graduate, 22 yr Navy veteran of Special Warfare and Special Operations. won against the Deepstate in Court over 2020 electionf raud, and even got their deepstate lackie lawyer disbarred. His predictions:

"Predictions based on what they are foretelling. (The Deepstate AKA Council)

Kamala Harris & PA Gov Josh Shapiro will be finalized at DNC convention as President and VP candidates. If you think Kamala is “too stupid,” and can’t talk, please refer to Biden.

They will announce Biden will remain in office until Jan 20th, 2025, but he will “pass away” at most advantageous moment. Hunter Biden and all Biden crime family associates will be pardoned.

They will make another run at assassinating President Trump before DNC convention, and keep trying until successful or stopped.

They will also make a run at removing Justice Thomas via “investigations” and if unsuccessful also resort to murder to remove him and Alito.

An “extraordinary or catastrophic event” (black swan) will be executed before election preventing voting in person and transparent election oversight.

Biological (flu), or infrastructure attack (solar flares or cyber attack to take out power), or fomenting violence with economic meltdown of banks.

Shapiro was installed as PA Attorney General via massive election fraud in 2020, and again in 2022 as PA Gov via massive election fraud. 2024 will be no different.

Massive election fraud will be used at all levels to further install a Congress that will continue to be malleable.

After Harris and Shapiro “win” via massive election fraud, there will be lawsuits (again), and the Electoral College “Improvement” Act of 2022 will be used to have 3 federal judges in DC decide who “wins” election to “settle” the matter, and “move forward” with Harris and Shapiro.

Jim Jordan will get Speaker of House in trade for silence.

Regardless of whether it will actually work, it’s what they have to work with at this time.

Nothing is set in stone. God has his hand on the wheel.

Still in the fight."

If you haven't read his excellent article on what the deep state is. I highly recommend it.

The Council - Who is Running the US 13JUL2024 Final v15 - Published.pdf

Print a copy or two or three.
Your assuming again based on your opinion of Trump..which is fine..but your feeling are not fact...same thing I tell my 12 year old when he can't rein in is emotions.
You don't have to assume anything here ....

Donald Trump did, in fact, say that the licenses of NBC and CNN should be "taken away" just because they didn't broadcast his acceptance speech live, following his victory in the Iowa Caucuses in January.

For the 3rd time now, here is the link to it :

Such a course of action (if possible) would definitely violate the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Donald Trump wasn't kidding either. He doubled down on it the next day. It was a stupid thing to say. If you can't admit that, then you have issues of your own.

Do you teach your kid to defend Donald Trump at any and all cost? If so, that wouldn't surprise me. I will probably have to post that link a 4th time. You are thicker than oatmeal..
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And let us not forget. Tulsi and RFK endorsed Trump because they are selfishly seeking a job. They are cowards.

Liz is endorsing Kamala out of the abundance of love she has for America and our democracy.

Man I love false narratives!
Liz lost 2-1 in her own state. Seems her issue is reading the room and fading away.
You don't have to assume anything here ....

Donald Trump did, in fact, say that the licenses of NBC and CNN should be "taken away" just because they didn't broadcast his acceptance speech live, following his victory in the Iowa Caucuses in January.

For the 3rd time now, here is the link to it :

Such a course of action (if possible) would definitely violate the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Donald Trump wasn't kidding either. He doubled down on it the next day. It was a stupid thing to say. If you can't admit that, then you have issues of your own.

Do you teach your kid to defend Donald Trump at any and all cost? If so, that wouldn't surprise me. I will probably have to post that link a 4th time. You are thicker than oatmeal..
You don’t have a problem with Maddow telling the audience this statement

“It is not out of spite,” Maddow said, “it is not a decision that we relish, it is a decision that we regularly revisit, and honestly, earnestly, it is not an easy decision. But there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.

Same organization/Host that ran years of dishonesty leading up to 2016 and 2020 elections. If you chose to be a parent, you know the first rule is to not lecture other parents.
You don’t have a problem with Maddow telling the audience this statement

“It is not out of spite,” Maddow said, “it is not a decision that we relish, it is a decision that we regularly revisit, and honestly, earnestly, it is not an easy decision. But there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.

Same organization/Host that ran years of dishonesty leading up to 2016 and 2020 elections. If you chose to be a parent, you know the first rule is to not lecture other parents.
In light of the of the $787 million that Fox News had to agree to pay Dominion in order to settle a defamation suit brought against them over lies propagated by Donald Trump, she is exactly right. That was a steep cost, which most companies would rather not have to pay. Let me know when MSNBC is forced to pay that much to settle a defamation suit, and your deflection will have some merit to it. For now, she is 100% correct.
Relative to a devout Communist and deepstate puppet, seeking the destruction of western culture, values and economy. Who always sides against unborn babies, Christians, and laughs about locking up innocent men? Absolutely. You should use your brain, and think about who will represent you better, and not be dumb enough to worry about guys alleged locker room talk from decades ago. There's not a man out there who has not said something crass at some point in their life.

The choices...
View attachment 673536

Now can you stop pretending to give a damn about Christian values as a devout atheist, who mocks the Christian faith? Or do I need to expect more fake handwringing about something alleged Trump said. You better start worrying more about your own words my brother, and your own soul.

View attachment 673537

Your "CONCERN" for Christian values is so fake and laughable.

You went in on this one.
You don’t have a problem with Maddow telling the audience this statement

“It is not out of spite,” Maddow said, “it is not a decision that we relish, it is a decision that we regularly revisit, and honestly, earnestly, it is not an easy decision. But there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.

Same organization/Host that ran years of dishonesty leading up to 2016 and 2020 elections. If you chose to be a parent, you know the first rule is to not lecture other parents.

You might not be shocked to know Maddow is one of @BowlBrother85 favorite shows. She is popular with low info voters and beta males. They like her toughness.
You might not be shocked to know Maddow is one of @BowlBrother85 favorite shows. She is popular with low info voters and beta males. They like her toughness.
Is she still only one day a week? Lot T males enjoy the sarcastic remarks & smirks in monologues. Comes across as trustworthy.
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In light of the of the $787 million that Fox News had to agree to pay Dominion in order to settle a defamation suit brought against them over lies propagated by Donald Trump, she is exactly right. That was a steep cost, which most companies would rather not have to pay. Let me know when MSNBC is forced to pay that much to settle a defamation suit, and your deflection will have some merit to it. For now, she is 100% correct.
Got it, so you have no issue with media manipulation by the left as long as you can default to $787M dominion in your rebuttal/excuse. Hold on to that sweet Prince and never change.
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You should use your brain, and think about who will represent you better, and not be dumb enough to worry about guys alleged locker room talk from decades ago.
This is what I find amusing about this rant of yours. You can't bring yourself to even admit that he really did say it. LOL.

It's on audio/video -The infamous "Access Hollywood" video. .....

There is NOTHING which is simply being "alleged" here. Trump said it, and he even issued an apology for saying it. However, you still feel a cultish need to treat it, as though it is something which has been merely "alleged," rather than something which can be seen and heard on a video, which is still readily available for all to see and hear, on the internet. That is so pathetic. MAGA is a cult.

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