2024 Presidential Race

This is what I find amusing about this rant of yours. You can't bring yourself to even admit that he really did say it. LOL.

It's on audio/video -The infamous "Access Hollywood" video. .....

There is NOTHING which is simply being "alleged" here. Trump said it, and he even issued an apology for saying it. However, you still feel a cultish need to treat it, as though it is something which has been merely "alleged," rather than something which can be seen and heard on a video, which is still readily available for all to see and hear, on the internet. That is so pathetic. MAGA is a cult.

The major difference is one says bad stuff (Trump). The other (Harris) does bad stuff.
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You don't have to assume anything here ....

Donald Trump did, in fact, say that the licenses of NBC and CNN should be "taken away" just because they didn't broadcast his acceptance speech live, following his victory in the Iowa Caucuses in January.

For the 3rd time now, here is the link to it :

Such a course of action (if possible) would definitely violate the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Donald Trump wasn't kidding either. He doubled down on it the next day. It was a stupid thing to say. If you can't admit that, then you have issues of your own.

Do you teach your kid to defend Donald Trump at any and all cost? If so, that wouldn't surprise me. I will probably have to post that link a 4th time. You are thicker than oatmeal..
He literally says they refused to air my speech because they are crooked, dishonest...both of those claim could be used if they have ever given knowingly false info over the air per the FCC rules .so yea it rolled into them not airing his speech but the lies are what he is attacking.. and again it's not a first amendment issue..it's punishment per the FCC rules for violating the rules of presenting false information willfully..
The major difference is one says bad stuff (Trump). The other (Harris) does bad stuff.
You are saying that Trump has never "done bad stuff?"

Such as :

Lie about donating money to 9/11 charities .... while accepting money from a 9/11 charity.
Use his own charity as a personal piggy bank.
Sexually assault E. Jean Carroll - for which he was found civilly liable.
Commit blatant bank fraud by overstating the value of his assets.
Run the USFL into the ground.
Commit one emoluments clause violation after another while President.
Pay a family doctor to back up his bone spurs claim, so he could dodge the Vietnam War draft.

I could go on and on and on ..... You guys have no sense of who your own candidate is.
The major difference is one says bad stuff (Trump). The other (Harris) does bad stuff.
Did Trump's coup attempt, being found guilty of sexual assault and being found guilty of business fraud disappear from your memory. Hell, even the Trump Charitable Foundation and Trump University were scams. Seems like there is verifiable proof he does a lot of "bad stuff". He's a grifter of epic proportions, you need to re-calibrate your moral and ethical compass and re-think you entire thought process.
Did Trump's coup attempt, being found guilty of sexual assault and being found guilty of business fraud disappear from your memory. Hell, even the Trump Charitable Foundation and Trump University were scams. Seems like there is verifiable proof he does a lot of "bad stuff". He's a grifter of epic proportions, you need to re-calibrate your moral and ethical compass and re-think you entire thought process.

The topic was regarding the media. I’m aware of no trump policy nor no action under his administration to directly pressure media outlets.

The same can’t be said for Harris.
He literally says they refused to air my speech because they are crooked, dishonest...both of those claim could be used if they have ever given knowingly false info over the air per the FCC rules .so yea it rolled into them not airing his speech but the lies are what he is attacking.. and again it's not a first amendment issue..it's punishment per the FCC rules for violating the rules of presenting false information willfully..
That is so ridiculous ....

It is beyond pathetic that you are defending it. It absolutely would constitute a violation of the 1st Amendment, if it was possible. His grievance with NBC and CNN was clearly that they did not air his speech. You are cultish - this proves it. You would defend him for anything.
You are saying that Trump has never "done bad stuff?"

Such as :

Lie about donating money to 9/11 charities .... while accepting money from a 9/11 charity.
Use his own charity as a personal piggy bank.
Sexually assault E. Jean Carroll - for which he was found civilly liable.
Commit blatant bank fraud by overstating the value of his assets.
Run the USFL into the ground.
Commit one emoluments clause violation after another while President.
Pay a family doctor to back up his bone spurs claim, so he could dodge the Vietnam War draft.

I could go on and on and on ..... You guys have no sense of who your own candidate is.

lol the topic was regarding the media. Trump 100% said something I don’t like. Harris has 100% been involved in things I don’t like (directly pressuring social media outlets).

One is far worse than the other.
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lol the topic was regarding the media. Trump 100% said something I don’t like. Harris has 100% been involved in things I don’t like (directly pressuring social media outlets).

One is far worse than the other.
Okay ... If we are just limiting this to treatment of the media, involving tangible actions taken?

How about this?

Okay ... If we are just limiting this to treatment of the media, involving tangible actions taken?

How about this?


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Okay ... If we are just limiting this to treatment of the media, involving tangible actions taken?

How about this?

Both sides have done that. I’m not impressed. I find colluding with the media to hide stories they don’t like to be far more significant
The topic was regarding the media. I’m aware of no trump policy nor no action under his administration to directly pressure media outlets.

The same can’t be said for Harris.

Sorry for the poor source, but since it includes a video of congressional testimony, I don’t think it is necessary to find a better one.

NSFW language in the video.

Time it took to find this: < 4 minutes.
Pulling up the Wikipedia for “the Twitter files”
Skimming to find the very first mention of Trump admin requesting takedowns (I imagine there are more)
Opening the link to the cited source.
Skimming the article.
Watching the video.

Chris slept through how the electoral process works. I do enjoy that he gets like minded fools excited and they are somehow wronged. Democracy
It’s among the dumbest points leftist make. I use this analogy often.

The goal to winning a football game is to out score your opponent. That’s it! So a strategy is developed to do just that. The GOP would be ignorant to do anything other than developing a strategy to win the election based on the rules in place.

Trying to win the popular vote or even bragging about winning the popular vote is like a football team trying to win the Total Yards stat. Or the Time of possession stat as their ultimate goal. It’s ridiculous.

“Sure y’all beat us 20 to 17, but but but, we had more first downs than yall!!!”
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That is so ridiculous ....

It is beyond pathetic that you are defending it. It absolutely would constitute a violation of the 1st Amendment, if it was possible. His grievance with NBC and CNN was clearly that they did not air his speech. You are cultish - this proves it. You would defend him for anything.
Anti trump is a cult...I'm simply pointing out why what he said could be factual and correct..you believe anything that comes outta his mouth is false because of your emotions towards him ..I presented logically the rules of the FCC and given what has been represented about Trump by those news groups has been modern false and they knew it..period..had the FCC followed thier own rules then Trump had an actual complaint...but you childish emotional jealous hate towards Trump won't allow you see it from any angle but hate. Very cultish
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Putin prefers Harris to win this November ...

From the article:

When asked how he feels about the November election, the Russian leader said that as President Joe Biden had recommended his supporters to back Ms Harris, "we will do the same, we will support her".


Sorry for the poor source, but since it includes a video of congressional testimony, I don’t think it is necessary to find a better one.

NSFW language in the video.

Time it took to find this: < 4 minutes.
Pulling up the Wikipedia for “the Twitter files”
Skimming to find the very first mention of Trump admin requesting takedowns (I imagine there are more)
Opening the link to the cited source.
Skimming the article.
Watching the video.


Okay can you give me a timestamp in the video talking about the specific instance?

I would like to see the context of what is in the article which isn't much. Of course, the context in history is portions of the U.S. government including the executive and legislative branches were actively working in treasonous means to remove Trump through whatever means necessary. No?
More like a REALLY desperate moment.

Recruiting estranged family members to speak poorly of a relative is not the sort of thing a campaign in the lead does .... The Trump Campaign can see that the polling data is trending heavily in favor of Harris, and none of their other attacks have worked.

This will not change the mind of anyone over who to vote for, nor will it sway an independent voter. Voters know sour grapes when they see them. It is too transparent of a political ploy.
Lol, you’re all about estranged family members speaking poorly of a relative - as long as they’re Kennedys.

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