2024 Presidential Race

If the closeness of the relative is what you value then why didn't you mention this from that AP article:

But Tim Walz’s other surviving sibling is not behind his candidacy.

In recent days, the New York Post has reported on Facebook comments from the governor’s older brother, Jeff Walz of Freeport, Florida, in which he said of his younger sibling: “The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.” The 67-year-old also wrote that he was “100% opposed to all his ideology” and had thought about endorsing Trump, the Post reported.

Did you miss this or did you not even read the article you posted? Pretty damning I'd say
Lulz they are already getting ready for this election...... Are they going to try this same story again if Trump wins a second time?

"The indictments come at a time of renewed concern about Russian efforts to meddle with the upcoming U.S. election using online disinformation and propaganda. On Wednesday federal authorities charged two employees of the Russian media organization RT with covertly funding a Tennessee company that produced pro-Russian content."
If the closeness of the relative is what you value then why didn't you mention this from that AP article:

Did you miss this or did you not even read the article you posted? Pretty damning I'd say
Catch up love. There's no there there.

If the closeness of the relative is what you value then why didn't you mention this from that AP article:

Did you miss this or did you not even read the article you posted? Pretty damning I'd say
“The stories” in question


Folks got nothing
A smirking Vladimir Putin said Thursday he supported Kamala Harris in the upcoming US presidential election just a day after Washington accused Moscow of tampering with the vote.

'Firstly, (US President Joe) Biden recommended all his supporters support Mrs Harris,' Putin said during a question and answer session at Russia's Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

'Here, we are going to do that too, we're going to support her,' he added, with a wry smile.

'She laughs so contagiously that it shows that everything is fine with her,' the Russian leader said, as members of the public laughed.

'(Former US President Donald) Trump has imposed as many sanctions on Russia as any president has ever imposed before, and if Harris is doing well, perhaps she will refrain from such actions.'

Vladimir for Harris!
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Absentee --- Mail in Ballot.
Wonder what his state of residency is?
I guess Trump failed on that 300 million dollar loan he had.
Or maybe Trump sold him the wrong set of OPLANs. Or Harris probably gave him a better BJ than Trump.
Who knows, Who really cares?
More like a REALLY desperate moment.

Recruiting estranged family members to speak poorly of a relative is not the sort of thing a campaign in the lead does .... The Trump Campaign can see that the polling data is trending heavily in favor of Harris, and none of their other attacks have worked.

This will not change the mind of anyone over who to vote for, nor will it sway an independent voter. Voters know sour grapes when they see them. It is too transparent of a political ploy.
Except Harris is way behind polling for Biden at this point in the race according to the RCP average.
Couldn't imagine asking a job candidate a straightforward question like this, getting the response that Trump gave, and then going, "Yep, this is the guy I want to hire." But you goobers do you.

Couldn't imagine asking a job candidate a straightforward question like this, getting the response that Trump gave, and then going, "Yep, this is the guy I want to hire." But you goobers do you.

Harris wouldn't show up for the interview unless you gave her the questions beforehand and she preapproved them.
Couldn't imagine asking a job candidate a straightforward question like this, getting the response that Trump gave, and then going, "Yep, this is the guy I want to hire." But you goobers do you.

Relax EL. You got the popular vote locked up. Doesn't that make you feel warm and special? What are you worried about?
Catch up love. There's no there there.

Oh there's plenty of "there there". He says in that video that "he stands by his comments".

Rather than just posting more stuff that you didn't create or read, how 'bout making a statement of your own.

Knowing that he stands behind his comments, what do you mean by "there's no there, there"?
You know what the response will be, right?

"There's truly a juicy story there but the Dems have either paid him off and/threatened to kill him if he discloses anything. This is all a conspiracy to keep the truth from coming out. MAGA, deport them all, etc etc."
Or maybe he just realized what a huge douche he was being and decided to stop before he irreparably harmed their relationship.
She's gone.....

I am ENDORSING Donald Trump because he is not afraid to take a stand to protect children. He has publicly gone on record to denounce this barbaric practice and said he will end it. Kamala Harris hides that she supports sex change for children. Whats worse, her running mate, Tim Walz, actually celebrates and encourages it, by making his state a “transgender sanctuary city” for little kids.

When White liberal progressive Democrats decided that castrating Black boys and stopping black girls from menstruating was a good idea, that was the beginning of the end of credibility. They know that it is a form of racist population control and is actually reason alone for Black American parents to #walkaway and withhold our votes from this new radicalized Democratic Party. Sadly, most of our communities are not aware of this issue because it is not covered on TV. When informed people speak about it, they are threatened to be “canceled”.

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Couldn't imagine asking a job candidate a straightforward question like this, getting the response that Trump gave, and then going, "Yep, this is the guy I want to hire." But you goobers do you.

Can‘t imagine the INABILITY to ask a job candidate questions on a job they are competing for.
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