2024 Presidential Race

LMAO all day w/these idiots ..... they think they won a prize or something here.

Would love to dust off some of their commentary on Cheney when he was VP. I remember that they basically said he was worse than Hitler (but of course they say that about EVERY Republican) (not that I consider Cheney a Republican any longer)
Are you talking about the impeachment of trump?

No I’m talking about the idiotic people you support forcefully removing a “sharp as a tack” sitting president to appoint an even bigger unelected moron. I’m glad you’re giddy that the idiots you support have garnered the approval of someone that shoots their supporters in the face.
Would love to dust off some of their commentary on Cheney when he was VP. I remember that they basically said he was worse than Hitler (but of course they say that about EVERY Republican) (not that I consider Cheney a Republican any longer)
It's really no shock that pretty much everyone looks infinitely better when viewed in comparison to trump.
What's funny is all the bragging of jobs they "created" when they took credit for jobs when they let people back after covid. Now it's Trump's fault when the jobs crash. 😅
The automotive industry had employees on furlough and getting paid by $$$$ from Trump. We created a surplus product of agriculture commodities because we quit selling to our largest purchaser. They were paid anyway by our government instead of of our customer.

That was our situation over a year before COVID. IOW we were cash rich and supply dropped like a rock when things shut down. Jobs were obviously going to come back regardless of the POTUS
No I’m talking about the idiotic people you support forcefully removing a “sharp as a tack” sitting president to appoint an even bigger unelected moron. I’m glad you’re giddy that the idiots you support have garnered the approval of someone that shoots their supporters in the face.
I thought you said "organizing a coup to remove a sitting president'.
Weren't all you trumpers up in arms about him not being removed as a sitting president.
Which is it?
The automotive industry had employees on furlough and getting paid by $$$$ from Trump. We created a surplus product of agriculture commodities because we quit selling to our largest purchaser. They were paid anyway by our government instead of of our customer.

That was our situation over a year before COVID. IOW we were cash rich and supply dropped like a rock when things shut down. Jobs were obviously going to come back regardless of the POTUS
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I thought you said "organizing a coup to remove a sitting president'.
Weren't all you trumpers up in arms about him not being removed as a sitting president.
Which is it?
I'm more concerned about how the hell all sides suddenly agree he's unfit but one side is totally cool with him finishing up.
I thought you said "organizing a coup to remove a sitting president'.
Weren't all you trumpers up in arms about him not being removed as a sitting president.
Which is it?

Lol. That’s what happened. Why hasn’t he been removed? Everyone knew what was coming. He’s been a lifelong imbecile and he couldn’t hide in his basement this time. It’s amazing how he went form “sharp as a tack”, to unfit to run for reelection, but fit to hang around for 6 more months.
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I'm more concerned about how the hell all sides suddenly agree he's unfit but one side is totally cool with him finishing up.
That's a slight misinterpretation.

There is a side that believes that Biden is capable of finishing this term but is in no way able to serve for four and a half more years. That's actually not an unreasonable position.
Lol. That’s what happened. Why hasn’t he been removed? Everyone knew what was coming. He’s been a lifelong imbecile and he couldn’t hide in his basement this time. It’s amazing how he went form “sharp as a tack”, to unfit to run for reelection, but fit to hang around for 6 more months.
No one ever thought he was as sharp as a tack.
That's a slight misinterpretation.

There is a side that believes that Biden is capable of finishing this term but is in no way able to serve for four and a half more years. That's actually not an unreasonable position.
All evidence leading up to the debate, including numerous white house inner circle, and video of Joe Biden says otherwise. That debate confirmed it. Many moderators were shell shocked when his defecnecies were exposed. Many on here said it ok bc its just a few more months. You are lying to yourself. I suspect bc the truth is far uglier for you to admit. The truth is he'd still be the nominee if he were ahead in the polls

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