2024 Presidential Race

All evidence leading up to the debate, including numerous white house inner circle, and video of Joe Biden says otherwise. That debate confirmed it. Many moderators were shell shocked when his defecnecies were exposed. Many on here said it ok bc its just a few more months. You are lying to yourself. I suspect bc the truth is far uglier for you to admit. The truth is he'd still be the nominee if he were ahead in the polls
The truth is he voted for a guy in a basement. The debate confirmed the 81M got played.
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All evidence leading up to the debate, including numerous white house inner circle, and video of Joe Biden says otherwise. That debate confirmed it. Many moderators were shell shocked when his defecnecies were exposed. Many on here said it ok bc its just a few more months. You are lying to yourself. I suspect bc the truth is far uglier for you to admit. The truth is he'd still be the nominee if he were ahead in the polls
Nope there is no way in hell he would still be the nominee.
And that's the truth.
Lol. Yea they were just trying to make the American people believe it. Yes, I can believe that dem leadership was putting wining an election over the security of our nation. That checks. Thanks for realizing that
Please. You guys aren't that freakin' naïve. It's the equivalent of coach speak.

No one spews more bs that everyone knows is bs than trump. It's a joke for him. It's part of his appeal to many trumpers.

Flash back 8 years to the insane "lock her up chants". Did trump actually believe he would follow through?
Did his worshipers actually believe he would follow through?
Please. You guys aren't that freakin' naïve. It's the equivalent of coach speak.

No one spews more bs that everyone knows is bs than trump. It's a joke for him. It's part of his appeal to many trumpers.

Flash back 8 years to the insane "lock her up chants". Did trump actually believe he would follow through?
Did his worshipers actually believe he would follow through?
Oh you once again mistook me for a Trump supporter
Defrauding voters to support a mentally defeicent person. Which is far more dangerous than supporting someone whose a lying scumbag. For many reasons. We dont let invlaids drive. Y'all cool with launch codes
I'm far more at ease with biden in control of launch codes than trump. And that's the god's honest truth.
All evidence leading up to the debate, including numerous white house inner circle, and video of Joe Biden says otherwise. That debate confirmed it. Many moderators were shell shocked when his defecnecies were exposed. Many on here said it ok bc its just a few more months. You are lying to yourself. I suspect bc the truth is far uglier for you to admit. The truth is he'd still be the nominee if he were ahead in the polls
It still boggles the mind that it took 4 years of this imbecile to realize his mind was scrambled.
The problem was not enough believed it. If they did Biden would still be the nominee. I dont even know how you can argue that. Its baffiling.
I simply do not believe it to be true. The debate was the official beginning of the end....there was no turning back.....and it had nothing to do with polls, polls are merely what expressed the public's position.
It still boggles the mind that it took 4 years of this imbecile to realize his mind was scrambled.
He deteriorated a lot over those four years.

Unfortunately most all of us have seen a beloved elderly relative reach the point of accelerated decline.
That's what happened....pure and simple.....many were hoping it wouldn't happen as soon or as quickly....but it did.
Trying to portray it any other way is a tad pathetic.

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