2024 Presidential Race

Of course they were lying, embellishing, coach speaking.

So they’ve known for a long time he was unfit but held off on the coup until he looked like a fool during the debate? In which case he should’ve long been removed and the other moron should’ve been in the debate. Then you could argue they should have run a primary and let the people decide. Gotta love the party that fights for “democracy”. Lol. Regardless why is he still able to cling to office if he’s unfit? If he’s unfit to campaign he should be unfit to hold office.
Not the evidence I see.

I see evidence that supports the fact that the public realized he was unfit which led to the correct course of action on Biden's part.
You mean he was losing in the polls. A month prior to the debate, Jorge Clooney was throwing him a massive fundraiser. Poor people sat in the balcony and the elites up front.
So they’ve known for a long time he was unfit but held off on the coup until he looked like a fool during the debate? In which case he should’ve long been removed and the other moron should’ve been in the debate. Then you could argue they should have run a primary and let the people decide. Gotta love the party that fights for “democracy”. Lol. Regardless why is he still able to cling to office if he’s unfit? If he’s unfit to campaign he should be unfit to hold office.
What kind of leap was that?
Knowing that someone is not as sharp as a tack is IN NO WAY the same at saying they are unfit.

Hell - trump was nowhere close do being "as sharp as a tack" during his four years.
He deteriorated a lot over those four years.

Unfortunately most all of us have seen a beloved elderly relative reach the point of accelerated decline.
That's what happened....pure and simple.....many were hoping it wouldn't happen as soon or as quickly....but it did.
Trying to portray it any other way is a tad pathetic.
Lol, I watched my mom wither away from altzheimers. The guy was not fit to be president from day one.
Hilarious. So they were all liars.

If a coach says, "I have no idea if he will be ready to play or not" when he actually has a pretty good idea, is that a lie?

Sure it's a lie........but it doesn't rank very high at all on the liars continuum.

If a coach says, "I have no idea if he will be ready to play or not" when he actually has a pretty good idea, is that a lie?

Sure it's a lie........but it doesn't rank very high at all on the liars continuum.

Lol. Where the hell did you come up with “coach speak” when they were just straight up lying their asses off? Literally EVERYONE called what was going to happen over a year ago.
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Lol. Where the hell did you come up with “coach speak” when they were just straight up lying their asses off? Literally EVERYONE called what was going to happen over a year ago.
So you're saying literally EVERYONE knew he wasn't as sharp as a tack over a year ago......I agree...not much of a lie.
So you're saying literally EVERYONE knew he wasn't as sharp as a tack over a year ago......I agree...not much of a lie.

Lol. We all knew he would be tossed to the curb before the election. Get rid of one useful idiot to replace him with another.

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