2024 Presidential Race

I still cant get over gushing about a Cheney endorsement.

Of course just a few yearsago, never would of guessed they support castration of children, men in womens restrooms and sports, trannies are mentally stable, and dressing up like vags..
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They amped the pressure until he finally relented to their demands. He didn’t decide, he was forced.
Not only did he decide to withdraw, but he understood that it was the right thing to do....for himself, his family, and the country.
Then there’s a long list of people who lied to us about that, including Kamala Harris
lol....It's like trump saying he was going to drain the swamp. A known lie every time he said it.
It's like trump saying he was surrounding himself with the best-a known lie every time he said it
It's like trump leading chants of "lock her up" - a known lie every time he said it.
Would love to dust off some of their commentary on Cheney when he was VP. I remember that they basically said he was worse than Hitler (but of course they say that about EVERY Republican) (not that I consider Cheney a Republican any longer)
Another Babylon Bee headline writes itself: “Man worse than Hitler endorses Harris.”
Another Babylon Bee headline writes itself: “Man worse than Hitler endorses Harris.”
Yeah, how many years has the dim party called Dick Cheney every name in the book and now they love him?You people are a bunch of emotionally fragile Charlie males. You can't even reach beta male status

Perhaps the part that stings the worst is how fervently we in the conservative base defended the guy from all of the attacks, ridicule, and hate from the left while he was in office. We had his back every single day of his term. And now he pays that support back in this way? It isn’t the betrayal as much as the ingratitude that stands out to me.
I understand him not being able to endorse or vote for Trump; but someone with any sense of integrity could have just said nothing or even “I don’t discuss politics as a former VP”. But to go out of his way to publicly endorse the people who called him an evil, manipulative fool back then is just sad and pathetic.

"According to Kudlow, there’s not a “single iota” of growth incentives in the bill. “Nothing,” he said. And for all the rhetoric about economic recovery and green energy, it seems the only thing growing is the national debt."

Vice President Harris....WTF?
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You will certainly tell yourself that.
I certainly will. Others will tell themselves that he was forced out in some grand conspiratorial scheme to subvert democracy and install a candidate whom no one actually supports.

Did anyone see bigfoot riding that unicorn last night? That was crazy.

  1. Why did President Biden's top advisers routinely leak word they found her performance as vice president disappointing or episodically problematic?
  2. How did her views change in five years, from liberal to centrist on health care, immigration and energy? Why should voters believe her new views are the ones she'd stick with inside the White House?
The backstory: Biden advisers often were frustrated with Harris' performance as vice president. Their concerns fall into three buckets:

  1. They found her public performances uneven and often not reassuring. This improved over time. But even recently, several on Biden's team worried she'd struggle under the glare of national pressure.
  2. They found her risk-averse to the point of paralysis. The issue she embraced most — abortion rights — is one with the least risk, as polls show Democrats with a huge advantage on the issue.
  3. They worried about the high turnover rate among her staff. Of the 47 Harris staffers publicly disclosed to the Senate in 2021, only five still worked for her as of this spring. (This tally is incomplete because roughly half the staff isn't listed on the Senate disclosures.)
Nine areas in which she's shifted views or her current position is unknown:

  1. Banning plastic straws for environmental concerns. (She's no longer for it, as Axios reported Thursday.)
  2. A mandate for automakers to only make electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2035. (The Harris campaign won't say whether she's still for it.)
  3. Banning fracking because of concerns over global warming and potential water contamination. (No longer favors a ban.)
  4. A mandatory buyback program for assault weapons as part of her gun safety agenda. (She's dropped this idea.)
  5. Decriminalizing crossing the border from a criminal offense to a civil one. (No longer supports.)
  6. Reparations for slavery, which many progressives argued for during the 2020 primary. (Position unclear.)
  7. Building a wall on the Southwest border, a defining Trump promise that many Democrats have fought. (Accepted it as part of the bipartisan border package that Republicans killed.)
  8. A federal jobs guarantee that was part of her Green New Deal proposal. (No longer for it.)
  9. Medicare for All, which Harris embraced in her first year as senator. (She's backed off this.)
The other side: Over the past seven weeks, Trump has largely stuck to friendly interviewers in the right-wing bubble. This frustrates some Harris allies, who say Trump isn't getting true scrutiny.

  • During that same period, he also held two press conferences with mainstream reporters, with a third scheduled Friday.
  • His running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), routinely sits for tough interviews with mainstream reporters. Harris' running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, hasn't done a solo TV interview.

Goldman Sachs Endorses Kamala Harris’s Globalist Migration Policy​


Kamala Harris will be better for Wall Street investors because she will import more low-wage legal and illegal migrants from around the world, according to Goldman Sachs, a New York investment firm.


Kamala Harris had planned to object, fact-check and directly question Donald Trump while he was speaking during their debate next week. But now, with rules just finalized to mute the candidates when their opponents speaks, campaign officials said Harris advisers are scrambling to rewrite their playbook.
Harris and her team — holed up in Pittsburgh for a multi-day debate camp — wanted unmuted microphones so that the vice president could lean on her prosecutorial background, confronting the former president in the same way she laced into some of Trump’s Supreme Court nominees and Cabinet members during Senate hearings.
Instead, four Harris campaign officials argued that she will be “handcuffed” by the rules, which were negotiated by President Joe Biden’s team earlier this summer.
Hobbled by the Slo Joe rules lol.
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