2024 Presidential Race

Regarding the cats, dogs, ducks, geese etc. being eaten... there are 911 calls and police reports about it.... believe it or not up to you.

Trump on abortion after birth.... posted in 2019

It’s funny how “non-viable” is prominent in every single video and article about this and people just pretend it’s not there.

Top reply lol

Yes, someone did, repeatedly

It’s on video, not hard to find

Here’s the video in question and the quote is within the first 15 seconds.

Not sure we should dismiss everyone’s claims based on this one person, but it may be reasonable to dismiss his claims
It’s funny how “non-viable” is prominent in every single video and article about this and people just pretend it’s not there.

Top reply lol

The issue is they fact checked trump and claimed this wasn’t happening, live during the debate
Also lol at this when a huge subset of the American people is currently eating up tabloid garbage about Haitians eating pets and post-birth abortions
There's also a huge subset of Americans that bury their heads in the sand and say it's not happening. They are called liberals or democrats. They're not smart enough to do their own research, so they rely on the media to tell them what and how to act.
There's also a huge subset of Americans that bury their heads in the sand and say it's not happening. They are called liberals or democrats. They're not smart enough to do their own research, so they rely on the media to tell them what and how to act.
Provide evidence of Haitians eating pets since you did your own research, I’ll wait
Him claiming that people are “executing babies after birth” is pretty misleading though when it’s essentially end-of-life hospice care for babies who cannot survive

The fact check was still wrong. What he said isn’t false. It’s just not the full story. The fact check however was 100% false when they claimed this isn’t happening.

Surely, you see a problem with that
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The fact check was still wrong. What he said isn’t false. It’s just not the full story. The fact check however was 100% false when they claimed this isn’t happening.

Surely, you see a problem with that
“There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,”

Identify the incorrect portion of that statement, please.
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Trump might be better off if he hides in his basement and runs ads showing what Kamala has said in the past and showing images of the chaos created by her policies.

He’s fine because we all know who Trump is. She has to hid because a large chunk of voters don’t know her.
The fact check was still wrong. What he said isn’t false. It’s just not the full story. The fact check however was 100% false when they claimed this isn’t happening.

Surely, you see a problem with that
I agree with you that saying it’s is not legal to kill a baby in any state is wrong, although some may argue the definition of “kill”, and they shouldn’t have said that and should be called out for it.

But the implication that people are “executing” viable newborns just because they feel like it is incredibly dishonest as well, and I assume ISN’T legal anywhere
“There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born,”

Identify the incorrect portion of that statement, please.

What happens when these children are born alive during an abortion?

If the answer is “euthanasia”, then the entire sentence is incorrect.
I agree with you that saying it’s is not legal to kill a baby in any state is wrong, although some may argue the definition of “kill”, and they shouldn’t have said that and should be called out for it.

But the implication that people are “executing” viable newborns just because they feel like it is incredibly dishonest as well, and I assume ISN’T legal anywhere

That’s the role of the opposition. To provide the rest of the story. The moderators presented themselves as the opposition by using false fact checks.

Meanwhile they let her slide on claiming she never opposed frackin and claiming Trump wants to ban all abortions. Two major issues in this election
That’s the role of the opposition. To provide the rest of the story.
Not sure I necessarily philosophically agree that this is a great system on either side, although I realize that’s how it often happens. People are generally going to remember the outrage-inducing, attention-grabbing initial statement more than the rest of the story, as we are often seeing here, but it’s also on the candidate to make the context just as memorable somehow
Not sure I necessarily philosophically agree that this is a great system on either side, although I realize that’s how it often happens. People are generally going to remember the outrage-inducing, attention-grabbing initial statement more than the rest of the story, as we are often seeing here, but it’s also on the candidate to make the context just as memorable somehow

Do you see the right’s issue with the one way fact checks during the debate, while allowing her to lie about abortion and fracking?

Given the importance of PA fracking may be the biggest issue this election
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I voted vivik in the primaries...being as he lost
My hope is that if Trump wins, and he doesn't need reelection he will go scorched earth on start elimination of some of these alphabet agencies and the non electric controllers.kinda like Javier Melei
You think this clown is doing a good job for Argentina?

I am guessing you believed their stories about the laptop as well - correct?
I have decided that there is no hope of ever changing the minds of people who still trust everything they hear from the government, the media, and the “experts”. Unless they change their minds themselves.
It is a journey that has taken my entire life and I went from the bright eyed kid who took everything they heard from those in charge at face value through 6 decades to the much more cynical adult I am now. It has been a slowly drawing revelation that all those smart, dedicated, and honest people who are running things are just as stupid, shifty, and corruptible people as everyone else is (or worse if one believes in the Peter Principle)
And it applies to both parties as well. I am just sick and tired of being lied to by people I should have been most able to believe.
Here is a shortlist of the major disillusioned mileposts on my journey.
1) Read my lips, no new taxes
2) I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinsky
3) Saddam has weapons of mass destruction
4) if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
5) there is no way covid came from a lab
6) if you get vaccinated you will not catch covid
7) the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation

I am just tired of the whole lot. The thing that most draws me to Trump is that he is the first person in my life with a real chance to shake things up. I am sure i am falling for several lies from him as well. But all of the people “in the club” trying to tear him down are the exact same people who have continuously betrayed my trust in their own honest (see the list above)

All I can say to the Nashvols of the world is that I really REALLY hope they realize how terribly they have been lied to by the same people they still turn to for the truth.
And it’s not just about politics; it is a question of whether or not to keep believing the people you KNOW have been lying to you all this time.
Yup, Trump may totally betray must trust after the election; but I am 100% certain that Kamala would.
So peace to all and wish health and prosperity to all, even the ones I argue with. Free your mind and trust your own common sense over that of the ruling class. Live freee and be happy.
Sincerely 😀
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It’s funny how “non-viable” is prominent in every single video and article about this and people just pretend it’s not there.

Top reply lol

Kind of like how many Trumpisms the media does no?

Inject it right into the veins!

Fine people on both sides!

etc. etc. etc.
As we barrel ever closer to election day it's becoming more real me how screwed this nation is..... No matter who wins this election we are effed.

Maybe it's watching some of the 9-11 documentaries last night..... Then couldn't sleep and scrolled past an the toxic crap there. Maybe that just has me in my own head a little but damn it seems like ever single election cycle the candidates get worse and worse.
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Do you see the right’s issue with the one way fact checks during the debate, while allowing her to lie about abortion and fracking?

Given the importance of PA fracking may be the biggest issue this election
With better examples, sure, but this example of “unfair fact checking” was only “unfair” from a very technical semantic perspective. They were right that “executing babies” was misleading, and should have just added that it’s not legal to kill babies except for purposes of palliative care for non-viable newborns which I don’t think really changes anything

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