2024 Presidential Race

There isn't any proof that it isn't. There was video evidence of several residents speaking at the city council meeting and there is legit police reports.
My guy I can’t just say that you’re committing incest or something with no evidence, and then put it on you to prove you’re not doing that. Show me one shred of evidence of Haitians eating pets or it’s a garbage tabloid story (spoiler: it is)
Being able to speak languages =/= IQ. I know many dummies that speak multiple languages, and I doubt any of the kids you met actually spoke 6+ languages despite your assertions.

The reality is organizations here can and should do what they want to help Haitians in Haiti. They largely do not fit in here, and especially so when nobody encourages or forces them to assimilate. Not all cultures are worthwhile.
Well, IQ of less than 70 is what, the bottom 1% of our entire population. Haiti has the roughly the population of North Carolina. A population that size, with an average IQ in the bottom 1%? I don't know if that would even be statistically possible.

I don't know if any of the individual kids there spoke all 6 languages, but all six were being spoken while I was there. In fact, our (adult) interpreter had grown up as one of those kids, giving tours at the Citadel outside Milot. He spoke at least 5 of those languages. He may have been a 1% himself, I don't know, but damn if he didn't excel at adaptive functioning.

As for assimilation, I believe you are 100% right. There is no way anyone could come here from that culture and succeed without some measure of integration. Not because their culture is not "worthwhile," but because their culture is, in my experience, mostly about simply surviving to the next day. America would have to be overwhelming to them at first, no matter what quartile they placed in on a standardized test.

Here is an interesting link to one person's experience with the location I am talking about. It was a fascinating site with amazing history. It was hard to imagine the effort involved in constructing this this fortress on the mountain in the early 1800's. The article even refences the multi-lingual adolescent guides I referenced. Hope you find it interesting.

Like I said earlier, some people actually just want to be stupid.
Starting with the guy who thinks “carrying a goose” = “eating your pets” and fell for the IQ garbage that is probably even dumber than the idea that Haitians are eating pets
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When you cut federal spending you get short term economic loses.

Surely as an adult you knew that right?
Give me a hit. You're clearly smoking the good stuff if you think he's doing good for Argentina

Give me a hit. You're clearly smoking the good stuff if you think he's doing good for Argentina

Lmfao…yes EV. When you fire a large number of government employees, unemployment temporarily goes up.

Once again, you’re an adult, right? How do you not know these things?
What happens when these children are born alive during an abortion?

If the answer is “euthanasia”, then the entire sentence is incorrect.
The answer isn’t euthanasia, but if you have such a strong opinion about it, why do you need to ask?

Shouldn’t you get those facts before forming your opinion?

What I’m getting from this is that you are worked up about the issue, but apparently not enough to actually look into it. Are you just going off of the word of Donald Trump?

My suggestion is that you go learn the answer for yourself from a source you trust, since we both know you’re not asking me in good faith.

Here are some suggested topics:
What percentage of anbortions occur after the 24th week of gestation?
How common are “born alive” abortions and under what circumstances do they commonly occur?
What conditions cause the majority of those circumstances and what are their effects on the mother and the fetus/child?

Best of luck.
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The answer isn’t euthanasia, but if you have such a strong opinion about it, why do you need to ask?

Shouldn’t you get those facts before forming your opinion?

What I’m getting from this is that you are worked up about the issue, but apparently not enough to actually look into it. Are you just going off of the word of Donald Trump?

My suggestion is that you go learn the answer for yourself from a source you trust, since we both know you’re not asking me in good faith.

Here are some suggested topics:
What percentage of anbortions occur after the 24th week of gestation?
How common are “born alive” abortions and under what circumstances do they commonly occur?
What conditions cause the majority of those circumstances and what are their effects on the mother and the fetus/child?

Best of luck.

You become more unhinged by the day. Seek help
My guy I can’t just say that you’re committing incest or something with no evidence, and then put it on you to prove you’re not doing that. Show me one shred of evidence of Haitians eating pets or it’s a garbage tabloid story (spoiler: it is)

Lol. You would refuse to believe it if you saw it with your own eyes. That’s how ***** up you are.
Both are true by the way if you just do some research yourself instead of just blindly consuming whatever tripe the media feeds you. Especially on post birth abortions which do occur and which democrats support.
Here, let me help you get started

The trick that the left is so good at is putting just enough truth in so that they can claim it isn't a lie. For example, The article says they will deny life saving treatment to a child born through a botched abortion. See,They will not kill it, they just won't make any effort to save it. In their eyes they didn't lie even though letting it lay there suffering is a very cruel way to die.

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