2024 Presidential Race

i really dont care to make an opinion, but there have been studies, valid or not idk.
Yeah, I have my doubts.

The study says that the scores, adjusted for the Flynn effect, would average around a 64. That is bottom 0.25% of the population.

People with a 64 IQ are highly unlikely to be able to run businesses, make change, get a driver’s license, follow multi-step processes, etc.

If you e ever bought food from a Haitian who gave you change, or if you’ve ever been chauffeured around Boston by a Haitian, well, that doesn’t happen by a driver with a 64.

Again, most people don’t don’t realize just how very low a 64 is. It is exceptionally low. Not just dumb, but almost incapable of functioning on your own.

I don’t see how a nation gets to 12 million people with avg IQs of mid-60s, if for no other reason than survival of the fittest. Too many would die to allow for that low an average out of that population total.
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And he reveals himself...

I think you meant intellectuals, smart guy.
The Haitian people have no capacity for intellect, nor do they have remarkable individuals as you just point out.

Watching you and others argue against a definitive, factual statement like their low IQ - something which you can easily look up - is hilarious and entertains me. A reminder that you're here for my enjoyment. ha

Not seeing it yet in Rasmussen polls. Silver did move Kamala’s chances up somewhat. Now we could see the lines move more as more people see the debate replay or the media hammer it into people’s heads BUT it hasn’t significantly moved the needle much. The betting poll moved a lot the night of the debate but has slide back towards even.

It’s really likely up to Pennsylvania though I think to decide this one. Kamala may win the popular vote and lose the election still.
The Haitian people have no capacity for intellect, nor do they have remarkable individuals as you just point out.

Watching you and others argue against a definitive, factual statement like their low IQ - something which you can easily look up - is hilarious and entertains me. A reminder that you're here for my enjoyment. ha

Not seeing it yet in Rasmussen polls. Silver did move Kamala’s chances up somewhat. Now we could see the lines move more as more people see the debate replay or the media hammer it into people’s heads BUT it hasn’t significantly moved the needle much. The betting poll moved a lot the night of the debate but has slide back towards even.

It’s really likely up to Pennsylvania though I think to decide this one. Kamala may win the popular vote and lose the election still.
I think she will 100% win the popular vote. But no one cares about that. I agree, PA decides this thing. Will know more middle of next week. The full
Impact of the debate will be in the data then. However, much like a convention bounce, that”bump” could easily be short lived
To be fair, the Chaney family were never really Republicans. Their ultimate and absolute loyalty was going to go to whichever party was more likely to start a war somewhere and that has clearly shifted to the democrats since Trump appeared
Cheney’s are thinking of all that money they can spend when Kamala starts WW3.

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