2024 Presidential Race

Yes, thanks for telling me things I've known forever. Hate that you spent that time doing it. Hey, you can't help it that you're a deluded simpleton. The manner in which GMAC operates is entirely different than how Trump entities operate. That you used as an elementary analogy was fine, but those entities have entirely different regs.

You don't have the first clue as to what most people think. You know a fringe. Trump has been a victim to many crimes? Some? Sure, but has committed far more. At least that are on an actual documented, adjudicated record. Yeah, you dumbass, civil counts too.

I don't know what someone is suppose to do with a rant like this. 😂 Keep fighting the good fight or whatever it is you are doing.

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Well, he is a victim of conspiracies, treasonous act (which we all are), etc. Where have you been? All the stuff from Russia Gate to the all the lawfare stuff is generally all nonsense and criminal in nature.

These are crimes against the American people as well.
Donald Trump is responsible for starting more conspiracy theories and inciting more acts of violence than he has been a victim of.

Case in point : Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the mother and daughter, who were election workers in Fulton County, Georgia that were subjected to harassment, death threats, having their home broken into, because of lies that Donald Trump spread about them following the 2020 Presidential Election. All because Trump has too much of an ego to admit that he really did lose that election.

Indeed, these were crimes against American people as well..
haven't voted for him and never will

I will. P-huck the left. The real threats to democracy. I won't knock you but I've always been the type you can pull in a foxhole with you. The left wants apathy or moral consciousness from the right. We are the party of pragmatism. I'm saying that without being a Republican.
Donald Trump is responsible for starting more conspiracy theories and inciting more acts of violence than he has been a victim of.

Case in point : Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the mother and daughter, who were election workers in Fulton County, Georgia that were subjected to harassment, death threats, having their home broken into, because of lies that Donald Trump spread about them following the 2020 Presidential Election. All because Trump has too much of an ego to admit that he really did lose that election.

Indeed, these were crimes against American people as well..

Having an opinion on something doesn't make things a crime, he is in fact a victim of crimes... some involving the highest in government, Congress, foreign governments, etc. Let alone the attempts to murder him.

Damn it definitely was a full moon out last night.... freaking lunatics are going nuts.

Iranian hackers plotted to disrupt election by stealing 'sensitive' info from Trump campaign and offering to Biden​

Iranian hackers sought to disrupt the presidential election by stealing sensitive information from Donald Trump an offering the material to the campaign of his rival, Joe Biden.

In August, Microsoft revealed that hackers tied to the Iranian government have been trying to influence the US presidential election for months.

Wednesday, the FBI claims the cyber-terrorists sent unsolicited emails to people connected to the Democrat president in an effort to interfere.



Iranian hackers plotted to disrupt election by stealing 'sensitive' info from Trump campaign and offering to Biden​

Iranian hackers sought to disrupt the presidential election by stealing sensitive information from Donald Trump an offering the material to the campaign of his rival, Joe Biden.

In August, Microsoft revealed that hackers tied to the Iranian government have been trying to influence the US presidential election for months.

Wednesday, the FBI claims the cyber-terrorists sent unsolicited emails to people connected to the Democrat president in an effort to interfere.

View attachment 678247

They want a war with Iran pronto.

I would be expecting the unexpected as the numbers start to go in the wrong direction.

They need a new gag bad, and fast.


They'll convince BB that Trump shot himself.
Having an opinion on something doesn't make things a crime, he is in fact a victim of crimes... some involving the highest in government, Congress, foreign governments, etc.
The allegations that Trump made against Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss were not "opinions." They were provable lies which Rudy Giuliani has been successfully sued for defamation over. Trump did not care about the truth. He only cared about his ego. Freeman and Moss were subjected to prolonged abuse, because of Trump's lies. Trump simply does not care that they didn't do what he said they did.

Trump also incited a riot, which led to police officers being assaulted at the Capitol. All of this occurred only because he had a bruised ego.
The allegations that Trump made against Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss were not "opinions." They were provable lies which Rudy Giuliani has been successfully sued for defamation over. Trump did not care about the truth. He only cared about his ego. Freeman and Moss were subjected to prolonged abuse, because of Trump's lies. Trump simply does not care that they didn't do what he said they did.

Trump also incited a riot, which led to police officers being assaulted at the Capitol. All of this occurred only because he had a bruised ego.

I have no details as to #1, but why wasn't Trump sued, and if he was sued even if true those are not crimes. As to #2, what did Trump actually do?

A crime would be like when Obama admitted on camera and further admitted by the government that Obama murdered an American with Hellfire missiles. The full confession is on video.
The media today is the new pravda. State media. As they said in new zealand with covid information a couple of years ago."New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern once said, "We will continue to be your single source of truth," and that, "Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth."
Correct. That’s pretty much where we are at in this country. And the sheep fall in line…as they fall for it all.
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Correct. That’s pretty much where we are at in this country. And the sheep fall in line…as they fall for it all.

Luther is still double masked up. Its actually quite amazing to think about, imagine telling someone 20 years ago all the crazy things they would try and get people to believe today.

I'm pretty sure they could convince Luther that mask will protect him against a nuclear warhead.
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I have no details as to #1, but why wasn't Trump sued, and if he was sued even if true those are not crimes. As to #2, what did Trump actually do?

A crime would be like when Obama admitted on camera and further admitted by the government that Obama murdered an American with Hellfire missiles. The full confession is on video.
Does that make it right? Those women were relentlessly harassed. They did nothing to deserve it.

Trump instilled his followers with the false belief that it was still possible for him to retain the presidency on January 6, 2021, and with the belief that they could help him accomplish this by disrupting the formal certification of the electoral college vote taking place inside of the Capitol. This all but assured that a mob would breach the Capitol after their march down from the White House.

The numbers were given to the powers earlier in the week. Kamala should go to the basement, we're back to the fudging might not work stage. What the powers gave to Kamala, can be taken back.... to the basement if I were her. These people don't care about Dementia Joe, or Hunter, or Kamala, or anyone else.

The only question is what the next gag is, the half-life on these new gags doesn't seem to work and are starting to work in the opposite direction.

I predict a bunch of crazies.

- more pops at Orange?
- pop at the hooker?
- war?
- terrorists?
- financial?
- internet sabotage?

To late for the whole virus scam at this point, and you have to run with a new gag.
I will. P-huck the left. The real threats to democracy. I won't knock you but I've always been the type you can pull in a foxhole with you. The left wants apathy or moral consciousness from the right. We are the party of pragmatism. I'm saying that without being a Republican.
"We are the party of pragmatism". Holy shat, as noted often, you have no self awareness. Your party is a mess. They can't come to agreements within the party, much less across the aisle. Their in-fighting has been a joke of not just the US, but the world. You know who is responsible for it and there's no debate on that, factually speaking. Hell, you've got a guy issuing countless subpoenas that can't enforce them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

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