2024 Presidential Race

As much as DOD wants you to know. All you need to know is what is available to the public. Classified documents regarding Nukes don't exist in NG Armories. (Note: I said Classified Documents) Some of you have been watching too much TV. Some of you have gotten caught up in the he said, she said political football game.
The military had at one time unclassified material in a classified folder
In this case I guess you are framing it the way that you desire but to satisfy your answer not "liars" just participants in a lie that they really don't know. Hard to steal classified nuke documents when there are none there to take and everybody associated with nuclear weapons are under 2 man control. You figure it out.
Are you saying that a n.g. artillery unit commander transitioning to a nuclear shell capable weapon would not have access to classified material?
It's a brazen attempt to buy the votes of the gullible. He's resorting to the tactics of liberals now. Luckily, it will never happen.
Unlikely. Lowering rates is an entirely different event
Sheesh, now the Catholic Church - with all their BS about being nice to people and helping them and not telling lies about them - has gone woke.

Vance was a great pick
Like “very fine people”, “Project 25”, “bloodbath”, “March to the capital” etc.
No, not like any of those
The military had at one time unclassified material in a classified folder

Are you saying that a n.g. artillery unit commander transitioning to a nuclear shell capable weapon would not have access to classified material?
The military? I guess you are talking about the entire DOD, AF, Marines, Army, Navy, Coast Guard. Yea I am sure there have been incidents where this has happen. More than once. Kind of strolled off the bridge here, didn't you?

NG Unit Commanders, CSMs NCOs and officers are trained at Ft Sill, Ok. They receive training there and any classified material stays at Fort Sill, OK. Knowledge does go, but the reality is what I stated earlier that it would never happen for a NG unit.
Notice I didn't comment about Trump. You did. I commented that I think a half-point cut was a mistake. I do think tge move was political though. They're trying to indicate to the public that inflation is now on a path to 2%. It isn't. That won't be proved until after the election...just like the unconstitutionality of the student loan forgiveness.

Haven't seen you around in a while. How are things going with Sunbelt Billy?

He gone soon. I misjudged him, to the upside.

Also, he's not wrong about the credit card companies. Between that, tariffs and cutting insurance premiums in half - I'm of the opinion that Donny is running out of ideas and is now just saying anything he thinks might get a positive response.
What's odd to me about Trump calling for a Credit Card cap is that it's NOT just Trump ad-libbing but when I look at the video, it's clear that he's using the teleprompter when he says it.

That means someone in the campaign, not just Trump being Trump and tossing something out there, someone in the campaign apparently approved of, agreed with, thought a Credit Card cap was worth bringing up out of.... literally left field.

I'm concerned, in this close race he needs to win, that he's not getting good advice. There was no good reason for the campaign to sign off on Trump bringing this up. It just gets chewed up by conservatives as wrong, which it is, and by liberals, as on VN, as the same as their stupid price caps.
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What's odd to me about Trump calling for a Credit Card cap is that it's NOT just Trump ad-libbing but when I look at the video, it's clear that he's using the teleprompter when he says it.

That means someone in the campaign, not just Trump being Trump and tossing something out there, someone in the campaign apparently approved of, agreed with, thought a Credit Card cap was worth bringing up out of.... literally left field.

I'm concerned, in this close race he needs to win, that he's not getting good advice. There was no good reason for the campaign to sign off on Trump bringing this up. It just gets chewed up by conservatives as wrong, which it is, and by liberals, as on VN, as the same as their stupid price caps.
It's beyond stupid, and I don't like him bringing up this kind of crap. What he's doing though is lying (drawing straight from the liberal playbook) to specifically target the young, seriously in debt, low IQ voter that the left preys upon. He knows there's no chance in hell this ever goes anywhere.
What's odd to me about Trump calling for a Credit Card cap is that it's NOT just Trump ad-libbing but when I look at the video, it's clear that he's using the teleprompter when he says it.

That means someone in the campaign, not just Trump being Trump and tossing something out there, someone in the campaign apparently approved of, agreed with, thought a Credit Card cap was worth bringing up out of.... literally left field.

I'm concerned, in this close race he needs to win, that he's not getting good advice. There was no good reason for the campaign to sign off on Trump bringing this up. It just gets chewed up by conservatives as wrong, which it is, and by liberals, as on VN, as the same as their stupid price caps.
Like a lot of his policies, it's a very liberal idea.
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I'm convinced that this is a problem neither side wants to solve. It's an emotional wedge issue between American's and politicians know it, it's something they can campaign on without ever having to actually do anything about it.

Trumpers are suckers if they think he intends on doing anything but throwing band-aids at the problem. It's theater.
But your girl will throw gas on the fire. Much better in your eyes no doubt
This is the most bewildering point.

Trump kills a bi-partisan bill for border security and then runs on the platform of him being the only person who can do something about it.

And his supporters buy it. Pretty astonishing.

If nothing else, the guy can put on a master class in selling snow to Eskimo.

He'd rather America continue to have an unmitigated immigrant problem than give the current admin a win. Without the immigrant issue, he's got no platform and nothing to run on.
Wow. Are you really this naive or just dumb?
What is naive and dumb about it? Specifically?
The bill was total ****. It still allowed thousands of illegals in, and gained the Democrats political points with undocumented voters. Why didn't Joe just reissue the EO that he cancelled on day 1?.

Probably because that would have been admitting Trump was right and by God we can't have that.
The bill was total ****. It still allowed thousands of illegals in, and gained the Democrats political points with undocumented voters. Why didn't Joe just reissue the EO that he cancelled on day 1?.

Probably because that would have been admitting Trump was right and by God we can't have that.
Undocumented immigrants can't vote.

If you really believe that last paragraph, bless you
The bill was total ****. It still allowed thousands of illegals in, and gained the Democrats political points with undocumented voters. Why didn't Joe just reissue the EO that he cancelled on day 1?.

Probably because that would have been admitting Trump was right and by God we can't have that.
As a Christian, do you honestly believe God is on Trump's side? If so, tell me the things Trump has done that were in unison with God's son, Jesus Christ?
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