2024 Presidential Race

You can't eat credit cards that would be missing from the grocery store shelves.
The objection that Republicans had a week ago was that price controls - on this, that, or the other - are "commie." No one was saying "no on food price controls, but maybe other areas are fine."

Credit has a price. Trump wants to cap that price. That's a price control. By Republicans own logic, it's a "commie" proposal.
Makes Cuban look like an idiot. Trump good oh Trump bad


Violin Girl (Courage the Cowardly Dog) - Drawception
The objection that Republicans had a week ago was that price controls - on this, that, or the other - are "commie." No one was saying "no on food price controls, but maybe other areas are fine."

Credit has a price. Trump wants to cap that price. That's a price control. By Republicans own logic, it's a "commie" proposal.
The objection is/was, we have seen countries do it and seen what it does to the grocery store shelves. It leaves them empty.

I don't care what anyone's political affiliation here in the politics forum on VN is. We banter back and forth. But you all are smart enough to know the difference between inflation vs price gouging. And you all are smart enough to know why Kamala started labeling true inflation as "price gouging." It's because she's the incumbent.
Credit is priced. The proposal is to cap that price. This is a price control.
credit card interest rates are not required. even to use a credit card. It wouldn't impact me one bit if CC interest rates were 0% or 100%.

like I said I still don't like it. but its a far far stretch from price setting the cost of goods.
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How is that a kill switch? Your characterization makes no sense.

It would be better to have the plan in place, even with such a provision, than no plan at all.

Even GOP Senators have said Trump called them to kill it because he did not want Biden to have any victory on the topic ahead of the election.

These extremely lame excuses you and your brethren have tried to come up with after the fact to justify it, when it was pure politics by Trump, continue to ring hollow.
when it comes to a border control cap how is it not a kill switch to have wording in there allowing the president to override the cap when he wanted to?

a plan for what? when would we ever need to be able to turn off a border control cap?

especially when that cap is defined in such a manner to be almost pointless.
How is that a kill switch? Your characterization makes no sense.

It would be better to have the plan in place, even with such a provision, than no plan at all.

Even GOP Senators have said Trump called them to kill it because he did not want Biden to have any victory on the topic ahead of the election.

These extremely lame excuses you and your brethren have tried to come up with after the fact to justify it, when it was pure politics by Trump, continue to ring hollow.
It is a provision, written into the bill, that allows the Executive to Suspend/Stop/Turn Off/Halt the program.

Mechanisms such as these that can be quickly enacted are commonly referred to as a “kill switch”.
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This election is all about power….the left is wanting to maintain governmental / big Pharma / Big Regulatory Agency power wihile the right is wanting to minimize government power by making is smaller (Musk) and identify areas of corruption. Kennedy will be going after big Pharma ……

I love the Republicans are transparent enough to say what they really believe. Unfortunately, this is what makes me skeptical about their ability to do so. The Dems and their allies will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to maintain this power.
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Another BS story.
National Guard Units at that level do not have Nuclear Manuals per se. Training manuals for the procedures and employment of which the information is out there for Public knowledge.
Honestly, if a NG unit is going to deploy a Nuke then we are already in a Nuclear Holocaust on a battlefield.
If you had any knowledge of Nuclear opns or procedures and how it works you would laugh at this article.
How gullible can people be? I am 100% sure that Waltz did not walk out of an Armory with any information that was classified regarding Nuclear opns and if he did it exists on the internet.
So you are calling member of his NG unit “liars” then. Interesting

And no one REALLY is surprised. The hiding of documents like this is basically obstruction of Justice. Representatives are given protection from prosecution for things done in the official capacity, so there can be no criminal repercussions. (Ironically, Pelosi and the others are safe because of the very same constitutional provisions that the democrats had a hissy fit over being granted to the President).
But I feel like everyone in that committee should be promptly expelled from Congress.
IMO, Trump wanted Herd Immunity vs Vaccinations. Either way he wins. Wasted govt money spent on rich boys fake operations, Herd Immunity = reduction of the lower income levels and minority groups. Either way chaos and confusion of which he looks like a hero. His doom was almost dying from Covid.

Lmaoooooo - I’ve asked you about this at least a dozen times. You always refused to comment on it, or even acknowledge it.

Now you wanna talk about it???

The Bill vested in the Executive the power to suspend the entire thing if it was “In the National Interest”.

Not Republican(s) - One, one Republican. And I don’t know, you’d have to ask him.

Another BS story.
National Guard Units at that level do not have Nuclear Manuals per se. Training manuals for the procedures and employment of which the information is out there for Public knowledge.
Honestly, if a NG unit is going to deploy a Nuke then we are already in a Nuclear Holocaust on a battlefield.
If you had any knowledge of Nuclear opns or procedures and how it works you would laugh at this article.
How gullible can people be? I am 100% sure that Waltz did not walk out of an Armory with any information that was classified regarding Nuclear opns and if he did it exists on the internet.
So training and operations manuals for our artillery capable of firing nuclear shells is public knowledge. Couldn't help but notice it also said it was around the time of one of walz visits to china.
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It is a provision, written into the bill, that allows the Executive to Suspend/Stop/Turn Off/Halt the program.

Mechanisms such as these that can be quickly enacted are commonly referred to as a “kill switch”.
dadgum only talked about 100 times..sheesh..really dishonest
Remember way back when - like a week or two ago - when the goobers were up in arms about price controls being communism. Now, when their Lord and Savior proposes the same ... not a peep.

I heard this story this morning on Varney and said the exact same thing as Cuban. This idea is as dumb as anything Kamala has proposed. The credit card companies will either jack up other fees or cancel tons of credit cards (for everyone but those with sterling credit scores). What Cuban doesn't mention is that it would also tank the economy.
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