1. What material did Iran obtain from President Trump’s campaign?
2. To whom at the Biden for President or the Harris for President campaigns did the hackers
send information and materials?
3. What actions did the Biden for President or the Harris for President campaigns take with
regards to the material after it was received?
Kamala campaign claims it was the real victim.
4. Who has the FBI interviewed in relation to this matter, including those individuals
associated with the Biden for President or the Harris for President campaigns?
5. On what date did the FBI learn there had been a hack and exfiltration of nonpublic
information from President Trump’s campaign?
6. On what date did the FBI authenticate the documents that Iran obtained from President Trump’s campaign?
7. How did the FBI authenticate the documents that Iran obtained from President Trump’s campaign?
8. On what date(s) did Iran provide the stolen documents to the Biden for President
campaign or the Harris for President campaign?
9. On what date did the FBI first inform President Trump’s campaign it had been hacked?
10. On what date did the FBI first inform the Justice Department about the Iranian hack of President Trump’s campaign?
11. On what date did the FBI first inform the National Security Council about the Iranian hack of President Trump’s campaign?
12. On what date did information about the Iranian hack of President Trump’s campaign first appear in the Presidential Daily Brief?
13. Why did it take the FBI so long to inform President Trump’s campaign it had been hacked?
14. Did the FBI use any Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act authorities to surveil President Trump’s campaign?
15. Did President Trump receive a defensive briefing?