2024 Presidential Race

I gave you hard data on the amount and percentage that prior presidents had increased the national debt. The worst offenders were Republicans. You may not like those facts, they may hurt your little sensitive feelings, but what you don't get to do is refute them by saying "but a libtard said it." You refute facts with facts. If you got something contrary to the national debt facts I posted, show it. Otherwise, go deal with your hurt feelings with a therapist.
My turn to post facts in 3 years 5 moths Biden has spent more

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My turn to post facts in 3 years 5 moths Biden has spent more

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Fun, fun, fun. More facts on Biden v. Trump on national debt.

Spoiler alert: You Trumpers should sit this one out.

Fun, fun, fun. More facts on Biden v. Trump on national debt.

Spoiler alert: You Trumpers should sit this one out.

The debt includes impact from laws enacted in prior administrations. This can be good or bad. For example, Biden's debt number has benefitted that TCJA will cost a whole lot less than anticipated (i.e. Trump's debt number went up for 10 yr impact of this and Biden's went down because it cost brought it more revenue than anticipated).

The best way is to measure annual operating deficits from 2017-2020 vs 2021-2024. This takes long term accounting estimates out of play....

Hint, both Biden/Kamala and Trump need to be nowhere near the checkbook
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NBC and YouGov last two elections.....looks like they copied off each other.

Have no fear they will tighten up closer to election to try and save face. At that point they may need to have Trump winning by 10 just to keep their avg down.
Nothing screams objectivity like ... The Heritage Foundation, which was the author of Project 2025, and Stephen Moore, who worked on Trump's campaign, served as one of his economic advisors, and who is a Fox News Commentator.

That'd be like me trotting out a piece authored by AOC.

Try harder love.
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The debt includes impact from laws enacted in prior administrations. This can be good or bad. For example, Biden's debt number has benefitted that TCJA will cost a whole lot less than anticipated (i.e. Trump's debt number went up for 10 yr impact of this and Biden's went down because it cost brought it more revenue than anticipated).

The best way is to measure annual operating deficits from 2017-2020 vs 2021-2024. This takes long term accounting estimates out of play....

Hint, both Biden/Kamala and Trump need to be nowhere near the checkbook
Unfortunate fact - One of the two will be in the WH for 4-8 years
Suggestion - Vote for the one of the two who has the best chance of minimizing the debt increase

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