2024 Presidential Race

That is some downright comical BS.

It really is when you guys try to present Donald Trump as being an outsider, anti-establishment, independent man seeking to drain the swamp, and be a friend to the "forgotten man" of the lower/middle class, when you become so annoyingly delusional.

You try so hard to see something in Trump that simply is not there. He personifies the upper class, silver spoon fed elitist. He only cares about himself, and keeping those just like him happy. That mostly includes, the members of his golf resort properties and the people who stay at his hotels. Besides himself, they are his primary concern ... not you.

Nobody should be as gullible and susceptible to manipulation as you appear to be.
To each their own...but maybe you you just ask yourself why you try so hard to prove how bad of a guy he is....I'm sure you post some links from the last 10 years..blah blah blah...there is nothing anyone can say for you to change your mind...except maybe Maddow..but even then your so brainwashed i doubt it...good luck...so er up soon!!
LOL. That's rich.

The Republican Party has devolved into a mindless Cult of Personality, who lives for Donald Trump. You can't think for yourselves anymore. It is the group-think of a sheepish cult.

.... and you are without the slightest comprehension of self-awareness. The absurd post up above proves it.
Rich coming from a group who 90% cannot provide you with a single policy for their reason to vote for Kamala.

Just so your Cult of Personality knows who you are linking social media posts from .... Laura Loomer is not only Donald Trump's newest bestie, she is a radical right-wing loon, who once called 9/11 an "inside job." Two weeks ago, she was attending 9/11 memorial ceremonies as a guest of Trump's ..... Can you get any more disrespectful of those nearly 3,000 victims than having this nut along as your guest? Trump is a loon, and his cult follows right along.

LOL .... TDS is strong w/this putz.
^^^^ The loon who posts messages from Laura Loomer ... What a shock. ^^^^

Just so your Cult of Personality knows who you are linking social media posts from .... Laura Loomer is not only Donald Trump's newest bestie, she is a radical right-wing loon, who once called 9/11 an "inside job." Two weeks ago, she was attending 9/11 memorial ceremonies as a guest of Trump's ..... Can you get any more disrespectful of those nearly 3,000 victims than having this nut along as your guest? Trump is a loon, and his cult follows right along.

^^^^ The loon who posts messages from Laura Loomer ... What a shock. ^^^^
Boo Hoo .... cry harder. I bet you tie a pork chop around your neck just to get the dog to play w/you.
Sort of like Hunter’s “paintings”? They never DID disclose exactly who was paying 500 thousand to one MILLION dollars for amateur “paintings” by a novice “artist” (who just HAPPENED to be the son of a sitting President) did they?
Sounds like the people paying 100k for a watch at least got SOMETHING of value for their laundered funds 😂😂😂
Yep, you're exactly right. Except here the funds are going directly to the orange one.

Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Calling Trump Supporters ‘Deplorables,’ Says it’s ‘Too Kind a Word’​


Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doubled down this week on calling half of former President Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables.”

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Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Calling Trump Supporters ‘Deplorables,’ Says it’s ‘Too Kind a Word’​

View attachment 681018

Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doubled down this week on calling half of former President Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables.”

"Party of Tolerance"
You live on Pluto too.
Please post some more messages from Laura Loomer ... that really underscores my main point :

With their embrace of Donald Trump, the Republican Party is now the party of conspiracy theorist crackpots, election denying liars and Cult of Personality kooks.

Laura Loomer checks every single one of these boxes. She is now a member of Donald Trump's campaign :

Q Anon Believer ............................................................ check
9/11 was an Inside Job ............................................... check
2020 Presidential Election was Rigged ................. check
PizzaGate Believer ......................................................... check
Seth Rich was Murdered by the DNC .................... check

Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Calling Trump Supporters ‘Deplorables,’ Says it’s ‘Too Kind a Word’​

View attachment 681018

Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doubled down this week on calling half of former President Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables.”

I see @BowlBrother85 sister is still talking/acting like a trash dumpster as always.
I don't see the Republicans going the impeachment route if Headboard gets the win. I just pray that they win the congress to stop her insane socialist plans.

And as far as trading, you and I are definitely sympatico. I have somewhere near 1500 trades so far this year. This market has been awesome for naked put selling.
wife's cancer slow me down but i trade to acquire fundamentally sound stocks paying dividends. I traded the CME for years with not too many restful nights...worried as well about Headboard.
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The reality is, Donald Trump is up to his eyeballs with involvement in Project 2025, which he did not disavow until he saw how unpopular the core of it's agenda was with moderates and independents. Project 2025 represents all the worst ideals of the radical right. It is basically, a wish-list for the lunatic fringe. It is far-right extremism on steroids.

... and Trump owns every bit of it.
And Kamala has direct ties to and is supported by Socialist Bernie Sanders who honeymooned in RUSSIA. The communist party usa, the IRS and DOJ approves her message and is united in defeating trump. Their democracy is one party controlled central government with a packed, compliant supreme court , not a republic. " A new way forward" is obamas "fundamental change." That is why Trump is such a threat .
Assess the threat level.I'll take Trump.
How are we coming along with some more Laura Loomer social media messages? Don't leave us hangin' now! She is your most typical source of info .... and the most important member of Team Trump.
😂 But but Laura Loomer? Whatabout Laura Loomer? Look over there at Laura Loomer.
Everyone knows your gal pal Hillary is by herself a big stinking sore pathetic ass loser that never healed from being rejected by the voters. She needs to go off into God's sunset each day & thank her lucky stars she's not rotting in a jail cell somewhere living only on bread & water for all the hell she caused for Americans.
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