2024 Presidential Race


- you got over 28.000 murders/and sexual assault people roaming the streets of America (these are the people we are aware of)
- the MId-East is blowing up
- China is Sabre Rattling and preparing
- UKrane and Russia are going at it
- The Eastern Seaboard ports are about to go on strike (get your toilet paper now!!)

and you LIbs want more of this???
First 'black' FEMALE president.
Not Trump.

That's all that matters to the left.
First 'black' FEMALE president.
Not Trump.

That's all that matters to the left.
The first female should have been Rice, but she developed a distaste for politics. The Republican party is a shambles. Face it. The Democrats aren't any facking better but they're more united. That's just a fact. Live your life in a manner that it doesn't matter. It's pretty easy if you have the mind to do it
Dude .... You are going to vote for a 78 year old man, who received a medical deferment for bone spurs, has a hair weave that he dyes blonde, wears a girdle and uses a spray tan that turns his skin orange .... You should be so proud.
And you are voting for a woman that doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman, has flung the doors to our country wide open to any scumbag that cares to enter, can't articulate one single iota of what her policies will be, will be raising taxes on EVERYBODY to fund her wet dream of a huge central government and on and on.

Symbolism over substance. You vote for the Kommunist Klown Kamala because you detest the symbolism of Trump. I am voting for Trump because there is no substance to the Klown that is Kamala.

I am STILL waiting for any of you leftists to articulate her policies.
And you are voting for a woman that doesn't know the difference between a man and a woman, has flung the doors to our country wide open to any scumbag that cares to enter, can't articulate one single iota of what her policies will be, will be raising taxes on EVERYBODY to fund her wet dream of a huge central government and on and on.

Symbolism over substance. You vote for the Kommunist Klown Kamala because you detest the symbolism of Trump. I am voting for Trump because there is no substance to the Klown that is Kamala.

I am STILL waiting for any of you leftists to articulate her policies.
Just wanted this displayed again.
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Have thought the same thing. If she does lose, they will say that we still had the first woman of color as POTUS.

didn't they coup puddinhead over a weekend? friday - i'm staying in the race if i am still breathing!!! monday - decided that [insert puddinhead's ridiculous unintelligible mumbo gumbo here] and i am handing it off
First 'black' FEMALE president.
Not Trump.

That's all that matters to the left.

I guess…..pretty pathetic But we have asked for weeks and have yet had anyone articulate the “why” behind Kamala.

I cannot look at my kids and grandkids and say they will be better off with what is going on today vs what we had 4 years ago. This is a dangerous time that requires somebody who knows what they are doing and the fortitude to do it. I don’t see that with her.
She wanted to have her picture taken in front of the new stretch of border wall that Mexico paid for while Trump was President, but for some reason, she couldn't find it .....
Pathetic….What she has done will cost us with American blood for decades. This will affect each of us at sometime in your life!! I hope it does not, but I am not betting on it.
Pathetic….What she has done will cost us with American blood for decades. This will affect each of us at sometime in your life!! I hope it does not, but I am not betting on it.
Pathetic =

Running a campaign around the premise that new stretches of border wall will be constructed, that Mexico will pay for .... and then not even delivering on the wall itself (despite having a Republican-controlled Congress for your first two years in office, and being such a free spender, anyway).

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