2024 Presidential Race

You're doing it again. The sad thing is that you don't even realize it. Self-awareness is probably another term you should familiarize yourself with.
So you got backed down again and deflect. Got it. Guess you acknowledged the left had no issues when he was one of them but cooking the books and having affairs…if we are talking self-awareness.

For the record, we just saw a coup. It was the removal of Biden. May want to brush up on current events before proceeding.
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Exclusive: Airbnb Host Evicts Pro-Trump Ballot Chasers in Philadelphia​


An Airbnb host in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, took unprecedented steps to evict pro-Trump ballot chasers, Breitbart News exclusively learned Friday.

The incident occurred Monday when an Airbnb host gave ballot chasers with Citizens Alliance’s PA CHASE program, a pro-Trump operation that knocks on 500,000 doors across the Keystone state, an hour’s notice to vacate the premises of the Philadelphia Airbnb.

The ballot chasers, according to the group, had an interaction with the Airbnb host in which he asked what “Pennsylvania Chase” was on their T-shirts. After the ballot chasers responded, “we chase ballots for Republicans in PA”, the host immediately reported them to Airbnb and canceled the reservation reportedly worth $5,000.

What are democratic judges? Are they different than judges who abide by the constitution?
Those would be judges who see the constitution as a “living document” subject to reinterpretation on a whim in order to meet preferred outcomes instead of viewing it as a rule book that means what it says and says what it means. It was designed to protect the rights of the minority and to limit government which makes it a real irritant for power hungry liberals for whom the ends always justify the means; so they must always maintain back doors to subvert it when needed.
Watch out for these three things in a judge:
1) statements that the founders were speaking to the 18th century world only and that the world has changed
2) any references to a “penumbra” or “shadow” of the Constitution that expands the clear meaning of the words
3) as mentioned above, calling the Constitution a “living document”.
They'd crucify Trump if he was acting this way. It's all fine & dandy for the Harris folks.
Trump is a threat to their way of life. They love telling lies about Trump to their audience.

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In 2019, Harris distinguished herself from the 2020 Democratic primary field by promising to use unilateral executive power to grant permanent amnesty to so-called Dreamers and 6 million other illegal immigrants.

Specifically, she said she would create a “first of its kind” parole-in-place program for participants in President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — the Dreamers. Through the intricacies of immigration law, this designation could set Dreamers and all other immigrants on a path to citizenship without legislation.

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- you got over 28.000 murders/and sexual assault people roaming the streets of America (these are the people we are aware of)
- the MId-East is blowing up
- China is Sabre Rattling and preparing
- UKrane and Russia are going at it
- The Eastern Seaboard ports are about to go on strike (get your toilet paper now!!)

and you LIbs want more of this???
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They'd crucify Trump if he was acting this way. It's all fine & dandy for the Harris folks.
Trump is a threat to their way of life. They love telling lies about Trump to their audience.

Over 20 years later, who murdered Lori Klausutis in Scarborough’s office? Seems like a pretty big deal when you’re on TV and a former aide died on your staff in your office.

If Harris Can ‘Eliminate The Filibuster For Roe,’ She Can Nuke It For Fracking Bans And Gun Control Too​


Democrats will use abortion as a ‘wedge’ issue to nuke the filibuster, allowing them to enact many other bad policies.

Democrats Would Nuke’ the Filibuster


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