2024 Presidential Race

The tables are provided. Anyone can look for correlation and/or causation. No one needs a lengthy article proclaiming what cannot be detected by the revenue charts and the yearly inflation rate charts. The data are what they are.

I gotta go to bed.
Inflation has two primary variables: money supply and productivity.

You can increase the deficit in an environment of expanding productivity and see no net impact on inflation. In fact, that’s what has been working for the past 25+ years driven primarily by productivity gains fueled by technology.

The inflation from the Trump era was not driven by tax cuts. It came from flooding the economy with printed money at the same time productivity nose dived. It was a dumb thing to do and he wanted to do even more of it.
Inflation has two primary variables: money supply and productivity.

You can increase the deficit in an environment of expanding productivity and see no net impact on inflation. In fact, that’s what has been working for the past 25+ years driven primarily by productivity gains fueled by technology.

The inflation from the Trump era was not driven by tax cuts. It came from flooding the economy with printed money at the same time productivity nose dived. It was a dumb thing to do and he wanted to do even more of it.
Inflation is caused by Washington DC
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LOL .....

Okay then .... show me one time that a tax cut was done in conjunction with cuts to government spending.

Be specific. It sure as hell didn't happen under Trump, George W. Bush or Reagan. What do those 3 Republican Presidents have in common? They cut taxes and then proceeded to increase government spending during their time in office.

George H.W. Bush (Mr. Read My Lips) actually increased taxes.
Damn son. You really have a bad case of target fixation. Your Trump vitriol is clouding your common sense and ability to read

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