2024 Presidential Race

OMG. Tax cuts are never done in conjunction with cuts to government spending. They don't pay for themselves with growth. Tax cuts are primarily responsible for the deficits.
We’re running trillion dollar deficits annually. Less than half the people pay income tax at all. The top 10% which includes people making $169,000 and up paid 76% of all income taxes. Take just the top 5%, and they’re paying 66% of all income taxes. Americans pay about 4.5T in income, payroll, corporate and other taxes. So, let’s start with a 1% national sales tax, because I don’t want people feeling left out.
My first damn post concerning this, specifically said that tax cuts are inflationary when in conjunction with an increase in spending.

This wasn't some damn hypothetical scenario either! We were talking about Trump's fiscal policy during his first term in office when he both increased spending and cut taxes. It was inflationary as hell!
Again for the 10th time, the inflation data is not reflective in Trump's term. How long is the lag you say in your world?
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Not necessarily. Tax cuts can spur growth.
We definitely go in circles on here. That gets back to one of my main points about cutting taxes. The Republican mantra going back to the Reagan era, is that tax cuts pay for themselves through economic growth. History has never borne that out.

Those are two separate things. You can argue tax cuts worsen deficits. That’s true. But it’s still not the tax cut itself that causes inflation. Rather it’s the deficit. Because the deficit has to be paid for which increases demand.

A tax cut is not always inflationary. A deficit is always inflationary

It’s the manufacturing of money to cover the deficit that causes inflation.
.... and when you are cutting taxes while increasing spending .... YOU WILL DRIVE UP INFLATION!
You are ignoring my question, and I can understand why. I will try again.

1) Trump tax cuts went into effect Jan 2018
2) Trump even had increased spending due to COVID which occurred in Mar 2020

With these actions, where is the "Trump" inflation in the chart below?


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