2024 Presidential Race

Is Kamala’s Running-Out-the-Clock Campaign Running Out?

Everyone knows Kamala Harris is not really a presidential candidate. She will not do normal network interviews, town-halls, or press conferences.

Nor will she review or defend in any detail her proposed agendas.

Nor will she explain why as an incumbent Vice-President—serving an absentee near-senile President—she has not implemented any of her “way forward” policies. She could have done so in the six months that remained on her term since her coronation.

Nor will she outline as a self-described joy and change candidate what exactly went wrong the last four Biden-Harris years that she would apparently like to undo.

Nor will she review how and why in a matter of hours she reinvented herself from being the most radical Vice President in memory (with the hardest left voting record in the 100-person Senate) to good ol’ Kamala, the centrist pragmatist, who grew up struggling in Oakland.

So, the campaign was always about whether she could pull off these artifices, delusions and stonewalling for her aborted 90-day candidacy—and thus run out the clock.

All that is the logical finish to a two-time presidential candidate who has never entered much less won a single primary or a single delegate by voting.

The last two weeks’ events suggest the ruse may not last—as even historically warped polls show that she is ever so slowly starting to fade in the swing states.

Harris’s last two T-ball interviews—deliberately given off network primetime—one with three sympathetic reporters from the National Association of Black Journalists, and the other with an embarrassingly obsequious Oprah, were still word-salad disasters. Both the hosts and Harris left the embarrassments seemingly miffed.

And to the extent her sappy Kindergarten replies entered the public domain, they helped to explain why her prior “win” in the debate slowly eroded post facto into a likely loss.

Harris just skipped out of the Al Smith Dinner, the first time a presidential candidate had refused in 40 years—since the last Democrat and 1984 losing candidate Walter Mondale was also a no-show.

That absence from the New York City Catholic Diocese charity-sponsored event did enter the news—only as still more public confirmation that she will not do any venues where there is a slight possibility of even brief impromptu remarks.

Her September incumbent surprises were too transparent—whether the Fed’s “timely” cutting the interest rate, or, more blatantly, flying in Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on a military transport to a munitions factory in swing-state and likely election-deciding Pennsylvania—all timed roughly to the beginning of the state’s early and mail-in voting.

The election-interfering Zelensky no sooner hit the ground than he dove into the U.S. election by crudely trashing Harris's opponents.

Zelensky essentially labeled Trump clueless and Vance explicitly “dangerous” and “radical”—just a few days after a pro-Ukrainian would-be assassin tried to murder Trump, in part over his supposed reluctance to support blank-check aid to Ukraine.

Somehow the more Zelensky jabbered on in interviews and addresses, the more he managed to damage both the Harris and Ukraine cause.

Meanwhile, slowly but steadily, videos of Harris’s past performance-art radical activism now appear near daily.

The latest was the erstwhile border czar’s prior juvenile shouting at a 2018 open-border Los Angeles protest, in the company of the soon to be exposed fraud Jussie Smollett. Both were leading demonstrations to stop deportations (“Down, down with deportation!”).

The image of Smollett-Harris also reminds of her past shoot-from-the-hip defense of that utter fraud and racial huckster in a tweet—one that is still proudly up: “This was an attempted modern-day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.

”Stuff adds up, insidiously so: the newfound border-security advocate Harris now has been exposed in past videos calling for the de facto abolishment of the border patrol, mass amnesties, no deportations, no wall, and free health care for illegal immigrants.

Finishing reading the rest of this brilliant piece below on X.....

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Interest rates. Deficits themselves don't cause inflation. It was the massive influx of dollars
they raise interest rates to tame inflation.. they are reactionary to inflation that is already there. We still have massive yearly deficit spending and have for decades, so why was inflation triggered in 2020?
Inflation was a result of labor and material shortage
they raise interest rates to tame inflation.. they are reactionary to inflation that is already there. We still have massive yearly deficit spending and have for decades, so why was inflation triggered in 2020?
Inflation was a result of labor and material shortage
Deficits don't cause inflation. It was the trillions upon trillions of dollars needlessly injected into the supply by Trump and Biden. Pretty sure I said that already
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Deficits don't cause inflation. It was the trillions upon trillions of dollars needlessly injected into the supply by Trump and Biden. Pretty sure I said that already
An overlooked driver of inflation is consumer spending. Compare 2023 and 2019. More units were purchased in 2023 than 2019. Autos, Travel/Leisure, Household Goods, Housing..,....
Not $$ amount but volume.

That's why big corporations' profits are up. Even with record profits, price reductions will be slower. It's a documented factor of our economy from raw numbers. It's also manner of capitalism, that must be protected but responsible
Deficits cause inflation. The trillions have to be created due to a deficit, which then expands the monetary supply.
Ok but not close to the extent we just saw. When we experienced was not done by deficits. That took massive efforts which included the many extra trillions from both admins. Without that nonsense it can still be "controlled"
Ok but not close to the extent we just saw. When we experienced was not done by deficits. That took massive efforts which included the many extra trillions from both admins. Without that nonsense it can still be "controlled"

The trillions are the deficits. I’m not following you here.

If your point is that it was more than the trillions, I agree. We did the worst of both worlds. We paid people (increased monetary supply) to stay home (decreased supply of good).
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Why are there people who served time for the "Russian Lie"? We'll take it another step. Why do so many of Trump's lawyers end up in jail? Your excuses only fly in a dumbed downed, right wing echo chamber. Hey, the Democrats are just as bad too. Bless your heart. You succumbed to social media. You have a voice now. That's cool. You're a fringe element in the big picture. You should have a voice. MTG is a great advocate for your ilk
Who served time?
Why are there people who served time for the "Russian Lie"? We'll take it another step. Why do so many of Trump's lawyers end up in jail? Your excuses only fly in a dumbed downed, right wing echo chamber. Hey, the Democrats are just as bad too. Bless your heart. You succumbed to social media. You have a voice now. That's cool. You're a fringe element in the big picture. You should have a voice. MTG is a great advocate for your ilk

Lmfao are you defending the “Russian collusion” nonsense story?

That’s amazing
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The trillions are the deficits. I’m not following you here.

If your point is that it was more than the trillions, I agree. We did the worst of both worlds. We paid people (increased monetary supply) to stay home (decreased supply of good).
No the bills that added the ridiculous money. You're wanting to just call them deficits when they are way above and beyond that. They were direct injections of cash by both admins that caused the pain
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An overlooked driver of inflation is consumer spending. Compare 2023 and 2019. More units were purchased in 2023 than 2019. Autos, Travel/Leisure, Household Goods, Housing..,....
Not $$ amount but volume.

That's why big corporations' profits are up. Even with record profits, price reductions will be slower. It's a documented factor of our economy from raw numbers. It's also manner of capitalism, that must be protected but responsible

don't confuse profit in absolute terms and profit margin. if margins aren't up there can be little to no price reductions. it also takes time to wash through the system as going concerns must price in line with future anticipated costs and inventory/materials replacement and capital investment (which is higher due to higher cost of capital).

as you note, if volume rises profit rises but that is not an indicator that prices are out of line with costs.
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don't confuse profit in absolute terms and profit margin. if margins aren't up there can be little to no price reductions. it also takes time to wash through the system as going concerns must price in line with future anticipated costs and inventory/materials replacement and capital investment (which is higher due to higher cost of capital).

as you note, if volume rises profit rises but that is not an indicator that prices are out of line with costs.
That all CAN be true. Large suppliers enter into contracts with an agreement on profit margin. All levels of the supply chain respond accordingly. Lowering COSTS is a more tedious process that takes a few cycles to affect selling price. The cost element is what drives the price

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