2024 Presidential Race

The token R told Medhi Hasan he “hopes his pager doesn’t go off”.

The table lost it.
Bug eyed girl went ballistic.

Best 2 mins I’ve ever seen on CNN.

*Now they’ve restarted the show and are issuing a public apology. They kicked dude off the show lol.
So Hasan can call Girdusky a Nazi and says Girdusky calls him a Antisemite to his face then Girdusky says to Hasan I have never call you a Antisemite. Then Hasan says I’m Palestine I’m used to it trying to needle Girdusky. Funny how Hasan gets a pass for his actions
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We all know it will never happen though. A leftie cannot avoid talking politics any easier than they can avoid breathing 😂

LG and BB prove this. BB is going through some health challenges but when he's not both he and LG can't take it anymore leave and come back sooner rather than later. BB tends to be more of a front runner though.
Well, I'm right about the celebrity thing, which was the point.

You're not voting Trump?
I agree both sides parade celebrity endorsements around like it matters. To be fair, it likely does matter to some as some would rather be told what to do rather than decide for themselves.

I don’t know. I’m definitely not voting Harris and do find Trump to be less worse than her as she has absolutely no substance. I struggle with whether that means I should vote for him. 95% of the crap you hear about Trump isn’t true so that’s not my reservation at all. In fact, all that stupidity almost makes me want to vote for him because it’s funny watching the left lose their minds over him. However, the man spends like crazy and I definitely don’t like him personally based on what I’ve seen and heard him say and do. Covid wasn’t good but I do allow that it would’ve been bad under anyone and really was a no win situation. I have two days to decide as I’m not waiting until Election Day.

Have a good one huff!

Far be it from me that I should argue with the genius of ChatGPT, but that is equine scatology. The only way in which the US visa system is "complex" is that it has a ton of options. Most would consider that an advantage if the nation wants to encourage legal immigration. There may be long wait times due to high demand, but I wouldn't think that a country with a prohibitive immigration system would generate high enough demand to develop long wait times.

The fact that this AI bot thinks Australia has an easier system than the US should tell you all you need to know.

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