2024 Presidential Race

Eh, I think “95% of the crap you hear about Trump isn’t true so that’s not my reservation at all. In fact, all that stupidity almost makes me want to vote for him because it’s funny watching the left lose their minds over him,” is enough to validate the comment.

There have been a few reported stories that were proven untrue. There have been more that have proven true. The majority have been somewhere in between.

There has been a significant shift in media coverage over the past 10 years. And not for the better. But even inflating the count with the “Experts say Trump rally statement may have broken the law” and “1,037 experts sign letter denouncing Trump” stories and tossing things like “asked his Vice President to overturn the results of the election” into the undecided category, you have to be at the point of ignoring admissions or adjudicated outcomes of things like sexual assault, fraud, and misspending charity funds to just write off “the crap you hear about Trump” as a nothing burger.

At that point, you’re a Trump supporter. Maybe not as obvious as pretending that you don’t see anything weird about kissing somebody’s else’s pre-teen daughter on the mouth, but enough that it’s a silly, disingenuous pretense.

Yeah, especially because it would be equally funny to see the right lose their minds about a Harris win. That's how this all feels when you don't actually have a side (or you could go the other way and feel equal despair, I guess).
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For the record, I do think that voting with your feet is fine. I think leaving a terrible political situation is fine. I think it's OK to feel helpless and move on with your life. This is a really easy thing to do within the United States, and it actually does send a message to lawmakers when Californians are leaving in droves for AZ.

But to respond to a point about the US by saying people should move to other countries is one of the lowest forms of political discourse.
I may have missed those posts where people were advocating for others to move.

Personally, I don't care if people leave, stay, move temporarily, or go on a hunger strike to protest. I mock the celebs who perform the same act every four years.
I may have missed those posts where people were advocating for others to move.

Personally, I don't care if people leave, stay, move temporarily, or go on a hunger strike to protest. I mock the celebs who perform the same act every four years.

One of my favorite political moments by a celebrity ever. IDC if you like Trump or not, this is the way. The "I'm not going anywhere." kills me. RIP

For the record, I did leave the country. In 2022. Even my small town was unbearable to me. I could no longer afford a life there. Luckily I'm used to being in different places and it was an easy transition.
You all still living there see more than I ever will at this point. I don't watch news. I watch interviews and laugh at the reviews. Trump lied at least once in the Rogan interview. Kamala can't form a coherent sentence. That is my view over here.
Trump is an ass. Luckily being from the great state of Tennessee I don't have to vote knowing who is going to win the state. But anyone thinking Kamala is going to do anything besides being a puppet for major interest is beyond the pale of stupidity. That &itch is the worst candidate ever.
That includes Trump, Biden, Dukakis, Hamilton and others. Can we please get back to civility in the US. I'm tired of defending our way of life with people getting attacked in airports, poop apps, and a whole litany of other things.
Bring civility back and behave, no matter who wins. I hope my nation comes back together before our enemies take
advantage of our weaknesses
if porn stars are fleeing the country..... (depending on election results).

*There's a list of "celebrities" vowing to leave if Trump is elected one page back. Post#53569.
I haven't seen any pornstars on my flights out. Plenty of plastic though but I think that is standard procedure for Latin America.

The Bud Light tranny dude tried to follow me to Peru. But they properly started cracking down on funding tranny BS.
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I haven't seen any pornstars on my flights out. Plenty of plastic though but I think that is standard procedure for Latin America.

The Bud Light tranny dude tried to follow me to Peru. But they properly started cracking down on funding tranny BS.

On her terms. Fly to me and you only get an hour. BS.

Her campaign knew Rogan wouldn't do that. She gets to say we tried.


Why wouldn't he do that? Why would they know he wouldn't do that?

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