2024 Presidential Race

I’ve come to the conclusion that there have been generally 3 types of Trump voters:

1. Traditional Republicans/conservatives that refuse to abandon their ideals, so they just swallow the bitter Trump pill

2. Far right and evangelical voters who are using Trump as their vehicle to pass extreme right laws and set extreme right court precedents in the name of their religious and/or far right beliefs.

3. Societal outcasts who feel a sense of belonging in the Trump social circles. It’s nothing substantive in their core beliefs that drives them, but the spectacle, the fandom, and the camaraderie.

But now, I think a significant (enough) 4th type has brought this one home for Donny and company….

4. Male Hispanic voters who would rather vote for someone that scapegoats them than a woman.
Not only are you FOS, you can't count either.
I just saw Portnoy's video on why Democrats lost..... It's very much in line with my thoughts. As someone who didn't support either of the candidates I feel like there wasn't a great choice..... But there was only one choice, if you forced me to make one.

For the record I lost my right to vote as a stupid young man. And I have many old friends who've lost their rights as well.

I will tell you from discussion with them..... Felons who've lost their rights to vote often work construction with illegal aliens and legal workers from across the border......... And it's not uncommon to find out through discussion on job sites that they have voted ........... And that's a huge problem for them.

They can understand the consequences of their actions....... And even though they completely changed their lives and have paid taxes, stayed out of trouble for decades they can't vote and participate in the process that affects their children......... But a guy can come to this country as a guest worker, or illegally and cast a vote they can't........... That sticks with you!

You and I have a whole lot in common. Keep on keeping on brother. Fwiw...I believe any American citizen has an irrevocable right to both bear arms AND vote. As long as a third of my paycheck is being taken from me without my permission before I even get my check....i will vote, bear arms, and do anything else other Americans do with zero regard for what some piece of paper or politician says. Try and come take whats mine...that would be a mistake. I keep to myself, give to the Church and back to my community, lead a responsible lifestyle and treat people with kindness and respect.

I have given about a third of my time and hard earned money to the bloated government for over 30 years straight. Whats mine is mine. I have rights, not privileges. Just my $0.02
Van Jones

"The elitism has gotten so bad we didn't even understand where the working class was."

Hey he got it!

A little different take than he had an hour ago when he declared that “we’ve underestimated the amount of darkness in the souls of a huge part of America”

He is race baiting trash.
Wonder how much money has been laundered thru the pointless war in Ukraine?

We have wasted so much $$$ and 2 generations of Ukrainian men for nothing....just to enrich the MIC. On a war that Ukraine and Russia had a tentative deal to end almost 2 years ago....but the Biden admin forced Ukraine to back out of the deal and continue the war.

As long as the MIC and other lobbyists are allowed to legally bribe our elected officials in the highest offices to do THEIR bidding....instead of doing what they were elected to do...we will continue down this path to destruction and ever larger government, deficits, endless wars that nobody ,"wins".

Lobbies are bribery plain and simple. Corporations, PACs,NGOs, etc maximum donations should be capped at exactly the same numbers private citizen donations are...IF at all we allow them to continue to bribe our government.

Much like term limits, this will never happen though. Even with Trump in office...the ONLY president in my 47 years that is NOT bought and paid for by the MIC...we could never get term limits passed or lobbying banned because our lawmakers are crooked and already owned. Its ridiculous, and Americans should be PISSED.

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