2024 Presidential Race

Who do you suggest? VR or RD have my primary vote. After that who?
Definitely Nikki. VR has said some silly things such as firing half the federal workers based on their SS numbers. At age 38 he's just not yet ready. Being President is not amateur hour

DeSantis would be a better choice but he has some baggage of his own that Dems can exploit. They can't attack Nikki much 'cause she's a female "of color"
Definitely Nikki. VR has said some silly things such as firing half the federal workers based on their SS numbers. At age 38 he's just not yet ready. Being President is not amateur hour

DeSantis would be a better choice but he has some baggage of his own that Dems can exploit. They can't attack Nikki much 'cause she's a female "of color"

Nikki is a Bush, McCain, Romney clone. She’ll do nothing but expand the federal government, protect the establishment and it will be status quo with more war and federal overreach.
Nikki is a Bush, McCain, Romney clone. She’ll do nothing but expand the federal government, protect the establishment and it will be status quo with more war and federal overreach.
She'll be far better than Biden. She won't do student loan forgiveness. She won't appoint people 'cause they're black lesbians. She won't put folks like KB Jackson on the SCOTUS
i said it years ago that the black community was in trouble because the growing Hispanic community has usurped their political power. We see it now in blue city urban areas how their opinions are discarded. Just like Dems throwing middle class under the bus and being the party oif the rich and elite.
Yep. And the idiot middle class hasn't figured it out either.
She'll be far better than Biden. She won't do student loan forgiveness. She won't appoint people 'cause they're black lesbians. She won't put folks like KB Jackson on the SCOTUS
She wants to means test SS. That's a non starter for me. I have paid a lot into that damned pot. I at least want what I put in before I go TU.

The Florida Dem party is an embarrassment to me, and other Dems. They cannot recruit decent people to run to save their lives.

You should be embarassed.
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True but she’ll be bad in other ways that screw us. If Nikki wins the establishment wins.

Ha, ha: You had the corrupt gangster for four years. He accomplished nothing but did line his own pockets and got impeached twice. Legislative achievements? Health care reform? Was supposed to happen, didn't. Infrastructure? Nope. Covid? Botched. The establishment means qualified, competent people.
No, he doesn’t understand
This was a while ago but it’s still funny.

My buddy had a girlfriend that was out of work for several months, thus he was supporting her. One time she took most of the bill money for the month and bought him a bunch of Christmas gifts. When he found out he was obviously pissed. She called him ungrateful and couldn’t believe he was mad that his girlfriend bought him all these nice gifts.

That illustration is Bidenomics and the dumb*** response to Bidenomics by his dumb*** supporters. They just can’t believe we aren’t happier about the current state of affairs! What is wrong with us!!!
Inflation down to 3.2% still means that prices are rising, you do know this, right? If Inflation was 8% and it drops to 3.2%, you haven't erased the previous price increases, nor are prices falling.

You do understand this, right?

You must be a mathematician. Good work.

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