2024 Presidential Race

The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced Monday evening that four 2024 GOP primary candidates will participate in the fourth debate on Wednesday.

Former President Donald Trump is skipping the fourth debate, as he did for the first three, and will instead attend a fundraiser in Florida. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, conservative businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie all met the RNC’s upped debate criteria, and will take the stage in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, according to the press release.


Both political parties continue to point the blame and no one has a solution.

You'll have to do better as a source than the Epoch Times--owned by Falun Gong and a right-wing site.

I haven't read stats lately, but clearly the middle class was hurt by the outsourcing of our manufacturing sector, starting 25+ years ago, along with a 25 year stretch of wage stagnation starting in the late 80s. It was closer to 30 years. Vulture capitalism and rampant corporate greed. Those are two big reasons why the middle-class has struggled. There are huge numbers of Americans working for crap pay--fact--and this has been true for a long time.
When you’ve got “republicans” saying stuff like this, you know many of the people in Congress aren’t actually conservatives and just claim that to get elected. She’s a real POS. Her father and his wars were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and yet Trump is the bad guy that she can’t shut up about.

i said it years ago that the black community was in trouble because the growing Hispanic community has usurped their political power. We see it now in blue city urban areas how their opinions are discarded. Just like Dems throwing middle class under the bus and being the party oif the rich and elite.

Yeah, but it's an addiction; the black community is addicted to the dem lever. The first step is going to be the realization that they always vote dem, and the dems always count on that vote and screw them anyway. Addicts don't make good choices and when they are surrounded by other addicts rather than people who would point out what they are doing wrong, so you can't really expect change.
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Unless it’s in a movie, I don’t care what Clooney has to say.

Actors portray others because they have nothing to add themselves. Too bad people as a whole never figure that out because actors can be so convincing ... generally empty heads but gifted speakers. Maybe because there are no conflicting thoughts rattling around in their heads. There are some exceptions, of course.
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When you’ve got “republicans” saying stuff like this, you know many of the people in Congress aren’t actually conservatives and just claim that to get elected. She’s a real POS. Her father and his wars were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and yet Trump is the bad guy that she can’t shut up about.
What is her position on that war? Sins of the father and all that...

When you’ve got “republicans” saying stuff like this, you know many of the people in Congress aren’t actually conservatives and just claim that to get elected. She’s a real POS. Her father and his wars were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and yet Trump is the bad guy that she can’t shut up about.
This c***, "the Halliburton princess" gets way to much air time.
You'll have to do better as a source than the Epoch Times--owned by Falun Gong and a right-wing site.

I haven't read stats lately, but clearly the middle class was hurt by the outsourcing of our manufacturing sector, starting 25+ years ago, along with a 25 year stretch of wage stagnation starting in the late 80s. It was closer to 30 years. Vulture capitalism and rampant corporate greed. Those are two big reasons why the middle-class has struggled. There are huge numbers of Americans working for crap pay--fact--and this has been true for a long time.
Not MSNBC enough for you?

Printing money and government greed period.

Republicans and Democrats get rich off the backs of Americans . They tell you who to hate and that is the core reason you should vote for them. Not because they are competent, hard working or particularly intelligent.
Not a damn one leaves office poor.

When you’ve got “republicans” saying stuff like this, you know many of the people in Congress aren’t actually conservatives and just claim that to get elected. She’s a real POS. Her father and his wars were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people, and yet Trump is the bad guy that she can’t shut up about.
The POS is selling a book. She has to appeal to democrats to sell books.
The POS is selling a book. She has to appeal to democrats to sell books.

You've got screws loose, Earl. Cheney is one of the few Republicans with personal integrity--an individual who puts country over party.
That used to be what the self-styled "patriots" were all about, but they're now just a bunch of stupid, nihilistic rednecks unable, or unwilling, to accept reality.
You've got screws loose, Earl. Cheney is one of the few Republicans with personal integrity--an individual who puts country over party.
That used to be what the self-styled "patriots" were all about, but they're now just a bunch of stupid, nihilistic rednecks unable, or unwilling, to accept reality.

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You've got screws loose, Earl. Cheney is one of the few Republicans with personal integrity--an individual who puts country over party.
That used to be what the self-styled "patriots" were all about, but they're now just a bunch of stupid, nihilistic rednecks unable, or unwilling, to accept reality.
"That the best you can do? Petty insults are the workings of a small mind. Rubes have opinions---but not enough intelligence to support them."

-- Turbovol/LG

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