2024 Presidential Race

Perhaps the part that stings the worst is how fervently we in the conservative base defended the guy from all of the attacks, ridicule, and hate from the left while he was in office. We had his back every single day of his term. And now he pays that support back in this way? It isn’t the betrayal as much as the ingratitude that stands out to me.
I understand him not being able to endorse or vote for Trump; but someone with any sense of integrity could have just said nothing or even “I don’t discuss politics as a former VP”. But to go out of his way to publicly endorse the people who called him an evil, manipulative fool back then is just sad and pathetic.

This conservative never defended Cheney. How could any conservative defend him?

Can I get a witness?! ...PREACH! My goodness......she is AWESOME.

The two party system is a scam, its been a huge scam since about half way through Reagan. The Republican party was using what are now Trump voters, even the ones that didn't believe could not defend it after McCain and Romney. Its good to see the remaining people starting to admit to the Truth.

"Meanwhile, the Harris campaign still refuses to provide details on how to fix things. She’s running on “vibes” because Harris herself often speaks incoherently, even in non-threatening settings. Her plan, such that there is one, comes from leaks to friendly media sources or social media posts by surrogates like Mark Cuban. They spin Harris as an economic moderate, despite her leftist musings about regulating grocery prices, her refusal to disavow a loopy Biden proposed tax on unrealized capital gains (aka stock that hasn’t been sold), which isn’t just rank socialism, but would tank the stock market."

Billionaires bad?
Are we supposed to be impressed? Throughout the history of our country wages have outpaced inflation
If wages are outpacing inflation - which they are - then the goobers need to stop b**ching about not being able to afford eggs.
Perhaps the part that stings the worst is how fervently we in the conservative base defended the guy from all of the attacks, ridicule, and hate from the left while he was in office. We had his back every single day of his term. And now he pays that support back in this way? It isn’t the betrayal as much as the ingratitude that stands out to me.
I understand him not being able to endorse or vote for Trump; but someone with any sense of integrity could have just said nothing or even “I don’t discuss politics as a former VP”. But to go out of his way to publicly endorse the people who called him an evil, manipulative fool back then is just sad and pathetic.
Cheney is establishment. Harris is establishment.
I never saw a concerted effort.....I think that may be a rightwing/fox creation.
Plus, trump was never even remotely as sharp as a tack and he never stepped down.
Well, do a brief Google search and educate yourself. Everyone else saw it, you too can be entertained by this administration’s disingenuous attempts to convince the American public that Biden was mentally fit.

As for Trump, he was not cognitively impaired like Biden; he is just rude, and a bafoon.

Regardless, both the questions I asked have gone unanswered. Noted.

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