2024 Presidential Race

Even Warren Buffett hates the gangster--and why wouldn't he. He's a decent, legitimately successful man, and a good American.


Shock New Poll has Nikki Haley Trouncing Biden By 17 POINTS in a head-to-head for the White House... but still trails Trump in primary contest by 40 points​

In a poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal, former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley came out way ahead of President Joe Biden in a general election matchup by a much larger margin than Trump polls against the current president.

Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, showed she would be a formidable general election opponent to Joe Biden, coming out 17 points ahead of the sitting leader, as compared with Trump's four-point lead against him.

Against the current president, Haley would, according the WSJ, receive 51 percent of the vote, while Biden would receive just 34 percent. That kind of defeat for Biden would be the worst loss suffered by any presidential candidate in the last forty years.

The same poll shows former President Trump earning 47 percent of the vote compared to Biden's 43 percent.

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Despite Trump's slimmer potential margin of victory, he remains some 40 points ahead of Haley in the polls with an estimated 60 percent of Republican voters supporting him.

The poll also found that even if Trump were to be convicted of a felony - he is presently charged with 91 felony counts in four criminal prosecutions taking place around the US - he would only trail Biden by one point.

View attachment 601253

Run Nikki and Win
Run Trump and Lose

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions……
You don’t think Nikki could/would?

No. A trojan horse. Somebody that is 40 to 50 points back in the primary will win by more than quadruple the next person? These are democrats and rino's distorting the polls. This is a Romney vote and most realize it that think outside the box.
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@hog88 likely basing that on MO winding up Dem nominee. If he's right Haley can still win, but it'll be a much tougher road.

Even if I'm wrong about MO being the dem nominee (which would be shocking since I'm rarely incorrect) I don't believe Nikki could beat whoever winds up with the Dem nomination. She just won't get people to the ballot box, she's Romney in a skirt.
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Even if I'm wrong about MO being the dem nominee (which would be shocking since I'm rarely incorrect) I don't believe Nikki could beat whoever winds up with the Dem nomination. She just won't get people to the ballot box, she's Romney in a skirt.

I’m not making any predictions about 2024. I predicted a while back that there was no way Donald Trump would be the nominee. I said too many of his hardcore base had moved on. It seems he’s expanded it since then. I was wrong.
I’m not making any predictions about 2024. I predicted a while back that there was no way Donald Trump would be the nominee. I said too many of his hardcore base had moved on. It seems he’s expanded it since then. I was wrong.

I just don't think it will matter who the R nominee is.
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Even if I'm wrong about MO being the dem nominee (which would be shocking since I'm rarely incorrect) I don't believe Nikki could beat whoever winds up with the Dem nomination. She just won't get people to the ballot box, she's Romney in a skirt.
you sure are pig headed about MO..

edit: hey OB, that was pretty good and need to file for future use with hog
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I predict Trump will be ahead at midnight, but will wake up and Joe just ecked it out. They are gonna cheat in the Dem battleground stated, they will get caught redhanded and chaos erupts.
Haley might have a chance against Newsom (in a true election) if for some reason the DNC gives him the nomination but that's about the only nominee that I think she could beat. It would probably be the lowest ever turn out for a presidential election.
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Me thinks the Pelosi mob is about to stab the Biden crime family in the back, and has the blessing of Godfather DNC.
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