2024 Presidential Race

If Haley were to win...she won't, but still.....if she were to win, I would go bet a large sum of money that John Bolton would be appointed as secretary of state or secretary of defense.
I just briefly saw Bolton being interviwed by Psaki. Strange times.

Shock New Poll has Nikki Haley Trouncing Biden By 17 POINTS in a head-to-head for the White House... but still trails Trump in primary contest by 40 points​

In a poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal, former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley came out way ahead of President Joe Biden in a general election matchup by a much larger margin than Trump polls against the current president.

Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, showed she would be a formidable general election opponent to Joe Biden, coming out 17 points ahead of the sitting leader, as compared with Trump's four-point lead against him.

Against the current president, Haley would, according the WSJ, receive 51 percent of the vote, while Biden would receive just 34 percent. That kind of defeat for Biden would be the worst loss suffered by any presidential candidate in the last forty years.

The same poll shows former President Trump earning 47 percent of the vote compared to Biden's 43 percent.


Despite Trump's slimmer potential margin of victory, he remains some 40 points ahead of Haley in the polls with an estimated 60 percent of Republican voters supporting him.

The poll also found that even if Trump were to be convicted of a felony - he is presently charged with 91 felony counts in four criminal prosecutions taking place around the US - he would only trail Biden by one point.


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Chyt-4-brains Joe cements his legacy as the worst WH occupant in the history of the USofA!

President Joe Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history, FiveThirtyEight polling shows.

The poll found Biden’s approval rating is -18 percentage points:

  • 37.7 percent approve of Biden
  • 55.6 percent disapprove of Biden
Biden’s -18 percentage points is the lowest in modern history, previous FiveThirtyEight polling found:

Polling shows a downward trend for the president:

  • CNN Poll: Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to lowest of his presidency
  • NBC News: Biden’s approval rating tanked to the lowest level of his presidency.
  • Morning Consult: Trump leads Biden in six of seven crucial swing states.
  • Gallup Poll: Joe Biden’s support among independents drops eight points to a record low 27 percent.

Chyt-4-brains Joe cements his legacy as the worst WH occupant in the history of the USofA!

President Joe Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history, FiveThirtyEight polling shows.

The poll found Biden’s approval rating is -18 percentage points:

  • 37.7 percent approve of Biden
  • 55.6 percent disapprove of Biden
Biden’s -18 percentage points is the lowest in modern history, previous FiveThirtyEight polling found:

Polling shows a downward trend for the president:

  • CNN Poll: Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to lowest of his presidency
  • NBC News: Biden’s approval rating tanked to the lowest level of his presidency.
  • Morning Consult: Trump leads Biden in six of seven crucial swing states.
  • Gallup Poll: Joe Biden’s support among independents drops eight points to a record low 27 percent.

now just get people to realize it isnt the man, it is their radical agenda.
"President Biden and his supporters project their own authoritarian impulses onto Mr. Trump because they don’t want to come to terms with their own illiberalism. The examples in the Biden presidency are rife.

With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Biden tried to cancel half a trillion dollars in student debt, ban evictions and mandate Covid vaccines—each of which the Supreme Court blocked because Congress never gave the president the authority to do so. Even after losing at the high court, his administration has used other regulatory means to write off about $770 billion in student debt.

Mr. Biden has abused his authority under the 1906 Antiquities Act to wall off nearly 1.5 million acres of land from fossil-fuel development. He’s reconstructed the Clean Air Act to shut down coal and gas power plants and ban gasoline-powered cars. And he has ignored Congress’s command to lease federal land for oil and gas drilling and dallied on holding auctions even after being ordered by a federal court to do so.

His administration has failed to enforce the nation’s immigration laws, paroling millions of migrants into the U.S. rather than detaining them at the border or holding them in Mexico while they await hearings. The immigration-court backlog has doubled to two million since 2019 amid a surge of migrants exploiting lax law enforcement.

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The top brass has threatened social-media companies with retribution, including antitrust lawsuits, if they don’t censor speech that progressives dislike. The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in September ruled that Biden officials had violated the First Amendment by colluding with tech platfoms to squelch politically disfavored speech about Covid and elections.

A phalanx of regulators—the Federal Trade Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, National Labor Relations Board and Justice Department—has targeted Elon Musk’s companies for sundry regulatory infractions after the tech entrepreneur criticized Democrats’ leftward lurch and recommended Americans vote for Republicans in the 2022 midterms."

Chyt-4-brains Joe cements his legacy as the worst WH occupant in the history of the USofA!

President Joe Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history, FiveThirtyEight polling shows.

The poll found Biden’s approval rating is -18 percentage points:

  • 37.7 percent approve of Biden
  • 55.6 percent disapprove of Biden
Biden’s -18 percentage points is the lowest in modern history, previous FiveThirtyEight polling found:

Polling shows a downward trend for the president:

  • CNN Poll: Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to lowest of his presidency
  • NBC News: Biden’s approval rating tanked to the lowest level of his presidency.
  • Morning Consult: Trump leads Biden in six of seven crucial swing states.
  • Gallup Poll: Joe Biden’s support among independents drops eight points to a record low 27 percent.


just for you
Happy Festivus
Chyt-4-brains Joe cements his legacy as the worst WH occupant in the history of the USofA!

President Joe Biden is the least popular president in modern U.S. history, FiveThirtyEight polling shows.

The poll found Biden’s approval rating is -18 percentage points:

  • 37.7 percent approve of Biden
  • 55.6 percent disapprove of Biden
Biden’s -18 percentage points is the lowest in modern history, previous FiveThirtyEight polling found:

Polling shows a downward trend for the president:

  • CNN Poll: Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to lowest of his presidency
  • NBC News: Biden’s approval rating tanked to the lowest level of his presidency.
  • Morning Consult: Trump leads Biden in six of seven crucial swing states.
  • Gallup Poll: Joe Biden’s support among independents drops eight points to a record low 27 percent.

Joe's toast.
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Right on cue....

"Romney said, “Well, because if I endorse someone it would be the kiss of death. Should I endorse the person I like least right now?”

He continued, “I’m not gonna be endorsing President Trump, obviously. I’ve made that very clear. Look, Chris Christie has done a terrific job so far. I think his being in the race has kept Donald Trump from coming to the debates, because I think Donald Trump recognized if he went to the debate with Chris Christie, Chris Christie would reveal him for what he was. And Trump would be badly hurt. So he stayed out.”

His minion Fat Bastard will destroy Austin Powers...mu hoo hoo ha ha
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Breaking: Joe Biden to enlist Hillary Clinton to help him with his run for President.

This is stunning considering considering Kamala Harris never gets mentioned as a key person on the stump. She pretty much is a non factor.
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Trump is even stronger than he looks against his Republican rivals​

Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN
Published 12:00 PM EST, Sat December 9, 2023

Polls continue to show Donald Trump with a massive lead over his competition for the Republican presidential nomination. Yet, many of his opponents continue to hold their fire against the former president. They may be doing so in hopes of eliminating all their non-Trump competition before taking on Trump himself.

The problem with this plan is that it won’t work. Trump’s rivals have to do something different to knock him off his perch. Unlike in 2016, when there were signs that he could be defeated in a one-on-one contest (which never actually happened), Trump holds major advantages this time around.

He’s up by more than 40 points nationally when polled against his closest rivals (Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley). More than that, he is pulling in greater than 60% of the Republican vote. Even if his rivals were able to consolidate into one super candidate, Trump would still win majority support.

They are pullng the fire alarm to get Joe to drop out. If he stays in the race, he will magically rebound in polls next Fall and win the election by .01% in each battleground state, cause abortion brought them out in numbers.
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