2024 Presidential Race

I've always been fascinated by the supposed concern that average, GOP-leaning Joes express about THE GOVERNMENT, or the size of our government. The government doesn't affect you, really, in any way. The government exists to do good things for the country, so it's perplexing that crackers would spend much time fretting about it. Why? What is it about THE GOVERNMENT that you pretend to dislike--I say pretend because, as I say, it's not like the federal government is adversely affecting you. In fact, just the opposite. We'd have no farmers in America if it weren't for the federal government. Our air and water would be filthy without the federal government. Our senior citizens would be dying in the street without Medicare; the same for the poor and needy without Medicaid. Who do think has aided America's private oil and gas companies for decades with subsidies and tax breaks? Listening to Joes complaining about THE GOVERNMENT and government spending is truly amusing.
You have posted a lot of stupid things in this forum lately but this one has to be the worst. "The government doesn't affect you, really, in any way".

I think you have lost what little bit of a mind you had.
I've always been fascinated by the supposed concern that average, GOP-leaning Joes express about THE GOVERNMENT, or the size of our government. The government doesn't affect you, really, in any way. The government exists to do good things for the country, so it's perplexing that crackers would spend much time fretting about it. Why? What is it about THE GOVERNMENT that you pretend to dislike--I say pretend because, as I say, it's not like the federal government is adversely affecting you. In fact, just the opposite. We'd have no farmers in America if it weren't for the federal government. Our air and water would be filthy without the federal government. Our senior citizens would be dying in the street without Medicare; the same for the poor and needy without Medicaid. Who do think has aided America's private oil and gas companies for decades with subsidies and tax breaks? Listening to Joes complaining about THE GOVERNMENT and government spending is truly amusing.
Your post is a little confusing. You say the government "doesn't affect you", but then you go on and bloviate all these things it allegedly does for us. Which is it?

You're an idiot.
I've always been fascinated by the supposed concern that average, GOP-leaning Joes express about THE GOVERNMENT, or the size of our government. The government doesn't affect you, really, in any way. The government exists to do good things for the country, so it's perplexing that crackers would spend much time fretting about it. Why? What is it about THE GOVERNMENT that you pretend to dislike--I say pretend because, as I say, it's not like the federal government is adversely affecting you. In fact, just the opposite. We'd have no farmers in America if it weren't for the federal government. Our air and water would be filthy without the federal government. Our senior citizens would be dying in the street without Medicare; the same for the poor and needy without Medicaid. Who do think has aided America's private oil and gas companies for decades with subsidies and tax breaks? Listening to Joes complaining about THE GOVERNMENT and government spending is truly amusing.
I laughed pretty hard at the part about senior citizens and poor people dying in streets if not for Medicare and Medicaid.
He’s ridiculous.

How big would your vagina have to be that you essentially credit your entire existence and sustained existence to the Federal Government. The beta is strong in that one!
So only Donald Trump can be a terrible enough president to get Joe Biden elected. And only Joe Biden can be a terrible enough president to get Donald Trump elected to another term.

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True, but it also points out how bad the rest of the trash in the running really are, When Trump and biden are the "cream" of the crop, there's a real problem in the process. Political, academic, and corporate "leadership" in this country sucks, and nobody else is getting a whiff of the selection process.
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I've always been fascinated by the supposed concern that average, GOP-leaning Joes express about THE GOVERNMENT, or the size of our government. The government doesn't affect you, really, in any way. The government exists to do good things for the country, so it's perplexing that crackers would spend much time fretting about it. Why? What is it about THE GOVERNMENT that you pretend to dislike--I say pretend because, as I say, it's not like the federal government is adversely affecting you. In fact, just the opposite. We'd have no farmers in America if it weren't for the federal government. Our air and water would be filthy without the federal government. Our senior citizens would be dying in the street without Medicare; the same for the poor and needy without Medicaid. Who do think has aided America's private oil and gas companies for decades with subsidies and tax breaks? Listening to Joes complaining about THE GOVERNMENT and government spending is truly amusing.

This is one of your dumber posts, and racist too.

Farmers would be doing much better if the federal government never inserted itself into agriculture.
I don’t remember my grandparents talking about the elderly dying in the streets prior to medicaid/medicare, I’m sure that would have come up.
True, but it also points out how bad the rest of the trash in the running really are, When Trump and biden are the "cream" of the crop, there's a real problem in the process. Political, academic, and corporate "leadership" in this country sucks, and nobody else is getting a whiff of the selection process.

The democrats are shutting out others.

For Biden to be an imbecile his entire career, what does he have on others or was he tied to mobsters?
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The polls mean nothing now and will change a lot--particularly if the economy continues to be strong, as it is now. Also, whatever people think of Biden--and polls are based on perceptions that often conflict with facts--is separate from whom they might otherwise support. There is no, if not Biden, then the gangster. Not at all. There are lots of other Republicans out there--a couple with a modicum of integrity. Eighty percent of the men in prison have more integrity and character than the gangster. For people to support a man who tried to subvert an American election, incited an attack on the U.S. Capitol that resulted in multiple deaths--meaning we actually had a president who was responsible for the deaths of several people--well, it's inexplicable. You have to a mental disability to support the gangster--and certainly aren't a true American.

Yeah I think we are thinking the same. The polls are going to change and Biden's numbers are likely to continue to slide.

ooooh..far right..scary
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I think Joe will lose due in part to the facts the come out related to the Biden Crime Syndicate and what is uncovered, and the family business cover up.
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I think Joe will lose due in part to the facts the come out related to the Biden Crime Syndicate and what is uncovered, and the family business cover up.
At this point I think he will as well. Unfortunately for the Dems the bench behind him is pretty thin, with other hypothetical candidates polling even worse than Joe in a match up with Trump. Michelle doesn't like Washington DC, so she won't be a factor.

LinkedIn Co-Founder and Epstein Island Visitor Reid Hoffman Donates $700,000 to Biden Campaign​

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LinkedIn co-founder and noted visitor to Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous island Reid Hoffman has recently donated $699,600 to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, a move that has sparked controversy due to Hoffman’s past political scandals and associations.

The New York Post reports that Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn and a well-known woke billionaire, has recently made a contribution of $699,600 to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Hoffman’s political activities have been a subject of scrutiny for quite some time.

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So he donates to Joe Biden and Nuclear Nikki. That should tell you all you need to know about that RINO clown.
At this point I think he will as well. Unfortunately for the Dems the bench behind him is pretty thin, with other hypothetical candidates polling even worse than Joe in a match up with Trump. Michelle doesn't like Washington DC, so she won't be a factor.

The fact that her name is being bandied about lets you know how thin their bench is. Heck Biden is part of a thin bench. In no other decade could he get close to the White House. He is the worst POTUS in history and that includes other racists and socialists in the democrat party like Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson.
So he donates to Joe Biden and Nuclear Nikki. That should tell you all you need to know about that RINO clown.

I won't go as far to call her a clown, but it should be a signal when democrats are trying to pump her up. Unlike Desantis, she never talks about her record as governor. She just doesn't move the needle for me. Democrats see her easier to pick off or continue politics as usual.
The fact that her name is being bandied about lets you know how thin their bench is. Heck Biden is part of a thin bench. In no other decade could he get close to the White House. He is the worst POTUS in history and that includes other racists and socialists in the democrat party like Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson.
We are once again in agreement.

Isn't it amazing that the democrats and leftists scream "racist!" so often, yet they lack the ability to look inward and reflect on the history of their own party? They are the damaged.

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